4 Musketeers History in Pictures 2000-01 to 2009-10 test

This is the start of the fourth 10 seasons (2000-01 / 2009-10) of Musketeer History in Pictures


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We are always seeking additional Musketeer photographs you may want to share.  Any season, any player, any game;
we will find a place for your photos in this history project. 
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**********************************This Site is Under Construction**********************************
We are in the process of rebuilding and reformatting all of the BatchellerPad, USHLstuff and MusketeersStuff web pages.
There are still some missing pictures, poor spacing, boarder issues and questionable spelling
 I am busily chipping away at these issues.

The Musketeers start their fourth decade as members of the United States Hockey League.

League contracts from fourteen to twelve Member teams playing a fifty-six game regular season schedule. Thunder Bay and the
US National team leave the league. The Fargo-Moorehead Sharks move to Illinois joining the league as the Chicago Steel and the Twin
City Vilcans move to Nebraska becoming the Tri-City (Hastings, Grand Island, Kearney) Storm.

Eastern Conference: Green Bay Gamblers, Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Waterloo Black Hawks, Chicago Steel,
Dubuque Fighting Saints, Rochester Mustangs
Western Conference: Lincoln Stars, Sioux Falls Stampede, Omaha Lancers, Des Moines Buccaneers,
Tri-City Storm, Sioux City Musketeers

A final season record of 27-22-7 while winning was only enough for last place place in the very tough western division.
However, this
season’s play-off format still allowed them an eighth seed and another run at the Lincoln Stars.
Unfortunately, this series would end like
three previous series, with the Musketeer unable to solve the Stars.

New Ownership Arrives in Sioux City
After nineteen seasons, two Anderson Cups, two Clark Cups, four National Championship showings and a National
Championship Victory, local
owners Ted and Mary Jo Carlson decide it’s time to sell the team. The Carlson’s
were first instrumental in the success of the new Siouxland
Youth  Hockey program in the early 70’s. Their support
of youth hockey continued to grow, and in 1981 their purchase of the team rescued
the Musketeers from a certain
death in the newly formatted USHL. Ted and Mary Jo would build the Musketeers into a powerhouse team

during the early 80’s and form a dynasty that will likely never be equaled in the USHL.

New Owners Gary Weckworth and Associates purchased the team and added USHL veteran coach Dave
as Head Coach
and General Manager. Dave and his Assistant Coaches, Fred Harbinson and Jack
waste no time-bringing the Clark Cup
back to Sioux City the following season.

         Gary Weckworth Owner                    Dave Siciliano Head Coach & General Manager
Musketeers Owner 2000-02                                                    Musketeers 2000-08

Left: New Musketeer Owner Gary Weckworth prepared to introduce the new Musketeers Head Coach
Right: Gary
welcomes Head Coach and General Manager Dave Siciliano to Sioux City.

Gary Weckworth         Ted Carlson                                    Ted & Mary Jo Carlson            
Owner 2000-02            Owners 1981-2000                                                  Owners  1981-2000              

                                                                                                                                                        Dave & Carol Siciliano                                                                                                                                       Head Coach & GM 2000-08  / Housing & Player/Community Relations         
Left: New Owner Gary Weckworth chats with past owner Ted Carlson Right: Ted and Mary Jo Carlson talk
with new Head Coach Dave Siciliano and his wife Carol.

       Ted Carlson        Dave Siciliano                                      Carol Siciliano       Mary Jo Carlson

Left: Past nineteen season owner Ted Carlson & new Head Coach Dave Siciliano and Right: New Director of Player
Housing and Communication Relations Carol Siciliano talks with the Mary Jo Carlson;  other half of the Musketeer
ownership team that turned a sinking ship into a USHL powerhouse. 

Left: Carol, Mary Jo and host parent Sue Charteir all have their share of great hockey stories to share with each other.
 Even the younger fans are excited about the new announcement and the eventual start of a new hockey season.

Left: Musketeer Assistant Coach Ian Kaley, SYHA President Kirk Lukehart chat with Patty and Dave Gill. Kirk’s
son Alex would go on on to win a State Championship for the Metros in 2003 while Patty and Dave’s son Ben was a
member of the Metros back-to-back State Championship teams in 98 and 99. Right: Longtime Musketeer fans, host
parents and players watch the introduction of the new Head Coach Dave Siciliano.

Steve Allspach            Gary Weckworth                      Dave Siciliano             Jamie Zepp
Sioux City Journal 1981-Present         Owner 2000-02                       Head Coach/GM 2000-08         1998-002 KMEG TV
New Musketeer owner and Head Coach are interviewed by members of the local Siouxland media. Left: Veteran

sports reporter and current Sports Director of the Sioux City Journal Steve Allspach  talk with new Musketeer Owner
and CEO Gary Weckworth.  At the time of  this interview, Gary had also purchased the Musketeer’s rival to the north,
the Sioux Falls Stampede.

Right: KMEG Sports Director Jamie Zepp talks with new Musketeer coach Dave Siciliano. Dave brings tons of USHL
experience to the Musketeers organization having spent seven seasons coaching the very successful Thunder Bay Flyers.
He would also add several more seasons coaching in the WHL, OHL and the Canadian World Junior team before
returning to Sioux City.
Assistant Coach Ian Kaley, longtime equipment manager Billy Danderand, nineteen season owner Ted Carlson

and new Head Coach Dave Siciliano all get a chance to better know each other as the Press Conference
moves outside to a more casual setting. Right: Carol Siciliano talks with a pair of current player host parents.


Musketeers Front Office Staff
Gary Weckworth           Bill Yeakle            Brad Bowerman         Ranae Zindars          Lindsay King       

Owner/President           Executive Vice President        Sales & Promotions             Sales & Promotions              Office Manager      

Gary Weckworth purchases the Musketeers this season and takes on the ownership duties. He also purchases the Sioux Falls
Stampede. Bill Yeakle is named Executive Vice President and handels all of the day to day operations. He brings with him sales
and marketing experience having spent the prior three season with the Danville Wings (NAHL).   Brad Bowerman takes on the
head of Sales & Promotoions and is Assisted by Ranea Zindars who is also a past Danville Wings staff member. Lindsey King
joins the staff as Office Mangager

Musketeers Coaching Staff
Dave Siciliano             Fred Harbinson            Jack Kowal               
Billy Danderand          Matt Schmidt

Head Coach/GM                   Assistant Coach                  Assistant Coach                 Equipment Manager                      Trainer     
Dave Siciliano is named the new Musketeers Head Coach and General Manager this season. He is no stranger to the USHL having
coached the Thunder Bay Flyers for seven winning seasons including Four Anderson Cup Titles and two Clark Cup Championships.
Also on board are Assistant Coaches Fred Harinson and Jack Kowal.  Fred bring two seasons worth of experience having coached
a pair of seasons in the NAHL where he lead the Fernie Ghostriders to a both a league and play-off championships.  Jack brings tons
of experience with him having played and coached at the junior, college and professional levels.

Did You Know…Fred coached the 199902000 Fernie Ghoastriders (NAHL) through thirty-one game winning streak; a current
Jr. A record
that could certainally stand the test of time. 

Between the Pipes
Goaltenders Brian Panik and Jake Brandt would eventually form this year’s last defenders. After some difficulty finding a back-up

for Brian; Casey Beauvais and Bryan Smith both logged some time as back-ups, however, a mid season trade brought Jake Brandt to
Sioux City from Lincoln. Brain & Jake would play out the season splitting starts; both would finish among the top ten USHL goalies.

Brian Panik

Musketeers 2000-01
By the time Brian joined the Musketeers in 2000 he has already logged two plus seasons of junior hockey experience
playing in the North American League for the Chicago Freeze and the St. Louis Sting.
Brian would join the Musketeers for the start of the season and quickly secure the starting duties. He would garner
thirty games
and finish with a 14-10-4 record, making him one of the top ten USHL goalies.  Poised to take the starting
goalie duties the
next season, Brian was snagged in a special draft by the newly relocated Tulsa Crude. Logging another
thirty games in
Tulsa, where the Crude rarely won, he would compile a 8-18-3 record. The following season he would
move to
the America West League playing his final season for the Wichita Falls Rustlers.  

Jake Brandt
Musketeers 2000-01

Prior to joining the USHL Jake was a stand-out goaltender for Roseau High School leading his team to the State Tournament
both in 1999 and 2000; winning the tournament in ’99. He was a two-time All-Minnesota State Team selection, a three-time
All-Conference Team selection and in 2000 received the Frank Brimsek Award presented to the state’s top goaltender.
Following the tournament, Jake Brandt would spend the remainder of the season playing for the Thunder Bay
Flyers where
the rookie saw time in seven games posting a 2-4 record. Jake would start this following season with
the Lincoln Stars;
going 6-1 in his first seven starts. However, an early-season traded moved him to Sioux City
where he settled into a
starting rotation. He saw sixteen games and finished the season with an 8-4-3 record; his
2.81 goals against
average and .903 save percentage placed him among the League’s top six goalies.

Did You Know…
Jake would go on to play four seasons at UND where his career Goals Against Average of 2.50 is

second lowest in school history, his .901 Save Percentage ranks third all-time & his .702 Winning Percentage the
fourth highest among Fighting Sioux net minders.

High Scorers
Scott Polaski               Brian Kerr                 Tim Judy                 John Zeiler            Brad Zancanaro   

Musketeers 1999-02          Musketeers 2000-01         Musketeers 1998-01         Musketeers 2000-02          Musketeers 2000-02  

Returning veteran Scott Polaski would top the list of Musketeers scorers again this season, this time as the leader with
goals and twenty-six assists. Rookie Brian Kerr would follow behind, grabbing thirteen goals and twenty-three
helpers. Another
veteran, Tim Judy would earn spots on both the High Scorers & Heavy Hitters lists this season scoring
eight goals and
twenty-four assists Rookies John Zeiler and Brad Zancanaro would finish respectively  with twenty-eight
and twenty-six
total points. Both players will see the High Scorers list next season in route to a Clark Cup Championship.

Heavy Hitters
                     Art Femenella          Brandon McCartin        Ryan Geris              David Vychodil             Tim Judy                             

Musketeers 2000-03           Musketeers 1998-01         Musketeers 1999-02        Musketeers 2000-01         Musketeers 1998-01

Art Femenella arrived in Sioux City as a Musketeers rookie however he also boasted two previous USHL seasons with the
USA Developmental team. Art would set the pace with 252 penalty minutes this season and make his mark on the League
as one of the heavy hitters of all time. Third year veteran Brandon McCartin would finish his second season as one of the
teams penalty minute leaders with 139. Returner Ryan Geris finished the regular season with 109 minutes. David Vychodil
with 104 minutes.  Tim Judy would wrap up his third season as a Musketeers on both leader lists with 102 penalty minutes.

Did You Know…Sioux City’s Heavy Hitters would led the league this season on penalty time served; recording 1657 total
minutes. They would also lead the league in total minor penalties with 515 separate incidents and six game misconducts.

Musketeers vs. Sioux Falls Stampede
March 24th, 20001

Left: Goalie Brian Panik and Referee Travis Smith Right: Linesman Bob Batcheller and Referee Travis Smith. Over the
years he would go on to be a good friend and a terrific mentor. Thanks!!! Travis.

Did You know…Sioux City native and SYHA player Kyle Worner (Metros Class of ’99 / State Champion ’98 & ’99)
spend a pair of seasons (00-02) playing for the newly formed Tri-City Storm. He would become part of Storm
trivia when
he became the Storm’s first player selected in the USHL draft. Kyle’s previous season was in the America
West Hockey
League playing for the Helena Gold Rush.

Brad Zancanaro                     Zach Klann                     Justin Fletcher
Musketeers 2000-02                    Musketeers 2000-02                     Musketeers 2000-03

Left: Brad Zancanaro ties-up a much taller Stampede player.  Right: Zach Klann and Justin Fletcher are not happy with
referee Travis Smith’s decision on this disputed Sioux City goal.

Brad Zancanaro: After a season in the NAHL and the Frontier League, Brad joined the Musketeers and the USHL for
two seasons. Shown here during his rookie season, he would post ten goals and sixteen assists finishing this and next
season among the teams High Scorers. The following season the veteran would lead the team in scoring recording
twenty-six goals and a team leading forty-five assists.  During the play-offs, he went from goal scorer to play maker
assisting on thirteen Musketeer goals during the Clark Cup Championship run. He played every game two feet taller
and forty pounds heavier than the program listed him. He was selected to the USHL All Star Team as well
as the All-USHL First Team.

Zech Klann played two USHL seasons. In his first, he helped the Musketeers win Clark Cup Championship
with a win over the Omaha Lancers in a overtime goal that left the Omaha Fans stunned. The following season,
he was
traded to Omaha where he put-up nearly the same numbers as a Lancer.

Justin Fletcher: Logged three Seasons for the Musketeers. This rookie season here, he would record five assists,
add solid
and consistent defensive prowess to the line-up and grab the seasons Most Improved Player honors. The
following season,
the returning veteran would lend greatly to the seasons’ success. Recording three goals and ten assists
during the regular season
and chipping in a pair of post season goals and assists; helping Sioux City win its first Clark
Cup Championship in 16 years.
During his final season, he would finish fourth among all Musketeer scorers and lead
the defensive corps with a dozen
goals and thirty-one assists and is selected to the USHL All-Star Team.  He would go
on to play four seasons at
St. Cloud State, four seasons in the AHL and four more in the German Elite League (DEL).

2001 Musketeers Face off for Charity
2000-01 Musketeers Face Off for Charity held at Applebee’s restaurant. This would be the third season for the event

with its first dinner during the 98-99 season.

Ryan Geris                       Scott Polaski
Musketeers 1999-02                   Musketeers 1999-01

Left: Ryan Geris and Scott Polaski take a break between the the dinner sessions. Both Ryan and Scott would go on to play
at college and professional hockey.   Right: Ryan and Scott sign for a young Musketeer Fan as Paula Abdul looks on.

Did You Know:…Ryan Geris and Brandon Schwartz’s hockey path would cross again in 2007 when they both would
play for the Stockton Thunder in the ECHL. Brandon would lead the Thunder in scoring that season, netting sixteen goals
and thirty-six assists. The previous season Ryan would join the Thunder right after college, and seeing time in the remaining
six  regular season games. He would go on to play six more post-season games, netting a goal and two assists.

Brandon Schwartz                                                            John Zeiler
Musketeers 2000-02                                                                       Musketeers  2000-02

Left: Brandon Schwartz and Left: John Zeiler pose for some shots with Face of For Charity participants. Brandon would
go on to lead the Musketeers the next season with 30 goals. John would go on to play four NHL seasons and earn a cameo
in the Tooth Fairy playing across from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
Left: Art Femenella, Zach Klann and Jesse Modahl pose with a young Musketeer fan. Right: Brandon Schmitt and
John Zeiler exercise their new waiter skills.

Art Femenella
Musketeers 2000-03

Art played a pair of seasons for the USA Hockey National Developement Team in the North American League.
He would lead the team both seasons in penalty minutes. Art would also log three games in the USHL with
Team USA before joing the Musketeers this season.

 Junior hockey veteran but a Musketeer rookie Art Femenella would become one of the biggest and toughest
players in
the United State Hockey League. He would play in fifty-two games this first season in Sioux City,
recording both his first goal and assist as well as
recording a team leading 252 minutes in the box. Art would
also be selected a member of the 2001
USHL All-Star Team and represented the USHL in the Four Nations
Junior Tournament
where he helped lead Team USA to a second place finish. 
Art would go on to play two
additional seasons, along the way help the Musketeers capture a Clark Cup
Championship and become one of
the Musketeer all-time leaders in penalty minutes.

Did You Know…Art set a league leading season high of penalty minutes in a single game on March 3rd against the
Chicago Steel; recording thirty-four penalty minutes.

Scott Polaski
Musketeers 1999-2001
Scott logged a pair of very successful seasons as a Musketeer. Last season the rookie finished among the top

three Musketeer High Scorers recording thirty-seven points; posting fifteen goals and twenty-two assists during
the regular seasons. He also tallied six post-season points; three goals and three assists during a five
game opening round loss the the Lincoln Stars.

Scott Polask and his second final was loaded with accomplishment and excitement. Selected as one of the
team’s Alternate
Captains, he would lead the Musketeers in scoring with forty-four points, recording both a
a team leading eighteen
goals and twenty-six assists. He was also a USHL All-Star Game Selection.

Did You Know…Scott’s Aunt is 5-Time Olympic Gold Medal Speed Skater Bonnie Blair.  In 2004 Bonnie was
into the US Olympic Hall of Fame and at the time was the most decorated US Winter Olympian of all-time
with five goals
medals and a bronze.

Rostislav Klesla
Musketeers 1998-99
Rusty would play a single season for the Musketeers and then another season on the OHL before the pros came knocking. Drafted 4th in
the first round
of the 2000 NHL draft he would make his NHL debut October 7th against the Chicago BlackHawks. Rusty would get
three shots on goal and log sixteen
minutes of action on twenty-two shifts. Five nights later in Calgary, he would record his first
NHL red-lighter when he scores on Mike Vernon helping the
‘Jackets beat the Flames3-2

John Grahame

Musketeers 1993-94
First drafted by the Boston Bruins in the 1994, past Musketeer goaltender John Grahame  makes his NHL debut during
the 1999-00 NHL
season. On October 4th, Boston’s newest Bruin takes the ice against the Toronto Maple Leafs. He fends
off thirty Leafs shots, but can’t get
the win in this 4-0 loss. However, five games later John grabs his fist NHL win on October
23rd when he stops thirty-one shots and holds the San
Jose Sharks to a single goal giving the Bruins a 3-1 victory. The next
week, on October 30th, John earns his first NHL blanking when he
makes twenty-six saves in a 3-0 win over the Buffalo Sabres.
In March of 2003 John is traded to the Tampa Bay Lighting and the following
season gets to hoist the Stanley Cup in a game
seven win over the Calgary Flames.

 Musketeers vs. Rochester Mustangs
Sioux City Auditorium

 Left:  Right: Brad Zancanaro, John Zeiler, DavidVychodil and Justin Fletcher offer up congratulations to an unidentified Musketeer.

Left: Captain Tim Judy thinks I might be mistaken. Scott Polaski knows I right as usual!!! Right: Mustang Sage
squares off against Brandon Schmitt.

Tim Judy played three seasons as a Musketeer. During this final season he would finish in the top three Musketeer
scorers and
be voted one of the Alternate Team Captains. His thirty-two regular season points, included eight goals
and twenty-four assists, placing him among the Musketeers’ top three scorers and first among all team defencemen.
During his rookie season he would receive the Musketeers Most Improved Player Award and this final season be
chosen the
Musketeers Most Valuable Player and selected as a member of the USHL All-Star Team and a selection
the All-USHL Second Team.

Scott Polaski played two USHL seasons in Sioux City. Last season the rookie finished among the top three
Musketeer scorers
with thirty-seven regular season points; notching fifteen goals and twenty-two assists. He
would also finish second in post-
season scoring notching three goals and a team leading six assists. This season
both Scott’s team leading eighteen
goals and twenty-six assists gave him forty-four points, making him the
Musketeers regular season leading scorer.
Scott would also be selected a member of the USHL All-Star Team.

Brandon Schmitt logged a pair of seasons as a Musketeer. Last season the freshman he would see time in forty-three
games; notching four
goals, nine assists and 116 penalty minutes; third highest among the team and highest among all
USHL rookies. This season
the veteran would record seven goals & seven assists for fourteen points. Following
the Musketeers, he played for three Quinnipiac
University and is currently a member of the USA Hockey Officiating
Development Program

Ruslan Fedotenko
Musketeers 1998-99
Another Musketeer from that same area is also starting to make a name for himself in the pros. Ruslan Fedotenko skips the NHL draft
and finds a home playing in the AHL for the Philadelphia Phantoms. Playing a sixty-seven game schedule Ruslan records sixteen goals
and thirty-four assists making the rookie the sixth highest Phantoms scorer. His play is quickly noticed by Flyers staff and the
following season Ruslan becomes a Flyer.

He plays seventy-four games; again scores sixteen goals and twenty assists. He makes his NHL Debut on October 24th against the
New York Rangers and six games later on November 4th he records his fist NHL goal and first Game Winning Goal when he beats
Buffalo goaltender Dominick Hasek giving the Flyers a 3-0 win over the Sabres

Brad Zancanaro                                                             Art Femenella
Musketeers 2000-02                                                                          Musketeers 2000-03

This is the rookie seasons for both Brad Zancanaro and Art Femenella. During this season Brad would  finish in the
top five Musketeer scorers with 26 (10/16) points and Art would finish, his first of three seasons, leading the Musketeers in
penalty minutes. Both these guys leadership would be instrumental in next season’s Musketeer Clark Cup Championship.

Did You Know…On March 10th, 2001 in Des Moines, Art Femenella racked up a single game league record of 34 penalty minutes

Another win for the Musketeers
The Musketeers celebrate another victory during the regular season game at the Audi. That’s long time USHL
official Jonathan
Morrison pictured here. Joining the USHL in 1990, he remains active working the USHL and other
professional leagues. He is
also an NCAA official and worked the 2016 Frozen Four Championship game. MoTown, as
he is affectionately know, would
become a great mentor over the years and an even better friend. Thanks Mo!!!

Did You Know...Jonathan was selected to work the 2006 Turin, Italy, 2010 Vancouver, BC and  2014 Sochi, Russia
Paralympics Sledge Hockey Games. He has also worked games in China and Japan. His most recent Olympic showing
was the 2018 Pyeong Chang winter games where he worked the men’s qualifying & and play-off rounds as well as
the bronze medal game pitting Canada against the Czech Republic.

**********************************USHL Play-Offs************************************
For the fourth season in a row, the Musketeers draw the Lincoln Stars and like last season they are again the regular
Anderson Cup Champions. The Stars would record forty-three wins compared to just thirteen defeats this season.
Again, on
paper this series looks to weigh heavily towards the Stars, but anything can happen.

Musketeers vs. Lincoln Stars
Quarter Finals / Round One
This best of five series would see games one and two played in the Ice Box in Lincoln. Unfortunately, the Musketeers

forgot what time the game started and by the time they show-up; it was be too late and the Stars would win the opener 4-0.
Game two was more of the same. While the Musketeers did muster a goal, the Stars were just too much; hanging six goals
on the out-gunned Musketeers.
Game three returns to Sioux City and after a pair of discouraging losses the Musketeers find themselves in an up hill battle.
However, the home ice and friendly fans reinvigorate the Musketeers. They go toe-to-toe with the Stars for three periods and
by the time the third ends both teams are knotted at five goals each. The Musketeers know this is the chance they need to
change the series momentum feverishly looking for the game winner. However, it is the Stars that capitalize first in the extra
period winning the game and sweeping the series.

2000 Four Nations Tournament
November 6-13, 2000
The fourth year of this tournament is hosted by the German Hockey Federation in Fussen, Germany on. The USHL team
would finish third among the four traditional National teams from Switzerland, Germany & Norway. The USHL Selects
would open the tournament with a surprise loss to the Norwegian National team by a score of  6-2. Game two was
more of the same; a 4-1 loss to the Swiss. Game three saw the USHLers skate to a four all tie with the
host team from Germany.

Tim Judy

2001 Musketeer Award Winners
Tim Judy            Justin Fletcher             John Zeiler            Trent Mozak
Musketeers Most Valuable Player:
 Tim Judy * Most Improved Player: Justin Fletcher

Musketeers 7th Man Award: Trent Mozak *  Rookie of the Year: John Zeiler
USHL All-Star/Prospects Game
Cedar Rapids, IA
Tim Judy                Scott Polaski              Art Femenella

This season’s USHL All-Star game is held  January 23rd in Cedar Rapids, IA. Team World features the League’s import players
and potential draft picks and Team USA is representative of the League’s best players. The game also includes Guest Coaches
Jack Barzee-NHL Central Scouting and Lou Vairo– USA Hockey. Musketeers selected are Tim Judy, Scott Polaski and Art
Femenella; Art plays on Team World and Tim and Scott on Team USA. Scott Polaski would grab an assists
in this 5-2 win for Team USA.

2001 NHL Draft
June 23rd & 24th / Sunrise, FL

This years NHL Draft is hosted by the National Car Rental Center and the Florida Panthers. The USHL has fifteen players
selected in the two-day event including Musketeers Scott Polaski by the Phoenix Coyotes
Art Femenella by the Tampa Bay Lighting.

Scott Polaski           Art Femenella
Musketeers 1999-01          Musketeers2000-03


League consists of thirteen member teams playing a sixty-one game regular season schedule.
Dubuque moves to Tulsa. Topeka joins the league.
Eastern Conference: 
Green Bay Gamblers, Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Des Moines Buccaneers,

Waterloo Black Hawks, Chicago Steel,  Rochester Mustangs
Western Conference: Lincoln Stars, Sioux Falls Stampede, Omaha Lancers, Tri-City Storm, Tulsa Crude,
Topeka Scare Crows, Sioux City Musketeers

On paper, the 2001-02 season looked to be an average season for the Musketeers. However, as the season progressed, everyone
new that a special type of team unity was building.  The Musketeers finished third in the very dominate Western Division. They would
place three players among the top ten goal scorers in the league as well as three more among the top ten assist leaders.  The
Goaltending duo would both finish in the top eight league leading goaltenders.

They would fight their way through the playoffs and meet up the League’s best team and heavy favorites, Omaha Lancers.
Those watching/listening to Game five that night at Omaha’s Ak-sar-ben Arena, became momentarily silent as Musketeer
Ryan Geris scored the OT winner for Sioux City’s first Clark Cup Championship in 15 years.

Musketeer Goalie Andy Franck would be selected as the Clark Cup Tournament MVP.

Musketeers Brad ZancanaroBrandon Schwartz & Matt Ciancio all place among the top ten goal scorers in the league. Brad,
Brandon and Jeff Adduono place among the top ten assist leaders.

Musketeers Front Office Staff
Gary Weckworth        Dave Siciliano              Bill Yeakle              Lindsey King          Renea Zindars

CEO/President                      General Manager               Vice President                     Office Manager               Sales/Promotions    

Musketeers Coaching Staff
Dave Siciliano        Fred Harbinson           Matt Schmidt         Billy Danderand


Head Coach                       Assistant Coach                  Athletic Trainer             Equipment Manager

Asst. Coach Fred Harbinson      Head Coach Dave Siciliano         Trainer Matt Schmidt
Musketeers 2000-02                         Musketeers 2000-08                Musketeers 1999-2003 / 2014-15

Musketeer coaching staff pictured (left) Trainer Matt Schmidt, Assistant coach Fred Harbinson & Head Coach Dave Siciliano.

Dave Siciliano would go on to be one of the USHL’s legendary coaches. One of only four coaches to eclipse the 500 win
milestone. In Thunder Bay for seven seasons; he would win four Anderson Cups, a pair of Clark Cup titles and Coach of the
Year honors three  times. In Sioux City for eight seasons; he would capture another Clark Cup in 2002 and come just shy
of repeating this feat 2004.

Fred Harbinson would join the Musketeers for two seasons, his second resulting in the 20002 Clark Cup  championship.
Prior to the Musketeers, he played his college hockey in Wisconsin and then stayed on as an assistant for two seasons. After
this stop in Sioux City he would go on to coach at St. Cloud State University for five seasons before taking over the reigns
for the Penticton Vees of the BCHL.

2017 will mark the start Fred’s eleventh season as Head Coach for the Vees. Over the last ten seasons, he has compiled
an overall record of 441-132-37. Along the way winning three BCHL Regular season and five BCHL Division
Championships, four BCHL Fred Page Cups, the Doyle Cup, a Western Canada Championship and a RBC National
Championship. Fred has also been awarded the BCHL‘s Coach of the Year Award three times.

Matt Schmidt would spend four seasons (99-2002) as the Musketeers player trainer and equipment manager. After ten
years as the head athletic trainer at Northwestern College (GPAC) he would rejoin the team in 2014 and assume the
same player and equipment duties as well as serve as the team’s travel coordinator. The following season he would
take the head trainer position at the University off Minnesota at Mankato

Between the Pipes
Goaltending duo Andy Franck and Kris Mayotte helps backstop the Musketeers to their first Clark Cup victory in 16 seasons.
A reliable pair of starting goalies that could always be depended upon regardless of the team or situation.
Both would finish with regular season winning records as well as among the the top eight goalies in the league.
Their consistency between the pipes made them a Goaltending duo that arguably was one of the finest
in USHL history.

Andy Franck
Musketeers 2001-02
Andy Franck
would play just a single season in Sioux City but what a season it was. Andy would lead the Musketeers
through the play-offs to an
eventual USHL Clark Cup showdown against the Omaha Lancers. His stellar play would
earn him both a Clark Cup victory and
the USHL Clark Cup Most Valuable Player Award. His regular season stats
are terrific boasting twenty-five wins, ten
losses & a tie along with a 2.50 goals against and a .920 save percentage. His
twenty-five wins that season places him among the top
ten All-Time Musketeer goaltenders for single season victories.

Kris Mayotte
Musketeers 2001-02

Kris Mayotte also played a single season as a Musketeer. He provided the second part of a one-two goaltending
punch that was arguably one of the best ever. His play remained consistent and continued to improve through-
out the season and as play-off time approached he was at the top of his game and ready to help  the Musketeers to an
eventual Clark Cup Championship. Kris would also record a winning record finishing the season with ten wins, six
losses and three ties. He would go on to play four seasons at Union College & six in the AHL/ECHL and is currently
the Head Coach at Colorado College.

USHL Clark Cup Championship Most Valuable Player
Musketeer Goalie Andy Franck is seleceted as the USHL Clark Cup Championship’s Most Valuable Player. Helping lead the Musketeers

to the team’s third post season championship defeating the heavially favored Omaha Lancers.

High Scorers
Brad Zancanaro      Brandon Schwartz          Matt Ciancio           Jeff Adduono              John Zeiler               

Musketeers 2000-02         Musketeers 2000-02          Musketeers 1999-02        Musketeers 2001-02         Musketeers 2000-02
Veteran experience dominates the Musketeer scoring list this season. Brad Zancanaro tallies twenty-six goals and
team leading forty-five assists making him the top scorer with seventy-one regular season points.
He would also score
a goal
and thirteen assists on the way to the Clark Cup Championship.  Brandon Schwartz would score a team leading
thirty goals and also add thirty-five assists. He would lead the team in play-off points with ten goals and five assists,
Matt Ciancio would post sixty-two regular season points and eleven play-off points. Lone rookie Jeff Adduono
 would end
with fourteen goals and fifty-three regular season points and seven play-off points.  John Zeiler closes out
the top scorers with fifty regular season and five additional play-off points.

Did You Know…this season’s Clark Cup Champions would lead the league with 390 team assists and 627 total season
points during the regular season.

Heavy Hitters
Art Femenella            B.J. Greaves               Ryan Geris               John Zeiler             Billy Magnuson   

Musketeers 2000-03         Musketeers 2001-03          Musketeers 1999-02        Musketeers 2000-02          Musketeers 2001-03         

Art Femenella would claim his usual spot on the heavy hitters list again this season with 215 penalty minutes.
Musketeer rookie & third
year USHL veteran B.J. Greaves would be a close second with 187 and also finish among
the top six team scorers. Another
returning veteran Ryan Geris would record 144 minutes as well as twenty-nine
regular season and ten play-off points. John Zeiler
would make both lists this season with 119 penalty minutes
in addition to his fifty points. Rounding out the list is Billy
Magnuson with 99 minutes.

Most Penalty Minutes-Season
The Musketeers would lead the USHL this season in both total penalties, racking-up 1518 minutes, and
most minor penalties, with 489 trips to the box. 

USHL Score Keepers                                                               USHL Officials
Todd Gottburg    Woody Gottburg                                              Bob Batcheller    Brian Rice    Jeff Albers

Left: Long time USHL Scorer’s bench & PA Announcer duo; Todd and Woody Gottburg. Right: Referee Crew, Bob Batcheller,
Brian Rice and Jeff Albers.  Asst. Coach Fred Harbinson & Head Coach Dave Siciliano

                 Matt Hartman                                                                  John Zeiler
      Musketeers 2001-04                                                                           Musketeers 2000-02

Matt Hartman is shown here during his rookie season and first of three as a Musketeer. He joined the Musketeers
in a limited capacity during the regular season, but really had his game on as he and the team hit the Clark Cup Finals.
The following season, he would net fifteen goals, add eighteen assists; his  thirty-three points and dedicated play would
earn him a selection to the USHL All-Star Team. During his final season he would lead the team in scoring with twenty
goals for forty-nine regular season points and be voted the Musketeer Offensive Player of the Year.

John Zeiler would cap off his two seasons as a Musketeer with a Clark Cup Victory over the Omaha Lancers. Missing
just one game all season, John would finish among the team’s high scorers with twenty-three goals, twenty-seven assists
and a top five heavy hitter with116 minutes in the box. He would eventually make his NHL debut January 17th,
2007 playing for the LA Kings. He would spend four seasons in the NHL.  In 2010 he made his acting
debut in the movie Tooth Fairy along side Duane “The Rock” Johnson.

B.J. Greaves                                                                      Jeff Adduono
Musketeers 2001-03                                                                            Musketeers 2001-02

BJ Greaves is a rare four season USHL player. Having spent a pair of seasons playing in Thunder Bay for the Flyers, he would
spend two more playing here in Sioux City. Shown here during his first season as a Musketeer, BJ would miss just two games
during the sixty-one season, recording eighteen goals, thirty-six points and 187 penalty minutes; second highest on the team.
BJ would also add offensively during the Clark Cup Championship post-season, recording five goals and four assists.

Jeff Adduono would split a pair of USHL seasons between Waterloo and Sioux City. Joining the Musketeers as a veteran,
he would record fourteen goals and thirty-nine assists; his fifty-three points was fourth highest among Musketeer scorers.
Jeff would also add five goals and six assists during the post-season; eleven points that helped the Musketeers secure
their 2002 Clark Cup Championship. His thirty-nine assists placed him among the League’s top seven assists leaders.

Left: Matt Schmitt, Fred Harbinson and Dave Siciliano talk to the players during a break in the game. Right: Musketeer bench

Matt Fetzer
Musketeers 2000-02

Matt would play two seasons in Sioux City. The rookie would see time in thirty-nine regular season games this season
record four goals and eight assists. Reliable and solid on Defense, his return the following season is greatly anticipated.
Shown here during his second season, defenceman Matt Fetzer would up his game time missing only three regular
season games during the
sixty-one game schedule. He would again score another four goals and double his play making
numbers with sixteen
assists. Matt would play in all twelve playoff games, adding three assists on the way to Sioux
City’s First Clark
Cup Championship in sixteen years. Matt would go on to play four seasons at the University of

Neal McCoy
Friday November 30th, 2001 / SC vs. Green Bay

Left: Sales & Promotions Director Renee Zindars gets ready to escort country music legend Neil McCoy to center ice for the
singing of the National Anthem and cerimonial opening faceoff. Right: Neil McCoy drops the opening face-off with Musketeer
Brandon Polich.

Brandon Polich
Musketeers 2000-03

Brandon Polich would split is rookie USHL season between Lincoln and Sioux City. After twenty games, a goal and eight assists
with the Stars, Brandon would become a Musketeer. Playing an additional twenty-six games, he recorded three more goals and a
dozen more assists that first seasons.

Brandon Polich and Country Singer Neal McCoy meet at center ice for the opening face-off.

 Second season veteran Brandon Polich would notch eight goals and twenty-three assists during the regular season. However, he
would save his best play for the post season where he lead all Musketeers in points scoring
ten red-lighters and five more assists;
fifteen points that would help Sioux City defeat the Omaha Lancers and win the Clark
Cup Championship.

Next year the three season veteran would be selected as on of the Alternate Captains; playing complete sixty game
schedule he notches
seventeen goals and a team leading forty-three assists. These sixty points ties him for the leading
scorer spot and gives him an average of one point per game.
He would go on to play four seasons at Colorado College
and would eventually spend several seasons in the USA Hockey Officials Developement Program.

Did You Know…On January 4th, 2002 in Topeka, Brandon set a pair of  USHL season high records; five assists in a single
game and most total points in a single game with six.

Ryan Geris
Musketeers 1999-02

Ryan logged three seasons in Sioux City. While his rookie season would start slow, his final season would finish
excitement that will never be forgotten. The Alexandria High school stand-out joined the Musketeers for
the latter part of his first season seeing time in thirteen Musketeer games and growing accustom to the pace
of USHL. Returning
the following season the defenseman would play a fifty-two game season; recording
six goals and fifteen assists. His 109 penalty
minutes was third best on the team.
 Returning for his third season Ryan Geris brought experience and stability to the Musketeers Defensive corps; and as
a team leader
selected as one of the Musketeers Alternate Captains. His dozen goals and seventeen assists during the
regular season made him
both a Musketeers and all USHL Defensemen top eight scorer. His 144 penalty minutes the
third highest among the teams
Heavy Hitters.
His production didn’t stop at play-off time; scoring four goals and six assists; these ten play-off points would help the
Musketeers capture their first Clark Cup Championship in 16 years. Ryan would se selected Musketeer Team Captain
and earn a spot on the USHL All-Star Team as well a a member of the All USHL First Team. He would go on to

play four seasons at the University of Minnesota/Duluth and two more seasons for the Stockton Thunder (ECHL)

Ryan’s arguably biggest goal came on the evening of May 12th, 2002, when he stunned the sell-out crowd in
Omaha with his overtime goal, that brought Sioux City their first Clark Cup in 15 seasons. 

Art Femenella
Musketeers 2000-03

Art Femenella played three full seasons as a Musketeer. Prior to that he played two seasons for the USA Hockey  National
Development Team. Joining the Musketeers for his rookie season, the huge defenseman was easily one of the biggest and
toughest players in the League. He would play in fifty-two games recording both his first goal and assist this season as well as
recording 252 minutes in the box. He would also be selected to play in the 2001  USHL All-Star Game.
The League’s toughest defenseman would retune again this season. Art found the back of net again and added ten more
assists, he also trimmed his penalty minutes to 215 still placing him best among Musketeer Heavy Hitters. He would
play in all twelve post-season games recording an assist on the way to the Musketeers Clark Cup Championship.

Art always had time for his fans and his overall dedication to the team, made him a favorite among players, coaches and
fans. What he lacked in the goal scoring department, he more than made up for in enthusiasm both on and off the ice.
His 712 total penalty minutes makes him the Musketeer all-time leader in penalty minutes.

John Zeiler
Musketeers 2000-02
John would join the Musketeers the prior season as a rookie where he would adjust quickly to the new game; playing in

fifty-six games John would record eight goals and twenty helpers. His twenty-eight points was fourth best among Musketeer
scorers and second best among Musketeer rookies.

Returning to the Musketeers this season John would put up fifty total regular season points. His twenty-three goals and
twenty-seven assists was fourth best among team scorers. John also logged 116 minutes in penalties; fourth highest among
Musketeer Heavy Hitters. He would play in all twelve post-season games recording a pair of goals and three more helpers
as the Musketeer captured the Clark Cup Championship.

His determined play was a part of the team’s overall success. He was selected to the USHL All Star Team in 2002 where
he scored a goal and an assist. After the Musketeers, he played four seasons for St. Lawrence University, several in the
AHL and finally the NHL. On February 17th, 2007 john made his NHL debut with the Los Angles Kings and scored his
first NHL goal five days later against the Vancouver Canucks.

Kris Mayotte
Musketeers 20001-02

Kris Mayotte would spend a single season as a Musketeer and provide the second part of a one-two Goaltending punch
that was always consistent and reliable. As the play-offs commenced, the Musketeer Goaltending remained strong and Kris’
play improved as he helped lead the Musketeers to a Clark Cup Championship that season. He would play four seasons at
Union College and then embark on a professional career lasting six seasons in the AHL and ECHL. He will go on to coaching
at the college level  as an Assistan Coach at Providence College for five season and two more at the University of Michigan.
He is currently the Head Coach at Colorado College.

Brandon Schwartz
Musketeers 2000-02

Brandon joins the Musketeers fresh out of the Minnesota high school league. He would see an ambitious season for a rookie logging
time in forty-five USHL contests. Brandon would record nine goals and nine assists during the regular season and add a post-
season goal and two assists before the first round ends. His return next season is greatly anticipated among the Musketeer nation.

Returning this season, Brandon and ready to live up to the hype-nearly tripling his offence, he would knock in a team leading
thirty goals and add thirty-five assists; his sixty-five points is second highest among Musketeer scorers. Brandon was selected
Musketeer Team Captain and chosen to play in the USHL All Star Game.

He  would also lead the team in play-off scoring, recording ten goals and five assists as the Musketeers captured the Clark Cup
Championship. His thirty goals placed him among the top seven scorers in the league and his eight game winning goals second
most in the league. He would go on to play four seasons at Michigan Tech and then play an additional three more seasons in
the AHL and ECHL.

Did You Know…That five Musketeers were selected for the USHL All-Star Game and accounted for seven of the twenty-six
total points awarded during Team USHL’s win over Team World, 8-3

9/11 Tribute Game
Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers

November 10th, 2001
Left: Players line-up to present their game-worn 9-11 Tribute jerseys to 23 lucky fans.  Right: Art Femenella autographs
his jersey for long-time faithful fan Joey Koskey.

Brad Zancanaro                                                                    Art Femenella
Musketeers 2000-02                                                                                   Musketeers 2000-03

 Brad Zancanaro: This would be Brad’s second season (01-02) as a Musketeer. During his first season he posted great
numbers for a rookie and finished in the top five Musketeer scorers and this season was only going to get better. He led the
Musketeers in scoring with twenty-six goals and forty-five assists for seventy-one regular season points. He would finish the
season as the League’s eighth highest goal scorer and League’s leader in Assists. He would be selected to the USHL All-Star
Game where he would grab a goal and an assist as his Team USHL defeated Team World 8-3.

B.J. Greaves                                                             Art Femenella
Musketeers 2001-03                                                                      Musketeers 2000-03

Left: BJ Greaves & Art Femenella have a chance for a travel-day  picture. Right: Art’s mom (and dad) while still living
in New Jersey
were great Musketeers fans, they attended many home & away games, making them favorites with the
Musketeer’s fans and players.

BJ Greaves logged a pair of USHL seasons in Thunder Bay (USHL) befor playing an additional two more seasons for the
During the Clark Cup Championship season, BJ would score thirty-six regular season points, on eighteen goals
and eighteen assists,
and log 187 penalty minutes. When it came play-off time, his focus shifted to offense and put up five
goals and four assists for nine
play-off points. During his final season BJ would earn a spot on the USHL All Star team.

Art Femenella:  Played three full seasons as a Musketeer (00-03). Prior to that he played two seasons (98-00) for the
USA Hockey
National Development Team. Art was selected to the 2001 USHL All Star Team. He always had time for
his fans and his overall
dedication to the team, made him a favorite among players, coaches and fans. What he lacked in
the goal scoring department,
he more than made up for in enthusiasm in protecting his fellow team mates. His 712 total
penalty minutes put him near the top
of the Musketeer all-time leaders in penalty minutes.

Matt Ciancio
Musketeers 1999-2002
Eventual three-season veteran and Clark Cup Champion Matt Ciancio would join the Musketeers with a prior seasons
playing in the NAHL for the Danville Wings. His rookie USHL/Musketeer season would see him jump into
a busy schedule playing
in forty regular season games; recording six goals and eight assists. The following season he
would increase his game time by nine
games and add an additional goals and four helpers.

Matt’s third season in Sioux City turns into a break-out season. He scores a team-leading twenty-six goals and adds thirty-six
during the regular season; his sixty-two points is third highest among Musketeer scorers. Matt earns a spot on the USHL
All-Star game
and is instrumental in helping lead the Musketeers to their first Clark Cup Championship in fifteen seasons scoring
five goals and six
assists in twelve games. Matt will go on to play four seasons at Northern Michigan University.

Skate with the Musketeers Night
October 7th, 2001

Left: Goaltender Andy Franck is pictured with a fan during a Musketeer autograph night. Andy played only a single
season (01-02) as a
Musketeer, but he did it in great fashion, heading-up the leading half of a Goaltending duo that
is arguably one of the best in USHL history. Right: Jake Luthi and Ryan Geris and ID other players help build the
Musketeer brand.

Reading is Cool
Players makes classroom visits to local Sioux City schools to promote the importance of reading and its relationship to a good
education. They also talk about the virtuous of teamwork & sportsmanship as well as what its like to be a Musketeer.
The Sioux City Musketeers Hockey Team has a strong desire to assist in promoting the importance of reading and education.
We like to be involved in the community!!! The future of Siouxland rests on the young people of today and there needs to be a
conscious effort to promote reading, specifically and education in general.

Matt Ciancio reads to the third grade class at Lawton-Bronson Elementary School

Jake Luthi and Nathan Schwartzbauer get ready for their Main Event…this time its the second grade.

Did You Know…That the Reading is Cool Program was started this season by Housing & Player/Community Relations
Director Carol Siciliano.

USHL Player of the Week Awards
Jon Zeiler                                                          Brandon Schwartz
Musketeers2000-02                                                                   Musketeers 2000-02
Musketeers Executive Vice President Bill Yeakle recognizes John Zeiler as the USHL Player of the Week.
John was a
top five Musketeer scorer with 50 regular season points and five more in the play-offs. He was a grinder
and team leader. He
would go on to play four seasons at St. Lawrence University before launching a ten year
professional career including five with
the Los Angeles Kings.

Right: Brandon Schwartz also is recognized as one of the select USHL Players of the Week. His second season
in Sioux City
saw him record a team leading thirty goals and sixty-five regular season points. He would also lead the
team in play-off scoring recording ten
goals and five assists. He would go on to play four seasons at Michigan Tech
and then an additional three more seasons
in the AHL and ECHL.

Bill Yeakel Joined the front office staff in 2000 as the Musketeers Executive Vice President. Originally from the
North American
League’s Danville Wings (NAHL) where he was Director of Sales & Marketing. He would commence
to ushering in a new
and exciting brand of junior hockey marketing aimed directly at the fans and the excitement of the
game. He was an instrumental
part in the Musketeer success over those two seasons he called Sioux City home. In 2003
Bill would take a similiar position with the newly
formed NAHL team the Wichita Falls (TX) Wildcats.

Kris Mayotte                                                                    Matt Ciancio
Musketeers 2001-02                                                                       Musketeers 1999-02
Left: Executive Vice President Bill Yeakle presents Kris Mayotte the USHL Goalie of the Week  Award. Kris
made his only
season as a Musketeer a memorable one; accounting for half of what could arguably be called the
one of the best goaltending duos in USHL
history and help bring home the Clark Cup Championship to Sioux
City. He would play four seasons at Union College and them
embark on a professional career lasting six seasons
in the AHL and ECHL. He will go on to coaching at the college level and is

currently Head Coach at Colorado College

Right:  Bill presents Matt Ciancio the USHL Player of the Week Award. Mat would log three seasons as a Musketeer.
fourteen and nineteen points his first two seasons, this third was indeed a break-out season. During the regular
season he recorded twenty-six goals and
thirty-six helpers and finish the season as a top three Musketeer scorer. In
addition to his regular season points were the additional five goals
and six assists that helped the Musketeer capture
their first Clark Cup Championship in fifteen seasons.

Brad Zancanaro                                                              Brandon Polich
Musketeers 2000-02                                                                      Musketeers 2000-03
Executive Vice President Bill Yeakle presents Brad Zancanaro and Brandon Polich with the USHL Player of the
Week Award.
Brad would go on this season to lead all other players recording a league leading forty-five assists and
be selected to the All-USHL
First Team. Brandon would set a pair of USHL season high scoring achievements this
season when he grabbed five assists and six
total points in a single game.

B.J. Greaves                                                                          Ryan Geris  
Musketeers 2001-03                                                                                     Musketeers 1999-02

B.J. Greaves would arrive in Sioux City with two seasons of junior experience playing foe the Flyers in Thunder
Bay. His rookie
season saw him play in just three games but notch his first USHL goal that season. The following
season he saw a regular schedule
where he it the lamp eight times and added six more assists. However, the second year
winger was not afraid of the corners and
his 179 was second highest on the team that season. A pre-season trade moved
him to Sioux City where good things were about
to happen. He only missed one game this season; he notched eighteen
goals, eighteen assists and put up a team leading 187 penalty minutes.
He would see time in all twelve play-off games;
spending thirty-seven minutes in the box…he still found the time to score five goals 
and add four assists as the
Musketeers captured the Clark Cup Championship.

Did You Know…on January 4th in Topeka, Musketeers B.J. Grieves would set USHL season high record when he
scored four
goals in a single game

 Ryan Geris logged three seasons in Sioux City. While his rookie season would start slow, his final season would
with excitement that will never be forgotten in Sioux City. His twelve goals & seventeen assists for twenty-
regular season points, put him among both the top eight Musketeers scorers and all USHL Defensemen. His
didn’t stop at play-off time. Ryan would add ten more post-season points, recording four goals and six
assists helping lead the
Musketeers to their first Clark Cup Championship in sixteen years. Ryan would se selected
Musketeer Team Captain and earn a
spots on the USHL All-Star Team and the All-USHL First Team.

Ryan’s arguably biggest goal came on the evening of May 12th, 2002 when he stunned the sell-out crowd in
Omaha, with an overtime goal that brought Sioux City their first Clark Cup in 15 seasons.                

Tyler Haskins
Musketeers 2001-02

 Tyler Haskins logged a single season in Sioux City. He played forty-six regular season games and another eleven
play-off games where
he collected a point per game including a play-off goal that helped the Musketeers during this
successful championshiprun – not to bad
for a fifteen year old. Althought expected to return to Sioux City for a follow-
up season,
Tyler made a move to the pro ranks instead.  His decision proved a worthy one as he would eventually play
six seasons in the OHL, three more in the AHL and
eight seasons playing in Germany (DEL)

Did You Know….seven years later in 2009 Tyler’s brother Ryan became the Music Director and Conductor of the
Sioux City Symphony Orchestra.

Justin Fletcher                                                                             Matt Fetzer
       Musketeers 2000-03                                                                               Musketeers 2000-02           

Justin Fletcher played three seasons as a Musketeer. Shown here during his rookie season; he was a consistent
defenseman and team
leader, he was a big part of the defensive corps that helped the Musketeers capture The Clark
Cup Championship
. His leadership
would transcend the seasons and during his final season, he would be selected
Team Captain and earn a spot on the USHL All- Star Team. Justin would play four seasons at St Cloud State
and then an additional eight professional seasons in the AHL and DEL

Another rookie this season is Matt Fetzer logged a pair of seasons in Sioux City. Also a part of that same Musketeer
corps, Matt’s solid play and dedication to the team made him a favorite with players and fans as well. His final
season concluded
with a Clark Cup Championship in Omaha. He recorded four goals for a dozen points his first season
and doubled his play-
making stats finishing the season with twenty points. He would also play a part in three Musketeer
play-off goals. He would
go on to play for the University of  Massachusetts at Amherst.

Ryan Stattner                                                            Billy Magnuson
Musketeers 2001-02                                                                Musketeers 2001-03
Rookie Ryan Stattner joins the Musketeers having played most recently played for Bartlett High School in Anchorage.
He would see time in forty-three games this season; posting seven goals and eight assists. He would also see time in the
post-season including the final game of the Championship series. Ryan would go on to play a season in the BCHL
for the Williams lake Timberwolves and finish his collegiate career at Marian University.

Another first year player with a busy season is Billy Magnuson. He would log time in forty-nine Musketeer contests
recording fourteen red-lighters and six assists. He is also a top five Heavy hitter recording ninety-nine minutes in the box.
Billy would see time in all twelve post-season games adding another four goals and two assists. The following season
would see the veteran more than double his scoring output; recording eighteen goals and twenty-three assists. He would
go on to play four seasons at the University of Connecticut (NCAA)

Reading is Cool

Nate Schwartzbauer, Bill Yeakle, Jake Luthi and Marty Galstyan

Congratulations and Thanks

Left: Musketeers  Brandon Schwartz, Matt Ciancio, Matt Fetzer & Brad Zancanaro congratulate goalie Andy Franck
on another win. Right: Players salute the Fans after a Musketeer victory.

Start and End

Left: The Musketeers hit the ice to start another home game. Right: Leaving the ice at the end of the period. The
both Musketeer
and visitor locker rooms were on the second floor and required another set of steps beyond those
pictured. Today, this Musketeer
entrance is barely visible as it concealed now by the Long Line Family Center
Climbing Wall.

*******************************************USHL Play-Offs******************************************
Four of the league’s top five teams are from the western division this season and Sioux City’s forty-one wins and eighty-six points

is good enough for a third place finish. For the first time in four consecutive season-the Lincoln Stars will not be the Musketeers
opening round foe but instead it will be the Sioux Falls Stampede.

Musketeers vs. Sioux Falls Stampede
Quarter Finals / Round One
Opening the best of five series with the first two games on the road the Musketeers are not effected by either the home ice/crowd

advantage as they quickly silence the latter scoring seven goals to the home teams single red-lighter. Having apparently scored all
their allotted goals for the weekend, the Musketeers can only generate enough offence to score one goal. However, outstanding
Goaltending makes that one enough, and the Musketeers blank the Stampede and head back to Sioux City with a two game lead.

Game three sees all the pressure on Sioux Falls and they do indeed play the Musketeers close trading goals for goals in this low
scoring affair. However, It is the Musketeers who grab the game-winner sending them to the next round.

Musketeers vs. Green Bay Gamblers
Semi Finals / Round Two
The Musketeers prepare to take-on the eastern division champions from Green Bay. Fresh off their sweep of the
the Gamblers are still flying high from the previous high scoring series. The Gamblers open the series
scoring four goals while Sioux City is caught flat
and can muster just a single goal for a home ice steal by the Gamblers.
However, the next night the Musketeers rebound
and hand the Gamblers a 4-1 loss of their own, tieing the series.

Back in Green Bay for game three, the Musketeers have to again contend with the home ice/crowd advantage, and just
last time they use the scoreboard to quell the fans. The high scoring Musketeers grab seven goals, terrific
holds the Gamblers to just three and the game ends with Sioux City on the cusp of advancing to the finals.

Following the same game plan as the night before, this game four sees the Musketeers pile on six red-lighters. Green Bay
to stay close scoring a respectable four goals, but the high scoring Musketeers pull away in the end winning the
and the series. That same night they learn that their championship foe is none other than the regular season
champions and
heavily favored Omaha Lancers.

Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers
Championship / Round 3
At the time, this is one of the most explosive rivalries in the USHL. However, his season’s championship series
match-up leaves
many USHL fans asking the same question…will the Lancers win in three or four games.  Most
everyone is already expecting and preparing for a celebratory
send-off of the Lancers iconic AK-SAR-BEN arena
by winning Clark Cup Championship. But not so fast…

1-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-6
Game One
The series opener starts and finishes like most thought; the Musketeers are out-shot, out-scored and out-played by the
favored Lancers. The
home crowd is relentless, as are the Lancers, they hang six goals on the visitors and everyone
knows that another championship
is close at hand. Brandon Schwartz is the lone goal scorer for the Musketeers

4-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-3
Game Two
This one is expected to be more of the same; the Lancers come out hard, but so do the underdog Musketeers. John Zeiler
starts out the scoring in the first, but Omaha quickly counters keeping the game tied after one. Just like last night,
starts to pour it on adding two goals in the second period. The Musketeers are able to stop the bleeding, but the Lancers
are nearly unbeatable going 44-1-2 when leading after two periods. However, the Musketeers dig deep; Jesse Modahl,
Matt Crandell
and Brad Zancanaro grab red-lighters, the defence allows only nine Lancer shots and Kris Matotte
stops them all.

2-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-1
Game Three
The series returns home to the friendly confines of the Audi, a place where the Musketeers lost just three times this
Musketeer Billy Maguson scores first but former Musketeer teammate Zach Klann ties the game for the Lancers
after the first. Jeff Audino would grab the game winner in the second and Andy Franck would stop all but one of the
Lancers twenty-six shots on net. Giving the Musketeers a chance to win it all on home ice.

1-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-2
Game Four
The following night, game four is more of the same; two of the USHL’s best goalies going toe-to-toe as they both face
over fifty shots on goal. Justin Fletcher would get the Musketeers only goal of the game but the Lancers would eventually
even the series giving them a face saving 2-1 win and one more chance to close the Historic Ak-Sar-Ben Arena as
originally planned.

4-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-3 OT
Game Five
The championship game saw a Lancer crowd that was thirsty for a final season win. Filled to the brim, everyone knew
tonight was the
night they closed their old barn with, not only a win, but a championship win.  Ahead by a pair of goals
going into the third
period, the relentless Sioux City Sucks chants were deafening, a huge Lancer flag made its way around
the rink every
two minutes and despite the frenzied crowd noise, you could almost hear the Champaign chillin’ in the
Lancer’s locker room.
However, two Sioux City goals in the last seven minutes from Matt Ciancio and Nathan
sent the game into overtime. Just sixty-seven seconds into the extra period Ryan Geris, injured ankle
and all, would find the back of the net stunning the Omaha crown and giving Sioux City their first Clark Cup
Championship in sixteen seasons.

Clark Cup Champions
The Musketeers win their first post-season championship in sixteen seasons. Finishing in third place in the tough western division,
the Musketeers
battled their way though the play-offs and eventually earning a chance to beat the regular season champs and
heavily favored Omaha Lancers.
The series would go the five game distance with the Musketeers winning it on the
road and in overtime.

Clark Cup Victory
  Over-Time goal by Ryan Geris gives the Musketeers a Clark Cup Championship

Left: The Musketeers celebrate the Clark Cup Championship victory  Right: Matt Fetzer


Left: Musketeers line-up after the game for the presentation of the Clark Cup Right: Captain Brandon Schwartz about to receive
the Clark Cup from League Commissioner Gino Gasparini

Brandon Schwartz:  Played two seasons (00-02) in Sioux City. His final season was a great one as he posted 65 (30/35) regular
season points and an additional 15 (10/5) play-off points. Brandon was selected Team Captain, represented Sioux City in the USHL
All-Star game as well as a leader in Sioux City’s Clark Cup Championship.

Click here to see a short video leading up to the Game 5 Clark Cup Championship Series

Did You Know…In the final Clark Cup game in Omaha, the Musketeers were behind 3-1 with only 7 minutes left in the third period


Left: Team Captains Brad Zancanaro and Brandon Schwartz join Coaches Dave Siciliano and Fred Harbinson.
Right: All the
Minnesota guys grab a shot by the Cup. (Clockwise from top left) Jesse Modahl, Brandon Polich,
Matt Hartman, Ryan Geris and
David Deterding.

Brandon Schwartz  Matt Hartman            Chris Mayotte  Andy Franck                           Brad Zancanaro

Left: Team Captain Brandon Schwartz and Matt Hartman sip from the Clark Cup. Middle: Arguably one of the greatest
goaltender duos in USHL history; Andy Frank and Chris Mayotte. Both finished the season with winning records and GAA
that ranked among the best in the league. Right: Musketeer leading scorer and Alternate Captain Brad Zancanaro and his
dad. In the background is Assistant Coach Fred Harbinson and Equipment Manager Jamie Strachan

  Matt Hartman                                                          Tim Seamen          Bill Yeakle

Left: Matt Hartman poses with his dad and little brother Joe. Four years later, Joe would attend the Musketeers try-out
and see time in a single Musketeer game before spending the next two season playing for the Alexandria Blizzard
in the North
American League. However in 2006 he took a stab at the USHL, playing a complete sixty-game season for
the Indiana Ice; scoring
six goals and twenty-two assists. He would go on to play four seasons at Miami University-Ohio
and another full season for the Fort
Wayne Komets (ECHL) Right: KCAU Sports broadcaster and long time Musketeer
fan & supporter Tim Seamen shakes hands
with Executive Vice-President Bill Yeakle.

David Deterding    Ryan Geris                                                                                    Justin Fletcher  Jeff Adduono

Left: David Deterding and Ryan Geris. Ryan has good reason to smile…it was his overtime goal the won it for the Musketeers.
Middle clockwise from top: Rookies Tyler Haskins, Michael Hodgson, Matt Hartman, Mike Ramirez, Billy Magnuson, David
Deterding and Jake Luthi. That’s Trainer Matt Schmidt in the background in the green shirt. He would spend three more seasons
with the Musketeers before eventually becoming the Athletic Trainer for the Mankato State Mavericks.  Right: Justin Fletcher
and Jeff Adduono.

Left: Representing Italy are Head Coach Dave Siciliano, Tyler Haskin’s Dad, Brad Zancanaro‘s Dad, Assistant Coach Fred
Harbinson, John Zeiler and Michael Aggurie. Right: Dave gets another shower from excited players. By the looks of this one he
wasn’t expecting it and it Cold!!!

Woody Gottburg                    Chris Mayotte   Justin Fletcher        Matt Fetzer   Justin Fletcher

Left: Musketeer radio play-by-play announcer and game night PA announcer and long-time fan is Woody Gottburg.  He has been
with he Musketeers since the very beginning; During the 70’s saw a couple of Division Championships and a pair of Clark Cup
championship losses and the early 80 brought on a pair of Cup wins in ’82 and ’86. This is Sioux City’s third post season championship
and he knows, enjoy them when you can  Middle: Justin Fletcher congratulates Chris Mayotte on his victory and his selection as the
Clark Cup Final’s Most Valuable Player. Right: Matt Fetzer and Justin Fletcher pose with their host family.

                       Jeff Adduono                                             Carol Siciliano   B.J. Greaves   Dave Siciliano
Left: Jeff Adduono played just one season as a Musketeer and only missed one game during extended 62 game regular season.
A top four scorer during the season he also recorded a pair of goals and seven assists on the way to the Clark Cup Championship.
Right: Rookie B.J. Greaves gets his moment with the Cup posing with Coach Dave & Carol and his Dad and Sister.

  Billy Danderand  Woody Gottburg    Chris Mayotte   Justin Fletcher                  Matt Hartman

Left: Billy Danderand and Woody Gottburg have been Musketeers staff from the very beginning. They know the excitement
that goes with a rare moment like this.  Middle: Justin Fletcher and Jeff Adduono. Right: Matt Hartman poses with his dad and
little brother Joe. Four years later, Joe would attend the Musketeers try-out camp and see time in a single Musketeer game
before spending the next two seasons playing for the Alexandria Blizzard in the North American League. However in 2006 he
take a stab at the USHL; playing a complete sixty-game season for the Indiana Ice, he tallied six goals and 22 assists. He would
go on to play four seasons at Miami University-Ohio and another full season for the Fort Wayne Komets (ECHL)

Tyler Haskins    Dave Siciliano     Mike Hodgson                                         Brad Zancanaro Mom & Dad

Left: Rookies Tyler Haskins and Mike Hodgson pose with Coach Dave. Tyler would forgo another season with the Musketeers
making a successful jump to the OHL at the ripe-Ol‘ age of fifteen. Embarking on a professional career of eight seasons in the ECHL
and AHL and is currently playing in the DEL in Germany. Michael would returns for another pair of seasons with the Musketeers.
Right: Brad Zancanaro enjoys the moment with his mom and dad. The Musketeers scoring leader would go on to play four season
at Boston University and three more in the ECHL & AHL.

Art Femenella                                     Jeff Adduono                                         B.J. Grieves

Dave Siciliano       Billy Magnuson                                              Nate Schwartzbauer

Left: Billy Magnuson gets his time with the Cup posing with his Mom, Dad and Coach Dave. Billy was a grinder; rarely missing a
game he was a top-two and top-three penalty minutes leader and at the same time still could put points on the board recording 23 goals
and 29 assists. Right: Nate Schwartzbauer enjoys the moment with his dad. The big defenseman missed only three games both
seasons. He racked-up a pair of goals and a pair of assists on the way to the Clark Cup Championship.

The USHL Clark Cup arrives in Sioux City
Musketeer Fans crowd the front of the Sioux City Auditorium to welcome the Clark Cup and the Musketeers to Sioux City.

Craig Berenstein                                                              Gary Weckworth
Sioux City Mayor 1998-2004                                                   Musketeers Owner 2000-02

The entire Musketeer organization in honored this day by their fans and is loaded with worthy congratulation speeches to all involved

Art Femenella, Robert and Woody Gottburg
Did You Know…That this little guy on Woody’s shoulder would go on to win a NAIS National Championship in 2023
playing football for the Northwestern Red Raiders (GPAC)

2002 Clark Cup Champions Coaches & Captains

Left: Head Coach Dave Siciliano & Right: Assistant Coach Fred Harbinson
Left Clockwise: Captain Brandon Schwartz, Art Femenella, Ryan Geris and Brad Zancanaro


USHL Officials
Keith Kaval, Ian Croft & Bob Batcheller

Long time USHL official Ian Croft sets up another face-off as the Musketeers take on the Tri-City Storm. That’s Veteran official Keith
Kaval in the background making sure the line change is correctly administered. Both Ian and Keith would spend several seasons as USHL
officials working several All-Star, play-off and Clark Cup championship contests.  They both remain active officials working various
professional leagues as well as active members of the USA Hockey Official Development Program training and evaluation staff.

2002 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
Sioux Falls, SD
Brad Zancanaro       Brandon Schwartz          Matt Ciancio            John Zeiler              Ryan Geris             

Musketeers 2000-02         Musketeers 2000-02           Musketeers 1999-02       Musketeers 2000-02         Musketeers 1999-02

This season’s USHL All-Star game is held at the Sioux Falls Arena.  It will use the same format as last season with Team
World made up of import players and potential draft picks and Team USHL is representative of the League’s best players.
The celebration will feature Banquet and Game honored guest Mr. Hockey Gordie Howe. It also includes guest coaches
Ken Williamson-Ottawa Senators and Ed Thomlinson-New Jersey Devils.

Musketeers selected are Brad ZancanaroMatt Ciancio and Brandon Schwartz for Team USHL and John  Zeiler
and Ryan Geris on Team USHL. Also selected as the Team World coach is Musketeer Assistant Coach Fred Harbinson.

Brad, Matt, Brandon and John would all record assists in this 8-3 win for  Team USA.

2001-02 Musketeer Player Awards

I need Your Player Information

2002 NHL Draft
June 22nd & 23rd, 2002
Held this summer in Toronto, at the Air Canada Center. The USHL places twenty-two players in this season’s

draft including a first rounder in Keith Ballard. Musketeers John Zeiler iS selected in the fifth round by the Phoenix Coyotes.

John Zeiler
Musketeers 2000-02

25th USHL Season

League consists of eleven member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule. Rochester and Tulsa both leave the league.
Omaha changes to River City

The United States Hockey League officially raises its classification becoming America’s Tier 1 League.
Eastern Conference: 
Green Bay Gamblers, Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Des Moines Buccaneers,

Waterloo Black Hawks, Chicago Steel
Western Conference: Lincoln Stars, Sioux Falls Stampede, River City Lancers, Tri-City Storm,
Topeka Scare Crows, Sioux City Musketeers

The Musketeers would start the defense of their Clark Cup championship with a 6-3 victory over the Lincoln Stars. They
stayed in the hunt in a very strong Western Division, but a few disappointing losses saw then fall five points short of catching
the eventual Anderson Cup and Clark Cup Champions. They finish the season with a 36-18-6 record; third in the west
division and fourth overall.

Sioux City Places a pair of players among the top ten USHL scorers; Grant Goeckner-Zoeller and Brandon Polich both
score sixty regular season points.

In the play-offs, the Musketeers would match-up with the River City (Omaha) Lancers and fall behind two games, a third games
saw a victory for the Musketeers but the Lancers rebounded the following night and closed out the series.

Musketeers Front Office Staff
       Jim Kronschnabel      Todd Van Rooyan        Dan Rose         Allison Benson        Carol Siciliano      Cassie Wieberdink

 President/Owner                Executive               Account Executive/     Account Executive/          Player Housing         Sales/Game Night
Vice President        Game Night Promotions     Office Manager             & Education                 Operations

Musketeers Coaching Staff
Dave Siciliano       Marty Quarters     Matt Schmidt       Billy Danderand

  Head Coach /         Assistant Coach         Athletic Trainer          Equipment Manager
General Manager                                                                                                         

Having led the Musketeers to a previous season Clark Cup Championship, Dave Siciliano returns for his third season as Head Coach
and General Manager. New Assistant Coach Marty Quarters will bring player scouting & recruiting experience and coaching skills
to the Musketeers staff. He is the past Head Coach and Head of Player Developement for the Motor City junior hovley program. Marty
also has served as a Musketeer scout for the prior several seasons. Back for his second season is Athletic Trainer Matt Schmidt.
Equipment Manager Billy Danderand is also back for another season.

Between the Pipes
Rookie goaltenders Jan ChovanJimmy Spratt and Eric Aarnio would all compete for the starting position. However, Jan rose to the

top and quickly earned the starting duties. He would play 38 games and finish with a 23-9-2 record. Eric and Jimmy started a back-up
rotation. A mid-season trade moved Eric to Tri-City where he had a chance at a starting position. Jimmy assumed the back-up position
but still logged 18 games going 6-6-2 in his rookie season. This duo provided some solid opportunities to win, and had the six ties gone
the other way, the team would have finished first in the division.

Jimmy Spratt                                                      Jan Chovan
Musketeers 2002-05                                                         Musketeers 2002-03

I Need Your Goalie Photos                      I Need Your Goalie Photos

Jan Chovan logged a single season as a Musketeer. He would earn the starter duties; log thirty-eight regular season games played
and finish the season with twenty-three wins; second highest in the league, nine losses including a pair of overtime losses. Jan would
also take the net duties in the first round of the play-offs. however, the Musketeers could only garner one win in the best of three
series against the River City Lancers. He would end the season among the top eight goaltenders in the USHL that season including
a league leading .925 save percentage and a 2.75 goals against average.

 Jimmy Spratt would arrive in Sioux City for the first of three seasons. As the back-up, he would see time in fourteen regular season
games and end with a 5-4-2 record. He would finish the season with a deceptive 3.16 goals against average; factoring in two high
scoring affairs that saw him lose by one goal, the rookie’s GAA would have been among the league’s top ten.

High Scorers
Grant Goeckner-Zoeller      Brandon Polich        Gary Housman          Justin Fletcher          Billy Magnuson     

Musketeers 2002-03          Musketeers 2000-03         Musketeers 2002-03        Musketeers 2000-03          Musketeers 2001-03 

First year Musketeers Grant Goeckner-Zoeller and third year veteran Brandon Polich would both average a point per
game this season. Grant’s twenty-seven goals and Brandon’s forty-three assists would top the team in both categories and
leave them tied for the leading scorer with sixty points. Rookie Gary Housman would finish third with forty-eight points
including twenty-two goals and twenrty-six assists. Another third year veteran, Justin Fletcher would finish with forty-
three points on a dozen red-lighters and thirty-one assists and would lead the team in the  +/- column with a +34.
Billy Magnuson would round out the top five with forty-one regular season points. points.

Heavy Hitters
Art Femenella            B.J. Greaves           David Deterding     Nathan Schwartzbauer     Billy Magnuson       

Musketeers 2000-03         Musketeers 2001-03          Musketeers 2001-04        Musketeers 2001-03         Musketeers 2001-03

Three year veteran Art Femenella did what many can not say…he led the Musketeers in penalty minutes all three years.
was never a close second on this category. He would finish this season with 197 minutes and over past three seasons
ammass 664 regular season minutes making him the Musketeers All-Time leader in penalty minutes.  Second year veteran
B.J. Greaves was
a distant second with 127 minutes. Additional veterans David Deterding recorded 115 minutes, Nathan
minutes and top five Musketeer scorer Billy Magnuson also finished fifth in penalty minutes with 109.

Justin Fletcher
Musketeers 2000-03
Justin’s first season would see the rookie log a busy thirty-eight game schedule. Adjusting to the pace of the USHL the
didn’t find the net this season but did add five helpers. He was also selected to receive the Musketeers Most
Player Award. Justin would return to head-up the Musketeers defensive corps as well as help lead the team.
He would record three
goals and ten assists during the regular season and during the post season add two goals and
an assist; helping Sioux City
win it’s first Clark Cup Championship in 16 years.

Returning for a third USHL season in Sioux City, Justin Fletcher is selected as the Musketeers Team Captain. He plays a
schedule of sixty games and more than triples his scoring; notching a dozen goals and thirty-one assists. His his
regular season points is fourth best among all Musketeer scorers.

Justin is selected play on the USHL All-Star Team game held in Green Bay. During the post-season he would add three
helpers to his overall stats before the Musketeers are eliminated in the first round.  After four seasons at St. Cloud
he would spend four more seasons in the AHL and three more playing in the German Elite League (DEL).


Art Femenella
Musketeers 2000-03

Prior to the start of this third season as a Musketeer, Art had set the pace to become one of the Musketeers all-time penalty
minute leaders; recording over 460 penalty minutes thus far. Fiercely competitive and loyal, none of Art’s teammates need ask
for enforcement. Both a player and fan favorite he will always be remembered as one of the League’s top Heavy Hitters and
one of the most popular Musketeer players.

Returning for a third season, this natural team leader was selected again as one of the team’s Alternate Captains. Recording his
traditional goal for the season, Art added six assists and tacked on another 197 penalty minutes; again leading the team for a
third season. Art will always be remembered as one of the top Musketeer and USHL heavy hitters of all time, as well as being
remembered as one of the most popular Musketeers ever.

He always had time for his fans and his overall dedication to the team, made him a favorite among players, coaches and fans.
What he lacked in the goal scoring department, he more than made up for in enthusiasm among his fellow team mates. His 712
total penalty minutes (664 regular season and 48 post season) puts him at the top of the Musketeer all-time leaders in penalty
minutes, he has him name on the Clark Cup
and was a USHL All-Star player his rookie season. Drafted by The Tampa Bay
Lighting in 2001, Art played four seasons at
the University of Vermont and then joined Augusta Lynx (ECHL) befor a serious
hand injury derailed his professional hockey plans. 

  Did You Know…are Femenella played five seasons in the USHL. Prior to three seasons in Sioux City, he played two
seasons for the USA Hockey Developmental Team and even logged three games on the US Junior National team as
a17 year old.

A Sioux City Tradition and  The Musketeer Curse…

By 2002 the Musketeers has established one of the League’s few New Year’s Eve Game traditions; missing just four games at
home since the maiden season as a Jr. A league. Boasting a seventy-five percent winnig record at home or thirteen out of twenty
games the Musketeers started the New Year and second half of the season, with a victory.

However, a rare over-time loss to the Topeka Scarecrows on this season’s December 31st game, would set in motion another
tradition that no-one wanted anything to do with; for the next nine seasons in a row, the Musketeers would come up short in
their annual game and over the next fifteen seasons, win only two times during the home game NYE classic.

Finally, in 2017 the New Years Eve curse would seemingly be lifted, when in 2017 Musketeer Parker Ford and in 2018 Dominic
Vidoli both scored game-winning goals against the Omaha Lancers giving the Musketeers a pair of consecutive NYE wins and
putting the Musketeers back on the New Years Eve winners track.

Brandon Polich
Musketeers 2000-03

Brandon Polich would split is rookie USHL season between Lincoln and Sioux City. After twenty games, a goal and eight assists
with the Stars, Brandon would become a Musketeer. Playing an additional twenty-six games, he recorded three more goals and a
dozen more assists that first season.
Returning last season as a second year veteran, he would notch eight goals and twenty-three assists during the regular season.
he would save his best for the post season where he lead all Musketeers in goals scoring ten red-lighters and five
more assists; fifteen
points that would help Sioux City defeat the Omaha Lancers and win the Clark Cup Championship.

Returning for a third season, the grizzled veteran Brandon Polich is named one of the team Captains. He plays a
forty-eight game schedule,
netting seventeen goals and a team leading forty-three assists; his forty-seven points is
second highest among Musketeer scorers. 
Brandon will also finish among the top ten USHL scorers with sixty
points and he leads the league in assists. His seventy-seven
penalty minutes is a just dozen shy of Heavy Hitter status.
He will go on to play four seasons at Colorado College
before joining the USA Hockey Officials Development Program.

Brandon Polich             Mike Curry            Matt Hartman             Brian Bales             Johann Kroll
Musketeers 2000-03           Musketeers 2002-04         Musketeers 2001-04           Musketeers 2002-05       Musketeers 2002-04


Cops For Kids Benefit Game and Skills Competition
Sponsored by the Sioux City Police Officers Association, Make-A-Wish Foundation and Siouxland Youth Hockey.
February 23rd / Sioux City Auditorium

 Art Femenella…Hardest Shot                    Nathan Schwartzbauer…Fastest Skater             B.J. Greaves…Break Away Contest

Jimmy Spratt…Fewest Goals                        Gary Housman…Accuracy

2003 Face-Off For Charity

**************************************USHL Play-Offs***************************************
The Musketeers finish the season with seventy-eight points, capturing a third place finish in the west division and a fourth
place finish
overall. The Musketeers draw the fifth seed River City Lancers; having finished the season trailing by a single
point this looks to be
anybody’s series.

Musketeers vs. River City Lancers
Round 1 / Quarter-Finals

The best of five series starts out with a pair of tilts on home ice for the Musketeers. However, its the Lancers that come out
scoring five goals in the opener winning 5-2. Game two is a close one and stays tied through regulation on goals
by Nathan
Schwartzbauer and Mike Curry, but a Lancers OT winner spoils the Musketeers hopes of evening-up the series.

The Musketeers return to Omaha for a must win game-three to keep the series alive. Brandon Polich, Mike Ramirez, Ryan
and BJ Greaves all score goals in a 4-1 victory and getting back into the series. Unfortunately, another night
in Omaha is to much the
Musketeers offence and despite striking first on a Billy Magnuson tally, the Lancers answer
back four times winning the game
and the series 4-1.

2003 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
Green Bay, WI
Justin Fletcher           Matt Hartman           B.J. Greaves
Musketeers 2000-03         Musketeers 2001-04        Musketeers 2001-03

This season’s USHL All-Star game is held at the Resch Center on February 3rd.  It will use the same format as last season with
Team World made up of import players and potential draft picks and Team USA is representative of the League’s best players.
Herb Brooks, architect of the 1980 Olympic Gold Medal victory in Lake Placid is the events keynote speaker. Also, included
were guest coaches  Jack McCartin-Vancouver Canucks and Andre Beaulieu-New York Rangers (Sioux City Musketeers Head
Coach (78-79). Musketeers selected are
Justin Fletcher and Matt Hartman for Team USHL and B.J. Grieves on Team World.
For the second season in a row, Team
USHL defeats Team World, with a 6-1 victory. 

2002-03 Musketeer Player Awards

I need Your Player Information

2003 NHL Draft
June 21st, 2003
 This years NHL draft is held on  in the Bridgestone Arena located in Nashville, Tennessee. The USHL places
players in the draft. No Musketeers are selected but Sioux City native Chris Porter of the Lincoln Stars is selected by the
Black Hawks. Also selected in the draft is past Sioux Falls Stampede player Thomas Vanek.


League consists of twelve member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule. Topeka leaves the league.
St. Louis and Danville join the league.

Eastern Conference: Danville Wings, Green Bay Gamblers, Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Waterloo Black Hawks,
Chicago Steel , St. Louis Heartland Eagles
Western Conference: Des Moines Buccaneers, Lincoln Stars, Sioux Falls Stampede, River City Lancers,
Tri-City Storm, Sioux City Musketeers

This season was a strong one for the Musketeers, they would finish with a 38-15-7 record; second place overall in the USHL and
eleven points ahead of the Eastern Division winners.

Sioux City would again draw the Lancers, however this time the results would be different and the Musketeers would sweep the
Lancers to win the first round. Paired-up in the second round up with the best team in the league on paper,
the Tri-City Storm would win the series in four games.

2003-04 would be the last season for the historic Sioux City Auditorium and on December 13th, 2003 the Musketeers played their final
game in the Audi. Designed in 1938 but not completed until 1950, the Audi was the home for large sized events for over 50 years. It
boasted a cozy ice sheet measuring just 70 by 170 feet which made for some of the most exciting hockey ever played in the USHL.

On December 17th, 2003 the Musketeers would open play at the new Tyson Event Center / Gateway Arena.
Built to NHL standards, this facility seats 6000 for hockey; features 26 luxury boxes, balcony seating, professional locker, training &
medical rooms and state of the art PA, timing and scoring systems.

     2003-04 Season would mark the 25th Anniversary Season for the USHL as a Junior A League.

Musketeers Front Office Staff
Jim Kronschnabel        Todd Van Rooyan        Dan Rose            Allison Benson         Carol Siciliano       Cassie Wieberdink

                     President/Owner                Executive           Account Executive      Account Executive        Player Housing        Sales/Game Night
Vice President     Game Night Promotions   & Office Manager          & Education                Operations

Musketeers Coaching Staff
    Dave Siciliano     Marty Quarters     Matt Schmidt     Billy Danderand    

Head Coach /         Assistant Coach         Athletic Trainer          Equipment Manager

This season’s coaching staff remains the same as last season. Dave Siciliano is back for a fourth season as the Musketeer’s
Head Coach and General Manager. Marty Quarters is back for his trhird season as the Assistsant Coach and Head of Player
Scouting and Recruitment. Athletic Trainer Matt Schmidt is back for a third season and Equipment Manager Billy Danderand
is back for another season.

Between the Pipes
Returning veteran Jimmy Spratt and Rookie Jeff Lantz carried the Goaltending load this season. While Jimmy was first

designated as the starter, but Jeff’s constant play eventually worked him into regular starting rotation. Both goalies complied
nineteen wins with Jimmy logging six losses and three shut-outs and Jeff with nine losses and two shut-outs. Both Jimmy
and Jeff finished the season as top five goaltenders and both boasted a nearly identical GAA of 2.33 and 2.36. 

They also finished the season with the second best home ice record with twenty-one wins. Like last season, ties hurt the
Musketeers, and had they gone the other way, the Musketeers could have caught the eventual Anderson Cup Champs,
the Tri-City Storm.

Jimmy Spratt
Musketeers 2002-05

Jimmy Spratt was quickly becoming a Goaltending force in the league. He was the first part of a solid & reliable
goaltending duo that
would lead the Musketeers to a second place regular season finish and a spot among the top six best
goalies in the league. While
the starter duties were shared for most of the season, Jimmy’s play-off experience was best
utilized as the post season began. He
would lead the Musketeers to a three game, quarterfinals sweep of the Lancers, but
the semi-finals saw the Musketeers lose to
the Tri-City Storm in four games. This would not be the last time that Jimmy would have
a chance at the Clark Cup.

  Jeff Lantz
 Musketeers 2003-04


Jeff Lantz 
would arrive this season as a rookie to the USHL but not junior Hockey; with two prior seasons’ experience in

both the North American and America West leagues. Joining  the team as an expected back-up, his play allowed the Musketeers
to establish a starting rotation that could be counted on every night and one that would eventually lead them to a second place
regular season finish. Jeff would finish the regular season with a 19-9 record, record a pair of shut-out victories and finish
among the top five goaltenders in the league with a 2.33 goals against average.

High Scorers
Matt Hartman           Domenic Maiani            Adam Krug          Michael Hodgson        Mike Curry
Musketeers 2001-04            Musketeers 2002-04            Musketeers 2003-04         Musketeers 2001-04       Musketeers 2002-04      

Third year veteran Matt Hartman would finish atop the Musketeers scoring list with forty-nine regular season points on
team leading twenty goals and twenty-nine helpers. Another veteran Domenic Maiani would finish with a couple of points
behind with forty-five points on seventeen goals and twenty-eight assists.  Rookie Adam Krug recorded fourty-four points
notching eighteen red-lighters and twenty-six helpers.  Michael Hodgson put up nine goals and his thirty-three assists was
a team high; his forty-two points was a league high among defenseman. Mike Curry rounded out the top five with twenty
goals and twenty assists.  He also lead the way in play-off scoring with a pair of goals and five assists.

Heavy Hitters
Dennis McCauley           Mike Curry              Matt Hartman        David Deterding        Troy Brummett
Musketeers 2003-05           Musketeers 2002-04          Musketeers 2001-04         Musketeers 2001-04        Musketeers 2003-04

A couple of High Scorers are on this list but there was never any question who the team tough guy was…Dennis McCauley
lead the way with 176 penalty minutes; leading both the Musketeers and the League this season. Never afraid to drop the mitts

he took on all challengers and rarely saw a defeat. Mike Curry and Matt Hartman made both lists; Mike logging 119 and Matt
eighty-eight  minutes. Veteran David Deterding would make the list for the second time in three seasons recording seventy-eight
minutes in the box. Rookie Troy Brummett would also record seventy-eight penalty minutes this season.

The final game in the Audi was played on December 13th, a 4-1 victory against the Sioux Falls Stampede. Troy Brummett (03-04)
would score the last goal in the Auditorium, an empty netter from Mike Curry (02-04) and Domenic Maiani (02-04)

Last game at the Sioux City Auditorium
After 34 seasons of Musketeer hockey, the famed Sioux City Auditorium holds it’s last game. It is literally packed to the rafters as some
2500 plus fans say their final good-byes to the  Audi. The Musketeers do their part to keep the celebration going beating the Sioux Falls
Stampede 4-1 in the final game.

Auditorium Final Game Night Musketeers Honorees
The Musketeers honored several past players, staff and fans for their worthy contributions to the Musketeers organization over the year.
Walt Johnson           Dennis Wilkie            Terry Mulroy           Dave Solberg         Woody Gottburg
Musketeers 1976-79        Musketeers 1994-96           Musketeers 1973-75        Honorary Musketeer        Honorary Musketeer

Walt Johnson:
 Musketeers 1976-79, Musketeer Hall of Fame 1991, Second All-time Musketeer leading scorer. Walt would

also coach  the High School team to back-to-back State Championships in 98 & 99 and the following year fall
one goal shy of an IHSHL three-peat.
Dennis Wilkie: Musketeers Played two seasons (94-96) in goal for the Musketeers.
Terry Mulroy: Played two seasons (73-75) in net for the Musketeers. Entered the Musketeer Hall of Fame in ’95.
 Dave Solberg: “Mighty Wurlitzer Organ” player at the Auditorium. Honorary Musketeer HOF ’96
   Woody Gottburg: Longtime voice of the Musketeers (radio play-by-play and home game  announcer)  He was a part of the team
from the very beginning setting up and working the first ever Musketeer novelty stand. He was also the originator
of the first set of Musketeer trading cards in 1974 and was the first announcer to profess” Its Hockey Time in
Siouxland“.  In 1998 he would be elected to the Honorary Musketeers HOF.

Trent Mozak              Rob Casper               Joe Pinard              Ryan Geris            Gary Lipshutz
   Musketeers 1997-01         Musketeers 1986-88            Musketeers Staff          Musketeers 1999-02      Founder/Owner Musketeers

Trent Mozak
 was originally from Sioux City and SYHA, he played 4 seasons (97-01) for the Musketeers. Won a IHSHL State

Championship with the Metros his junior year (98) before joining the Musketeers full time for his senior year where he played three
seasons. Rob Casper was also from Sioux City and the SYHA program, he played a pair of seasons (86-88) for the Musketeers,
and was a long time SYHA coach during the during the nineties and early 2000’s and in 2006 be became a USA Hockey Official.

Joe Pinard: Played three seasons for the Sioux City Eagles; the precursor to the start of the Musketeers joining the USHL senior
league. He was elected an Honorary member of the Musketeer HOF  in 1996. Joe passed away in 2016 and will always be
remembered by so many Sioux City players as both a great coach, great officials and by many a great friend.  

Ryan Geris: Played three seasons (99-02) as a Musketeer. During his final season he was Alternate Team Captain and chosen
to the USHL All-Star Team. Ryan’s Musketeer Moment came on a Sunday night in Omaha, when he scored the winning goal
in overtime to clinch a Clark Cup Championship for the Musketeers.  Gary Lipshutz was the original owner and established
the Musketeers in 1972 as the newest members of the well respected USHL Sr. Professional League. Not only was Gary
responsible for the start of hockey in Sioux City, he played an instrumental part in the continuation and overall success of the
final ten seasons of the USHL as a Professional League. 

Left: Last game honorees wait on the Musketeer bench for their introductions. Center: Jim Kronschnabel and Joe Pinard
Right: Jim and Ryan Geris

   Jim Kronschnabel: Jim purchased the Musketeers just prior to the start of the 2002 season. Fresh off a Clark Cup Championship
and a legendary USHL coach in place, the Musketeers would continue their successes, including a run at the Cup just two years
later. Originally from Minnesota, Jim epitomized the feeling of “hometown ownership” and there wasn’t a fan around that didn’t see
Jim as just an owner, but a local fan who loved to see the Musketeers win.

Last game in The Audi
December 13, 2003

Left: Past Musketeer Walt Johnson drops the final opening face-off  in the Sioux City Auditorium. Originally from Omaha, Walt played
three seasons in Sioux City. During that time he would receive Rookie of the Year Award and a Leading Scorer Award. He would collect
some 286 total points in just 176 games making him the second all-time Musketeer leading scorer. Walt joined the Musketeer Hall of Fame
in 1991.He would eventually lead the Sioux City Metros High School Team to a pair of Back to back State Championships

Right: The final game at the Ol‘ Audi, December 13th, 2003, Musketeers Troy Brummett & Jimmy Spratt. Officials Keith Kaval,
Bob Batcheller and Johnathan Morrison look on at the beginning ceremony.

The Musketeers wear special jersey that night. They wore an alternate logo, un-traditional striping and was the first ever yellow jersey.
They have special “Closing the Audi” patches on both shoulders and are auctioned off after the game.

Todd Van Rooyan, Bob Batcheller & Walt Johnson                                  Jim Kronschnabel, Dave & Carol Siciliano

Left: Musketeer Business Operation Manager Todd Van Rooyan ( Metros Class of ’87), USHL Linesman Bob Batcheller (Metros
Class of ’83) and City of Sioux City Facilities Manager Walt Johnson (Musketeers 76-79 / Musketeer HOF ’91)
Right: Team Owner Jim Kronschnabel, Head Coach and General Manager Dave Siciliano and Head of Player Education &
Housing Carol Siciliano.

Jim purchased the team in 2002 and would own it for eight seasons. Under his guidance he would usher in a new era of Musketeer
style & grace while still capturing Musketeer tradition. In 2003 Jim transitioned from the Auditorium to the new Tyson Event Center,
a move that brought junior hockey in Sioux City to the next level.  In 2006 he secured Sioux City’s first USHL All-Star Game and
turned it into a two day celebration that USHL players have come to expect no matter where the location. In 2007 he took over for
a very tired-out Buc Bowl pre-season tournament. Renamed the USHL Fall Classic it boasts four days of non-stop USHL hockey
on two sheets of ice. Scouts from every NHL team attend along with hundreds of other professional and college scouts and coaches.

 would coach in Sioux City for 8 seasons, joining the Musketeers in 2000.He would finish his coaching career with the most wins

by a Musketeer coach with 272. Prior to that Dave coached 7 seasons in Thunder Bay (USHL) where he is also the winningest coach.
During his time in the USHL he won 4 Clark Cups (league championship), 3 Anderson Cups (regular season championship) and sits in
second place among USHL coaches for career wins with 810.

The boards of Walt’s House come down for the last time…
December 13th, 2003

Left: Walt cleans the ice for the final time in what many consider His Building. For three seasons he was a USHL
stand-out player
setting League and Team records for scoring, points and games played including Rookie of the Year,
Most Valuable Player, Defenseman
of the Year. Walt remains the second highest scoring Musketeer player with 286 total
points. After that, the building remained his, literally,
as he took over the General Manager operation of the building and
it’s events for over 25 years. Along the way Walt would coach his way to
numerous youth hockey championships, as well
as back to back Iowa High School Hockey League Championships in 1998 and 1999 

Right: Auditorium Crewmembers disassemble boards and glass in preparation for ice removal. Crew leader Ron “Cowboy” Thompson
(red shirt) and rink technician Jimmy Williams (blue shirt) oversee the removal of the glass and boards for the last time.

Tyson Event Center / Gateway Arena
Four nights later, on December 17th, the Musketeers would open their new NHL style facility the Tyson Event Center. The Gateway
Arena is
named after the famous computer company, founded by  Sioux City natives Ted Waite and Mike Hammond. A sell-out crowd
of 4500
people watch Musketeers goalie Jimmy Spratt record a shut-out and future NHL’er Tim Kennedy score the Tyson Event
first goal in a 3-0 win over long-time rivals the Waterloo BlackHawks.

Tyson Event Center / Gateway Arena Opening Night
December 17th, 2003
Musketeer Brian Bales and Black Hawk Joe Pavelski face-off on opening night at the new Tyson Event Center. The
Musketeers would open their new home with a 3-0 win. Goaltender Jimmy Spratt worked the shut-out and Tim Kennedy
would score the first ever goal in the new building.

Brian Bales logged three seasons as a Musketeer. This second season saw the veteran record nine goals, including a pair
of game-winners and fourteen assists. Next season, the Alternate Captain and would lead the team in scoring with sixty-
one points; including twenty goals and a team leading forty-one assists. He would also lead the team in game winning
goals with seven. That season, Brian would be selected the Musketeers Most Offensive Player of the Year and receive
the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship.

Joe Pavelski played a pair of seasons in Waterloo. Last season the rookie lead the team in scoring with sixty-nine points
including a USHL leading thirty-six goals and thirty-three assists. He is also selected as the USHL Rookie of the Year.
This season the veteran would finish second among team scorers with fifty-two points on twenty-one goals and thirty-
one assists. He would help lead the Black Hawks to a Clark Cup Championship and is selected as the USA Hockey
Junior Player of the Year
After a pair of seasons at the University of Wisconsin, he was first selected as the NCAA Rookie of the Year and the
following season the NCAA All-Star and All-American would help lead the Badgers to their sixth Nation Championship.

Did You know… Joe Pavelski would embark on an eighteen season NHL carere playing first thirteen seasons for the
San Jose Sharks and five more for the Dallas stars. He is a four-time NHL All-Star player who in 2010 won an Olympic
silver medal with Team USA and in 2016 led the NHL in both game-winning goals and post-season goals.  Joe holds
the NHL record for career post-season goals with seventy-three. He would record 1068 regular season points and played
in 1332 regular season games. Add to that 201 play-off games and 143 post-season points.

Brad O’Shell             Tim Kennedy                                                   Opening Night
    Musketeers 2003-04        Musketeers 2003-05                                                      December 17th, 2003              
 Musketeers Brad O’Shell and Tim Kennedy Right: The Musketeers salute the fans in the Tyson Event Center’s
opening night win, a shut-out over the Waterloo Black Hawks.

Youngster Brad O’Shell joins the team fresh from the Little Caesars U16 team where he is a top five scorer recording thirty
goals and twenty-eight assists. This rookie season, he logs twenty-five Musketeer contests and grabs a pair of assists. Brad
would play an additional pair of junior seasons playing for the Youngstown/Mahoning Valley Phantoms (NAHL). 


First Goal Tyson Event Center  /  First Shut-Out Tyson Event Center
Musketeer Tim Kennedy would score the first ever goal in the newly opened Tyson Event Center/ Gateway Arena; a shot that snuck
by Waterloo goaltender Aaron Johnson at 11:35 of the first period. Goaltender Jimmy Spratt would record the building’s first
first shut-out victory stopping twenty-six Waterloo attempts.

Dennis McCauley
Musketeers 2003-05
There were a lot of “Firsts” during this opening night match-up. The first tilt in the Tyson came just after the start of
the second
period when Dennis McCauley and Jake Schwan dropped the mitts. While the BlackHawks forward from New
York would get the
quick upper hand, Dennis’ strength and size would eventually prevail.

Linesmen Aaron Mills and Bob Batcheller get both players separated and on their way to the box, both earning
coincidental five
minute majors.

Jimmy Spratt
Musketeers 2002-05
Goalie Jimmy Spratt recorded a building opening Tyson Event Center shut-out victory; a 3-0 win over the Waterloo

Black Hawks.  He would turn away twenty-six Waterloo shots on goal and defend against six Black Hawk power play
opportunities, recording the the first ever Musketeer win, as well as first ever shut-out during this historic opening of this
brand new building.

   Adam Krug                                                                Dennis McCauley
Musketeers 2003-04                                                                      Musketeers 2003-05
Adam Krug  would bring two season’s worth of Junior experience to the Musketeers this year; having played in the North
American League for Springfield and Capitol Center. He would miss just a single tilt during the fifty-eight game season and
along the way light the lamp eighteen times and add twenty-four helpers. Adam would have nine multi-point games; including
two, three point games and a personal best in Cedar Rapids when he grabbed both a pair of goals and assists in this win
over the ‘Riders.
Adam would then play a pair of seasons at Wayne State University where he was a top ten and then leading scorer; and then
two more at Adrian College where the two-time team Captain was a top two leading scorer both seasons. He would spend
five seasons as a professional; splitting time between ECHL, CHL and SPHL.

Dennis McCauley would log a busy first season; playing in fifty-six games this season the rookie would record a dozen goals
and nine assists. He would record his first Musketeer tally on October 25th is a win over the Chicago Steel. He would also collect
a team high 168 penalty minutes; second best among all league felons.
Next season would see the Team Captain finish fifth among all Musketeer scorers with seventeen goals and twenty-one assists
including eleven multi-point games. The two-time Musketeer Heavy Hitter would again lead the way in penalties recording 230
minutes in the box; fourth highest among all USHL players.

USHL Defenseman of the Year
Musketeer Michael Hodgson receives the USHL’s Defenseman of the Year Award. His thirty-two assists and forty-one points are tops
among all USHL defenseman this season. Sharing this honor are fellow Musketeers Jimmy Peck (3x), Walt Johnson and Fred Kaminska

Most Assists by a Defenceman (Season) * Most Points by a Defenceman (Season)
 Playing in fifty-six regular season games, Michael Hodgson records thirty-two assists and forty-one points, leading all other
USHL defenceman. He would record eleven multi-point outings this season including a four point game against Des Moines.

Tim Kennedy
Musketeers 2003-05
The Buffalo, New York native arrives in Sioux City with a predetermined anticipation. Coaching staffs league wided have
Tim pegged as one the the USHL’s premier players over the next few seasons.

Rookie Tim Kennedy quickly adjusts to the new level of play scoring his first goal in the season opener on September
26th, against
the Tri-City Storm. He would record both nine goals and assists; including a two goal affair against the Cedar
Rapids RoughRiders.
His eighteen total points placed him among the top ten Musketeer scorers and second among the
team’s rookie scorers.
He would be selected as the Musketeers Rookie of the Year.

Returning the following season, Tim hits the ice running; recording a team leading twenty-nine goals and thirty one
assists. His
sixty points and six game winning goals are both one shy of leading the team. He would record fifteen
multi-point games and a
pair of Hat Tricks, both against the Sioux Falls Stampede. He would also record six goals
and eleven assists during the post-
season leading all other Musketeers. Tim is selected to the USHL All-Star game
and chosen both the Musketeers Most
Valuable Player and Most Offensive Player.

Johann Kroll
Musketeers 2002-04
Johann’s prior season with the Musketeers netted him lots of playing time; suiting up for thirty-six games he would
record a
pair of goals including his first in a win over the Lincoln Stars on October 12th. He would also add four assists.
Musketeer wouldn’t survive the first round of the post-season, but Johann would tally his first play-off goal in
game one against the River City Lancers.
Returning here for another season, the experienced Musketeer forward Johann Kroll is ready to increase his playing-time
and his scoring
numbers. Seeing time in fifty-five games this season he will record six goals and twenty-four assists.
Johann would have
three multi-point games, including a three point outing against the Sioux Falls Stampede and collect
three game winning
goals, two against Chicago and the other against Sioux Falls. He would go on to play four seasons
at The Ohio State
University and then five additional seasons splitting time between the ECHL and AHL

Did You Know…That’s past Musketeer player Tyler Johnson wearing the stripes in the above picture. He played for
the Musketeers
during the 1998-99 season and than an additional season playing for the Helena Gold Rush in the
infamous Frontier Hockey League.
He would join the USA Hockey Officiating staff in 2000 and is currently working in
the ECHL and AHL and is a a USHL and USA Hockey Supervisor.  

  Louis Liotti                                                                     Justin Johnson
Musketeers 2003-05                                                                         Musketeers 2003-05
Long Island native Louis Liotti would have a busy rookie season; playing a fifty-eight game schedule, missing just a pair of
regular season match-ups. He would notch both his fist USHL goal and first game-winning goal, in a win over the Danville
Wings October 18th. Louis would also add twelve assists and record 36 penalty minutes during the regular season and a
goal and four assists before the Musketeers are eliminated in the second round. His next season would be an exciting
one as the Team Captain would help lead the Musketeers on another serious run at a Clark Cup Championship.

Justin Johnson would play his first of two USHL seasons in Sioux City. This season the rookie records three goals and seven
assists; his first Musketeer tally coming on November 1st in a shoot-out win over the Tri-City Storm. Returning next season the
veteran starts the year with a goal and an assists but an early-season trade moves him to Green Bay.

David Deterding
Musketeers 2001-04
Eventual three season veteran David Deterding joined the Musketeers out of the Minnesota high school league. The
rookie logs
time in thirty-two games; grabs his first USHL goal as a Musketeer and tacks on six assists. The following
season he ups
his playing time seeing action in fifty-seven contest; recording a goal, three assists and 115 penalty
minutes, third best
among all Musketeers.
Returning for a third season with the Musketeers, David Deterding does so in the leadership role as Team Captain.
He records another
red-lighter, eight assists and trims his time in the box to just seventy-six minutes. David goes on to
play four seasons at Bemidji
State University where his leadership skills are once again utilized; he is selected as
an Alternate Captain his sophomore year
and then Team Captain for both his remaining two seasons.

3-Musketeers vs Chicago Steel-1
January 23rd, 2004
  Michael Hodgson                 Johan Kroll     
Musketeers 2001-04                  Musketeers 2002-04

Johan Kroll celebrates his first of three game-winning goals this season. Defenseman Michael Hodgson and line mate Matt
Hartman would earn assists in this one; giving the Musketeers a 3-1 win over the Chicago Steel. Troy Brummett would open
the scoring in the first, Mike Curry would put the game on ice in the third and Jimmy Spratt would stop twenty Steel attempts.

Mike Curry
Musketeers 2002-04
Mike would make the trek to the USHL all the way from Eagle River, Alaska. Joining the Musketeers as a rookie,
he would
see lots of ice, playing in fifty-two games. He wasted no time recording his first red-lighter; beating Lincoln
goalie Philippe
Lamoureux in the second period and helping the Musketeers to a season opening win. He would record
five more goals,
including a pair of game winners and add ten assists to his first year stats.
Returning for a second season, Mike Curry would miss just a pair of games this season and triple his goal scoring notching
nineteen goals,
including three game-winners, three multi-goal outings and seven nights recording two or more points. He
would be selected to play
in the USHL All-Star & Prospects game held this season in Lincoln, Ne. Mike would go on to
play four seasons at the University
of Minnesota at Duluth and then three more seasons in the ECHL.

David Hale
Musketeers 1998-2000
Past Musketeer David Hale makes his NHL debut on October 8th, 2003 playing for the New Jersey Devils. He logs twenty shifts and
over fourteen minutes ice time in this season opening deadlock against the Boston Bruins. He would record his fist point later that
season on November 13th against Florida Panthers and his fist NHL red-lighter on November 26th, 2008 when he beats Columbus
Blue Jackets goaltender Steve Mason, tieing the game and helping the Coyotes to a 3-2 victory. He is selected by the Devils in the first
round of the 2000 NHL Draft. He would go on to play seven NHL seasons, distributing his defensive services in Calgary,
Phoenix, Tampa Bay and Ottawa.

Siouxland Blood Bank
Christian Minella      Tim Kennedy        Travis Turnbull      Dennis McCauley
Musketeers 2003-05    Musketeers 2003-05       Musketeers 2003-05        Musketeers 2003-05

Returning veteran players Chris Minella, Tim Kennedy, Travis Turnbull and Dennis McCauley pose for the Siouxland
Blood Bank
promotional photos. Taken at the beginning of the season in 2003, one can clearly see the old Audi and its
familiar orange theme
including the seats, stage bunting and matching support columns as well as the traditional “Its
Hockey Time in Sioux City” banner.

Home Away from Home
Temporary Musketeer Office

During the construction of the new Tyson Event Center the Musketeers office was moved to the cozy confines of this temporary
office located on the east side of the Sioux City Auditorium. While it was not very inviting, it did serve its intended purpose.

This office consisted of a main room and a small separated office, it was shared by both Jim and Dave. While the remaining office
space was divided between the rest of the Musketeer staff. All operations for the season took place from this office including
coaching, ticket sales, scouting, sales, general business operations and game night preparations

    Chad Evers                                                                        Bob Batcheller
USHL Linesman & Referee 1900-00                                                 USHL linesman 1990-2011
Des Moines Bucs 1990-91 /Waterloo BlackHawks 1991-92

Left: Chad and Bob talk talk things over with Musketeer Blair Yaworski after a stoppage of play by the Stars net.
 Sometime being fashionably late to the party can help avoid a stick in the chops.

Shown here during a game between the Musketeers and the Lincoln Stars. Musketeer Chris Butler would score the lone
Musketeer goal. Stars Dan Riedel would record a hat trick and Mick Berge would add two more goals in this 5-1 victory.
Long time USHL referee and linesman Chad Evers would also log time as a USHL player, playing seasons in Des Moines
and Waterloo

Did You Know…Chad’s son, Christian, would go on to follow in dad’s footsteps logging three USHL seasons with the USA
National team and two with the Lincoln Stars. He wopuld spend four sdeasons at the University of Vermont and is currentlly
playing in the ECHL for the Worcester Railers.

Tyler Johnson                                                                          Bob Batcheller
USHL Referee 2000-20 / Musketeers 1998-99                                       USHL linesman 1990-2011


Left: This one is good one for the “Caption This” photo game!!! Right: Linesman Kyle McGlone drops the puck in this
Musketeer game against the Chicago Steel. He would go on to a long officiating carere, eventually his way up to the AHL.
Kyle was was a great friend and a terrific mentor. Thanks Kyle!!!

500 USHL Wins
Head Coach Bob Ferguson collects his 500th USHL win. His historic USHL tenure would include nine seasons in Sioux City and
eight in Des Moines. Over those seventeen seasons he would record 517 total wins; 256 for the Musketeers and 261 for the
Buccaneers. Bob is currently the fifth winningest coach in the USHL.

***************************************USHL Play-Offs****************************************
Musketeers vs. River City Lancers
Round One / Quarter-Finals

For the second season in a row, the Musketeers take on their rivals from Omaha-the River City Lancers. All season long it
was a battle for the western division’s second place slot between the these two teams and the quarter-final series is expected
to be a good one. Troy Brummett records a pair of goals and Tim Kennedy’s third period tally secures a 3-1 series opening
victory for the Musketeers.
Returning home two nights later, the fans get another close one as the Lancers challenge in the third, but Domenic
grabs the game
winner gives the Musketeers a 2-0 series lead. Game three is more of the same; Troy Brummett
gets the Musketeers going and
Maiani and Kennedy tie the game in the third sending it to extra periods.
The eventual three overtime periods remain scoreless, but not because of a lack of offence by either team. The Musketeers
launch thirty-five shots on Lancer goaltender Jeff Lerg and the opponents reciprocate with twenty-five of their own on Jimmy
Spratt. However, at 17:56 of the third overtime, with assists from Justin Bostrom and Tim Kennedy, Louis Liotti lights-the-lamp
and the Musketeers win the series.

Musketeers vs. Tri-City Storm
Round Two / Semi-Finals

The first round sweep pairs up the Musketeers with the Anderson Cup Champion Tri-City Storm. Opening the series on the road,
the Musketeers stay with the Storm for much of the game but lose a close one 3-2 in overtime. Game two catches the Musketeers
growing tired and while Mike Curry and Justin Bostrom score goals in the second and keep the game close after two; Tri-City gets
two more in the third putting the Musketeers down 2-0. Returning home, the Musketeers get goals from Troy Brummett and a game
winner from Domenic Maiani and a 2-1 victory gets the Musketeers back in the series. The following night the Musketeers run
out of gas and fall to the regular season champs 2-0.

2004 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
Lincoln, Ne

  Jimmy Spratt           Blair Yaworski          Mike Hodgson           Johann Kroll             Mike Curry            Dominic Maiani   
This season’s USHL All-Star-Prospect game is Held in the Ice Box on February 3rd. It again features the World vs the USHL
selections. Guest coaches Glenn Sonmor-Minnesota North Stars runs the USHL All-Stars and Bob Gernander-NHL Central
Scouting run the World All-Stars. Sioux City places six players in the mid-season classic. Musketeers  Mike Hodgson, Johann
Kroll, Dominic Maiani and Mike Curry suit-up for the USHL and Blair Yaworski and Jimmy Spratt for the World. In an
overtime nail-biter the USHL All-Stars again defeat the World All-Stars 4-3.

Johan Kroll  Jimmy Spratt  Mike Hodgson  Blair Yaworski

2003-04 Musketeer Award Winners
Michael Hodgson          Matt Hartman            Tim Kennedy         Dennis McCauley         Dave Deterding          Adam Krug

Michael Hodgson…
Musketeer Most Valuable Player and Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year

Matt Hartman…Musketeers Offensive Player of the Year  *  Tim Kennedy…Musketeers Rookie of the Year
Dennis McCauley…Musketeers Most Improved Player  *  David Deterding…7th Man Award
Adam Krug…
Musketeer Booster Club Scholarship

2004 NHL Draft
June 26th & 27th, 2004
 This years NHL draft is divided into two selection days and is held at the RCB Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The opening round is held on June 26th with the remaining rounds completed the following day. The USHL places ten
players in the draft with both Musketeers players going in the seventh round; Mike Curry to the Los Angles Kings and
Jimmy Spratt to the Calgary Flames.

Mike Curry        Jimmy Spratt
Musketeers 2002-04  Musketeers 2002-05


Stanley Cup Famous

Ruslan Fedotenko arguably becomes the most famous Musketeer ever when on June 7th, when on he scores both goals in game
seven of the 2004 Stanley Cup finals; beating the Calgary Flames and bringing home the franchise’s first NHL championship.
In addition to scoring both goals in that decisive game; he and teammate Brad Richards would lead all other players with 12 play-
off goals. In game four he would take a huge hit from Calgary winger Ville Nieminen; making his return to the series questionable.
Fortunately, the Tank is not easily sidelined. After a game off, he would return in game six, notching an assist as the Bolts tied
up the series at three apiece. Ruslan would save is best performance for game seven, winning his first of two Stanley Cups.

Ruslan would play in some 800 professional contests over his 16 year career scoring 112 goals and 145 Assists.  Getting his start in
Philadelphia, he would see substantial time with four other NHL franchises; Tampa Bay, New York Rangers & Islanders as well as
the Pittsburgh Penguins where he would win his second Stanley Cup in 2009. In 2014 he returned to Iowa, playing a pair of season
for the Wild before announcing his retirement in October of 2016


League consists of eleven member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule. St. Louis and Danville leave the league.
Indiana joins the league. River City changes back to Omaha

Eastern Conference: 
Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Chicago Steel,  Des Moines Buccaneers, Green Bay Gamblers,

Indiana Ice, Waterloo Black Hawks
Western Conference:  Lincoln Stars, Omaha Lancers, Sioux Falls Stampede, Tri-City Storm, Sioux City Musketeers

The Musketeers would finish the season in second place in the Western Division behind the League’s Regular Season Co-Champions,
Omaha Lancers and Cedar Rapids RoughRiders. The Musketeers would finish tied for second place with Lincoln; both teams sharing a
37-17-6 record good for 80 overall points. Tim Kennedy would score a team leading 30 goals and Brain Bales a leading 41 assists.
Jimmy Spratt and Jeff Zatkoff would share the rotation all season building a goaltender relationship that would take the Musketeers
all the way to the finals.

The Musketeers would eventually win the Western Division Play-offs and meet up with the very strong Eastern Division Champs,
the Cedar Rapids Roughriders. While viewed as the underdogs…the Musketeers stole a game two defensive battle in CR and returned
home and while on the ropes in game four, won in overtime. However, the Musketeers would fall short in game five in a 4-1
loss on the road.

  Note: Sioux City native and SYHA player Kevin Lohry (Metros Class of ’05 / State Champion ’03) spent his senior year splitting between
the Metros and the Musketeers. Following that he would join the Musketeers for a pair of full seasons and would be selected as one of the
teams Alternate Captains. Kevin would play four seasons for the Princeton Tigers and then a season for the Bakersfield Condor (ECHL)

Musketeers Front Office Staff
                  Jim Kronschnabel           Rich Zaber         Cassie Wieberdink        Carol Siciliano          Amy Reinert
                               President/Owner                   Sales Manager             Merchandise & Media     Player Education, Housing        Office Manager                                                                                                                  & Community Relations

Musketeer Coaching Staff
 Dave Siciliano         Marty Quarters         Tony Worden     Craig Brandenburger   Billy Danderand
                    Head Coach &                  Assistant Coach &              Strength Coach                   Athletic Trainer            Equipment Manager 

                              General Manager                 Head of Recruiting                                             

Between the Pipes

Third year veteran Jimmy Spratt and rookie Jeff Zatkoff would team up to form a Goaltending crew that would
take the Musketeers
to game five of the USHL Championship series. This is another Musketeer goaltending duo that
could arguably be considered one of the best in the USHL.
The veteran earned the starter designation but the rookie provided the reliable relief & solid numbers that quickly
turned into a regular
rotation that clicked well for both players. The team would finish ties for second in the Western
Division with a 37-18-6 record.  This duo was just warming-up getting ready to that the Musketeer on a lengthy run
for the Clark Cup. Both
Goalies would finish with a sub-3.00 GAA and Jeff  as one of the USHL top five goalies
and Jimmy among the top ten.

Jimmy Spratt
Musketeers 02-05

Jimmy enters his third season as one of the league’s projected top goaltenders. He is looking to build on last season’s winning
including eighteen wins, three shut-outs and a trip to the Western Conference finals.
Three seasoned veteran Jimmy Spratt would assume the starting position and see time in forty-two games. He record finish
with a 24-11-3 record and add a pair of shut-outs to this seasons stats. He would record a save percentage of .905; fifth in the
league and his goals against average of 2.82 ranked him among eight of this season’s USHL’s top goalies. Jimmy’s experience
would carry the Musketeers through series wins over the Lincoln Stars and the Tri-City Storm, on to a final game five of the
Clark Cup Championship against the heavially favored Anderson Cup Champs from Cedar Rapids.

Jeff Zatkoff
Musketeers 04-05

Jeff Zatkoff  would join the Musketeers for a single season, however he would see ample time even as a rookie paired with
a third year veteran. He would still play in twenty-four games and post a regular season record of thirteen wins, six losses and
three overtime loses. He would add a shut-out to his record as well as finish among the top five goalies in the league with a
2.55 goals against average. His save percentage of .914 was third best among the league’s top goaltenders this season. After
four seasons playing for the University of Miami-Ohio, Jeff would play five seasons in the AHL, four in the NHL and four
more season in ECHL and German Elite League.

Did You know…In 2016 Jeff would raise the Stanley Cup as the Pittsburgh Penguins beat the San Jose Sharks in six games.
This is the
Pens fourth NHL Championship.

High Scorers
Tim Kennedy              Brian Bales            Justin Bostrom          Corey Elkins          Dennis McCauley               

Musketeers 2003-05          Musketeers 2002-05         Musketeers 2003-05        Musketeers 2004-05          Musketeers 2003-05

 Returning veterans Tim Kennedy and Brian Bales toped the scorers list this season. Tim posted a team leading thirty goals
and Brian recorded a team leading fourty-one assists as both players finished with sixty-one points. Both players would also
lead the team in post season scoring with six goals and eleven assists  and seven goals and eight assists. Justin Bostrom would
record forty-seven points on twenty-six tallies and twenty-one helpers. He would also add eleven play-off points including
four goals. Rookie Corey Elkins records forty-two regular season points on nineteen goals and five additional play-off points.
Heavy Hitter Dennis McCauley proved he could sometimes have soft hands rounding out the top five scorers with eighteen
goals, twenty-one assists and five play-off points.

Did You Know…the Musketeers would lead the league this season recording 368 regular season assists. Tim Kennedy would
finish fourth league wide scoring thirty goals and Brian Bales fifth among the league’s top set-up guys with forty assists. Tim and
Brian would also lead the league in post-season scoring registering seventeen and fifteen points. Josh Meyers would round out
the top five scorers with ten points.

Heavy Hitters
Dennis McCauley          Joe Charlebois         Tim Kennedy            Blake Martin            Travis Turnbull              

Musketeers 2003-05           Musketeers 2004-05       Musketeers 2003-05          Musketeers 2004-07           Musketeers 2003-05

Taking his usual top spot on the Heavy Hitters list again this season is Dennis McCauley. He would better last season’s total
by an additional hour of box time finishing with 236 penalty minutes. Joe Charlebois would finish a distant second with146.
Tim Kennedy joined both list this season by earning 112 penalty minutes. Rookie Blake Martin would finish with 104 minutes.
This would be the first of three seasons on the Heavy Hitters list for Blake. Veteran Travis Turnbull completed the list this season
with 103 minutes, he just missed the top five scorers by a single goal.

Sioux City Celebrates with the Stanley Cup
The Stanley Cup arrives in Sioux City. Ruslan raises the Cup in the Musketeer Dressing Room. Left: Tim Seaman KCAU News

and Sports. Right: Larry Ttrudeau long-time Musketeer sponsor & fan.

Team Owner Jim Kronschnabel presents Ruslan with a Congratulations for his Stanley Cup win and a Thank You for sharing such
a special  time with the City of Sioux City, The Musketeers and all their terrific fans!!!

Ruslan stayed all afternoon signing autographs and posing for the nearly 3000 fans that attended to see the Stanley Cup in
the brand new Tyson Event Center.


Walt Johnson                Ruslan Fedotenko
Musketeers 1976-79              Musketeers 1998-99

Justin Bostrom

Musketeers 2003-05
Justin would Split his USHL rookie season between the Musketeers and his hometown high school the Mounds View Mustangs.
He would play in eleven regular season games; recording a pair of goals and three assists. He would also get some play-off time,
again scoring two goals and three assists.
Returning for a full second season, Justin is able to boost his games played as well as his scoring numbers. He nets twenty-six goals
and forty points during the regular season. He logs thirteen multi-point games; five of them with three points including a Hat Trick-
Game Winner combo on February 11th in a 5-4 overtime win over the Indians Ice. He would play in all twelve post-season games;
scoring four goals and seven assists. Mid-season he is selected to the USHL All-Star Team. Brian would go on to play four season
for the University of Minnesota before embarking on a five season career playing hockey in Scandinavia and Germany.

Brian Bales
Musketeers 2002-05
Brian  would log three seasons as a Musketeer. During his rookie season he would play nearly a full season and
record eleven goals and seven assists in addition to one play-off point in Sioux City’s quick departure form the cup finals.
His second season saw his goal production drop by a goal but he doubled his play making game. Again, he would post a
point in a play-off run that was finally getting deeper each season.
 His final season was a break-out season; recording twenty goals and both a team and League leading forty-one assists. His
sixty-one points gave him a Musketeer co-leading scorer distinction.  Sioux City made a serious run in the playoffs losing the best
of five final series in game five. However, he could boast a terrific post season with both a League leading seven goals and fifteen points.
He would share the Musketeers Most Offensive Player Award and  also receive the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship Award.

 Justin Cseter                                                              Steven Kampfer
Musketeers 2004-06                                                                      Musketeers 2004-06
Justin Cseter joins the Musketeers this late into the season as a sixteen year old; He would record four total USHL seasons
including two in Sioux City and two more in Columbus playing for the Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets. The rookie play in the last thirteen
games of the season and record a pair of goals and assists; notching his first red-lighter on February 18th in a win over the Lincoln
Stars. The returning veteran grabbed a goal and ten assists the following season.

 Justin would split two more USHL seasons playing for the Green Bay Gamblers and the Blue Jackets recording a total of twenty
goals and thirty-eight assists. He would go on to play four seasons at the University of Alabama-Huntsville and then three more
for the Huntsville Havoc (SPHL). He is currently playing in the Slovakian pro league.

Another rookie this season is Steven Kampfer. The Michigan native joins the Musketeers a year out of the Little Caesars Elite
League. Logging time in forty-four games this season; he records six goals and thirteen assists. His first coming on December
11th against the Tri-City Storm. During a run to the finals that season, he would add two more goals and three more points the
opening series against Lincoln and two more against Tri-City and Cedar Rapids. He would have another successful season with the
Musketeers before playing four seasons at the University of Michigan and embarking on a nine year NHL career where he
is back playing for the Boston Bruins.

Louis Liotti

Louis Liotti played a pair of seasons for the Musketeers. Last season, as a rookie, he missed just two games during a 60 game grind
that saw him produce his first USHL goal and add another dozen assists. He played in all seven of the Musketeer post-season contests;
recording his first post-season goal and adding four more helpers.
This following season, Louis would return to the Musketeer as one of the expected team leaders and he is selected as the Team Captain.
Another busy schedule of fifty-three games sees the veteran score three goals and ten assists during the regular season. He helps lead the
underdog  Musketeers to the final game of the Clark Cup championship.  He would play four seasons at Northeastern University, then
embark on a six year professional career including the AHL, ECHL and Europe.

 Nick Kemp                                                                  Corey Elkins
Musketeers 2004-05                                                                           Musketeers 2004-05

Nick Kemp
 would play a single season as a Musketeer and would log a game shy of a complete seasons, scoring15 goals and 23

assists. He would not miss a play-off game; recording a pair of goals and adding four assists as the Musketeers went thirteen games
deep in the post season but fell short in the game five championship series. He would go on to play four seasons for the University
of  Minnesota and an additional season in the East Coast league.

Corey Elkins would join the Musketeers as rookie player, but had already logged a seasons of Junior hockey; one playing in the
NAHL for Detroit Compuware and the previous season playing for the St. Louis Heartland Eagles in the USHL. He would miss
just five games this regular season;  scoring nineteen goals and twenty-one assists. Corey would register eight multi-point games
including a Hat Trick on November 11th win over the Omaha Lancers.

Chris Butler
Musketeers 2003-05
Chris joins the Musketeers fresh off a pair of seasons in the Missouri College Prep League. He sees time in fifty-three games and
nets three goals; his first one coming on October 4th in a win over the St. Louis Heartland Eagles, and six helpers during the
season. He plays in all seven post-season games recording his first post season point in round-two against the Tri-City Storm
Veteran Chris Butler has a busy second season, sitting out just three games, he would score five goals and twenty-one
assists. He would finish the season with a league leading plus/minus of thirty-six. Selected as one of the team’s

Alternate Captains, he helped guide the Musketeers to a third place finish in the dominate western division. The Musketeers
deep into the play-offs, eventually matching up against the the league Champions from Cedar Rapids.

Chris also logs time in all twelve post-season games recording a goal and six assists. Mid-season he is named to the USHL
team and later on named to the All-USHL First Team as well as the Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year.
 After three
seasons in Denver playing for the Pioneers, it was off to the races joining the Buffalo Sabres for three seasons,
then Calgary for
another two, before finding a home in St. Louis where he is currently splitting his time between the
Blues (NHL) and the
Chicago Wolves (AHL).

Phil DeSimone                                                                   Jon Ralph    
Musketeers 2004-07                                                                           Musketeers 204-05

Joining the Musketeers this season is New York native Phil DeSimone. The rookie does see lots of time; suiting-up for forty-one
contests. He record a pair of goals; his first on December 4th in a win over the Green Bay Gamblers. He would also tack-on
eight more assists, including one during the post-season. Phil’s next two seasons will be much different; over the next two seasons
this low scoring rookie grows into the eventual Musketeer Most Valuable Player and USHL Player of the Year

By the time Jon Ralph joined the Musketeers, he had logged two seasons playing in Green Bay. His one hundred plus contests
so far, had helped him build his defensive game and made his experience a welcome addition to the defensive corps this season.
He would see time in thirty Musketeer games and while he had already scored three goals his rookie season with the Gamblers,
he did record his first as a Musketeer on November 11th  in a 8-3 win over his old team mates. He would go on to lay a
pair of seasons at University of Wisconsin/Stevens Point and two more in the ECHL.

Dennis McCauley
Musketeers 2003-05
Dennis McCauley would log a busy first season; playing in fifty-six games this season the rookie would record a dozen goals
and nine assists. He would record his first Musketeer tally on October 25th is a win over the Chicago Steel. Dennis would lead
the team in penalty minutes and the eventual two-time leading Heavy Hitter would record 168 minutes in the box
Finishing his second season with the Musketeers, the veteran forward would make both the team High Scorers and Heavy Hitters
list this season. He would record seventeen goals and nineteen assists; his thirty-six points was fifth best among Musketeer scorers.

Leading the way in penalty minutes he was ninety-one minutes ahead of second place with 230 penalty minutes. During the play-offs,
Dennis curtailed his time in the box and supplemented his offence with a pair of goals and three assists as the Musketeers made
another serious run for the Clark Cup. Dennis would play four seasons for Northeastern University, three seasons in the ECHL
and three more in the Europe.

 Dave Siciliano                Marty Quarters
 Musketeers 2000-08                  Musketeers 2002-05



   8-Musketeer vs. Waterloo Black Hawks-3                       7-Musketeer vs. Waterloo Black Hawks-2
November 11th, 2004                                                                      March 18th, 2005

Corey Elkins         Jon Ralph        Blake Martin                                                         Peter Lenes               
     Musketeers 2004-05  Musketeers 2004-05  Musketeers 2004-07                                                  Musketeers 2004-05                   
Left: Jon Ralph finds the net as Corey Elkins and Blake Martin congratulate him on his first goal as a Musketeer in this
decisive win over the Gamblers.  Right: Peter Lenes looks to move around Black Hawks defenseman J.P. Testwuide.
Musketeers Nick Kemp scores a pair of goals, Blake Martin grabs a Gordie Howe Hat Trick  and goaltender Jimmy
Spratt stops twenty Waterloo attempts in this 7-2 victory.

Representing the Great State of Michigan…

…are goaltenders Jimmy Spratt and Jeff ZatkoffSteven Kampfer, Coach Marty Quarters and Justin JohnsonJimmy
would go on to a multi season career playing in the East Coast and Central Hockey leagues. Jeff would also have a lengthy career
playing in the East Coast and American Hockey Leagues; he is currently playing in the NHL for the Los Angles Kings. Steven would
also see the Pros; winning a Stanley Cup in 2011 with the Boston Bruins and currently playing for the New York Rangers. Justin
would return home and play for the Michigan Wolverines. Coach Marty can be proud of his Michigan guys; he  was instrumental in
making them Musketeers and pointing them down their successful hockey paths.

Chris Butler   Josh Meyers   Joe Charlebois    Billy Danderand    Tim Kennedy   Kent Bostrom  Chris Minella    Brian Bales   
2003-05           2004-05            2004-05                1972-2011             2003-05            2004-05             2003-06          2002-05
Chris Butler and Tim Kennedy would both go on to play in the NHL. Chris would start in Buffalo for three seasons,
then Calgary
for another two before finding a home in St. Louis where is is currently playing for the Blues. Tim would
also start in Buffalo and play an
additional pair of seasons in San Jose and Phoenix before moving to Russia where he is
currently playing in the KHL. While a Musketeers
Chris would receive USHL all-Star honors and Tim receiving Musketeers
Rookie of the Year, MVP and USHL All-Star Honors.

Josh Meyers would spend several season in the AHL and ECHL before going to Europe where he played a season in
Italy before
moving to Germany where he is currently playing in the DEL. Joe Charlebois would follow a similar path
playing pro hockey in Austria.

Kent Bostrom and Brian Bales would both complete college careers playing NCAA hockey, Kent for  Bethel College and
for Bowling Stare University. During their time in Sioux City, Kent would receive the Musketeers 7th man award and
Brian the
Musketeers Co-Offensive Player of the Year honors and the Booster Club Scholarship winner..

Chris Minella would finish up at Notre Dame and spend his professional career with the ECHL playing for the Wheeling Nailers and
currently the Cincinnati Cyclones.  He also spent time playing for the Pittsburgh Penguins farm team the Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton Penguins.

Tim Kennedy
Musketeers 2003-05
Tim logs two seasons with the Musketeers. Last season the team’s Rookie of the Year was a top ten team scorer recoding nine
goals, including his first goal in his first game and nine assists. He is again projected to be one of the leagues premier players.   
Returning veteran Tim Kennedy delivers exactly as promised. He records a team leading twenty-nine goals and
thirty-one assists; his sixty points and six game winning goals are both one shy of leading the team.
He would record
fifteen multi-point games including a pair of Hat Tricks, both against the Sioux Falls Stampede. Tim is the USHL post-
season leading scorer recording six goals and ten assists helping lead theMusketeers to the final game of the Clark Cup
Mid-season he is selected to the USHL All-Star Team and as the season ends receives both the
Most Valuable Player and Musketeers Most Offensive Player Awards.

Did You know…Musketeer Tim Kennedy would score the first ever goal in the newly opened Tyson Event
Arena; a shot that snuck by Waterloo goaltender Aaron Johnson at 11:35 of the first period.

Blake Martin
Musketeers 2004-07
Just a youngster from Alaska, Blake Martin marks the first of three seasons with the Musketeers. He takes to the USHL
style of play quickly where he logged forty-five games; recorded eight goals, thirteen assists for twenty-one points. His 102
penalty minutes placed
the rookie among the top five Musketeer Heavy Hitters. He would wasted little time recording his
first USHL goal on September 25th,
beating the Tri-City net minder six minutes into the third period. On January 8th he
scored two goals in a win over the Chicago Steel.

The Musketeers would go deep into the post season where Blake saw time in all twelve games, notching a play-off goal
and adding
five assists, helping the Musketeers make a serious run for the Cup.

Originally thought too small for the League, Blake proved the critics wrong eventually becoming a Musketeer Heavy Hitter
that could still help put points on the board. Over the next three seasons fans across the league will find out that he may be
but he plays big!!! He was all about the team and came to play every day. Blake would spend the next three
seasons becoming
a Musketeer fan favorite.

4-Musketeers vs. Green Bay Gamblers-1
December 4th, 2004
Christian Minella        Tim Kennedy                                            Travis Turnbull
Musketeers 2003-06          Musketeers 03-05                                                        Musketeers 03-05

   Christian Minella played three seasons in Sioux City. Shown here during his final season, Christian would be selected Team
Captain and finish among the top three Musketeer scorers with twenty goals and thirty-four regular season points. He would
also record a pair of post season assists as the Musketeers fell short in the final game of the championship series. Chris would
receive the Musketeers 7th Man Award.

Tim Kennedy logged two seasons with the Musketeers. Last season, he would record nine goals & nine assists earning him
the Musketeer Rookie of the Year award. This season Tim would record a team leading twenty-nine goals and sixty regular
season points; second best among Musketeer scorers. He would be selected to the USHL All-Star Team and receive both the
Musketeers’ Most Valuable Player and Most Offensive Player awards. Tim would also lead all players in post-season
scoring; recording six goals and ten assists.

Travis Turnbull played a pair of seasons in Sioux City. Pictured above during his second season; his solid play consisting of
seventeen goals and thirty-six during the regular season, placed him among the top six Musketeer scorers. He would also add
four play-off goals and a pair of assists as the Musketeers challenged for the Clark Cup championship. He would also finish
the season as one of the Musketeers Heavy Hitters recording 103 penalty minutes.

And in this corner, weighing in at…

Two of the League’s toughest guys go at it, Dennis McCauley and Joe Finley. Ironically, being separated by two of the
oldest guys. In one of my proudest moments, I was accused of man-handling one of these players as we took
them apart. Upon
further review it was decided by all, that  5’4′ 170 can’t really man-handle 6’7′ 235

Dennis McCauley played two seasons in Sioux City, both of which he would lead the team in penalty minutes, the
Musketeer Heavy Hitter recorded 176 minutes as a rookie and 236 this season. Dennis could also put points
on the board;
scoring a dozen goals and nine assists as a rookie and seventeen a goals and twenty-one assists this season
finishing among
the top five Musketeer scorers. He would also add a pair of goals and three assists during the play-offs.
After four seasons
playing for the Northeastern Huskies he was drafted by the Buffalo Sabres. He would spend three
seasons playing in the
AHL and two additional season playing in Europe.

Joe Finley logged a single season in Sioux Falls (04-05) and lead the team with181 penalty minutes, he scored three
goals and ten assists
and rarely missed a game during the 60 game regular season. After four seasons at the University of
North Dakota and four
in the AHL & ECHL. On December 2nd, 2011 he made his NHL debut against the Detroit
Red Wings. He would play a pair of
seasons in the NHL for the Sabres and the Islanders, one with the Iowa Wild (AHL)
and three more in the Finnish Elite League (LIIG).


Nick Kemp                Chris Butler
Musketeers2004-05               Musketeers 2003-05

Nick Kemp would log just a single season playing in Sioux City. Just a game shy of playing a complete season he would record
15 goals and 23 assists for 39 regular season points. The Musketeers would make a run at the Clark Cup this season and Nick would
add a pair of goals & four assists as the Musketeers took the RoughRiders to the fifth and deciding game of the championship series.
He would be selected to the USHL All-Star team. Following the USHL he would play four seasons in Minnesota for the
Duluth Bulldogs. He is currently playing in the East Coast league for the Bakersfield Condors.

Chris Butler would log a pair of seasons as a Musketeer recording a total of nine goals and28 regular season points. He would also
record a goal and 6 assists in Sioux City’s run at the Clark Cup Championship. He would be the Musketeers Alternate Captain &
Defensive Player of the Year and and a member of the 2005 USHL All-Star team. After three season in Denver playing for the
Pioneers, he would start the Show in Buffalo for three seasons, then Calgary for another two, before finding a home in St. Louis
where is is currently playing for the Blues. 

Did You know…
Chris would make his NHL debut on December 19th, 2008 against the LA kings where he would also record

his first NHL point when he and fellow USHL player Thomas Vanek would set-up an Adam Muir goal in the second period.
On March 20th, 2009 he would notch his first NHL goal in a 6-4 loss against the Flyers.

Joe Charlebois                                                                        Peter Lenes    
Musketeers 2004-05                                                                                 Musketeers 2004-05
Joe Charlebois would see action here for a single season, however he did arrive with some junior experience playing for the
USA National Team the prior season. He would log fifty-six games; scoring his first USHL goal on October 30th in a win over
the Des Moines Buccaneers and add twenty-four helpers during the regular season. He would add another goal  and an assist
during the play-off before the Musketeer bowed out in the second round. Joe would go on to play four seasons at the University
of  New Hampshire; earning the Team Captain honors his senior season. Joe would split five more seasons between the AHL
and ECHL and a final season playing in the EBEL.

Peter Lenes was a single season player here in Sioux City. Logging fifty-seven games as a rookie he would record thirteen goals,
a dozen assists this regular season in addition to fifty-eight penalty minutes. Peter would record his first USHL tally on October 10th
in a 3-1 win over the Green Bay Gamblers. He would also record three of post season goals and a pair of assists as the Musketeer
took the championship series to the final game. The following season he would play four season at the University of Vermont, three in
the ECHL and is currently in his sixth season playing in the Alps Hockey League.

Chris Minella
Musketeers 2003-06
Last season, Chris would log an impressive schedule for a USHL rookie. He would see time in 52 regular season contests; post
seven goals, ten assists and record sixty-five minutes in the box. He would grab his first USHL goal on Halloween in a win over
the Sioux Falls Stampede and his first Game-Winner on January 16th against the Green Bay Gamblers.

Returning to the Musketeers as a veteran player Chris Minella is expected to fill both scoring and leadership roles. He ups
his playing
time to fifty-five games and records six goals for twenty points and sixty-two  penalty minutes. He would also
grab a pair of post-
season assists during the Musketeers Clark Cup Championship Runner-up season. Chris will return next
season as Team Captain;
elevating his scoring game and securing a college hockey commitment.

Travis Turnbull
Musketeers 2003-05
Travis makes a smooth transition from youth hockey to the USHL. Last season’s rookie logs time in fifty-four regular
season games;
scoring six goals and a dozen assists. He also registers seventy-one penalty minutes.
Travis Turnbull returns to the Musketeer squad for a second season. He plays in fewer games, but ups his scoring
significantly; notching
seventeen goals and nineteen assists. His thirty-six points is seventh highest among Musketeer
scorers. Travis also records 103
penalty minutes; fourth highest among the Heavy Hitters. He will go on to play
four seasons for the University of Michigan, split
four seasons between the AHL & NHL and finish out his careere
with eleven more seasons playing in the German Elite League. 

Josh Meyers
Musketeers 2004-05 

Josh Meyers logs just a single season for the Musketeers. It doesn’t take him long to adjust to the new speed of the
USHL; scoring
his first red-lighter four games into the season on October10th in a win over the Green Bay Gamblers.
He would record a total of eight
goals and twenty-four assts this regular season, including four multi-point games and a
pair of three point affairs. The Musketeers would
also take the post season championship to the final game, along the way
Josh grabbed a play-off goal and added nine helpers; those ten
points fifth best among all post-seasons scorers, as the
Musketeers ran out of gas in the final game. Josh would go on to play four
season for the University of Minnesota/Duluth,
two seasons in the ECHL and four more in the German Elite League (DEL)

Peter Lenes
Musketeers 2004-05

Peter Lenes was also a single season player here in Sioux City. Logging fifty-seven games as a rookie he would record
thirteen goals,
a dozen assists this regular season in addition to fifty-eight penalty minutes. Peter would record his first USHL
tally on October 10th
in a 3-1 win over the Green Bay Gamblers. He would also record three of post season goals and a pair
of assists as the Musketeer
took the championship series to the final game. The following season he would play four season at
the University of Vermont, three in
the ECHL and sixt in the Alps Hockey League.

Christian Minella
Musketeers 2003-06

USHL Player of the Week Awards

Brian Bales                                                    Joe Charlebois
Musketeers 2002-05                                                         Musketeers 2004-05

Travis Turnbull                                                         Justin Bostrom
Musketeers 2003-05                                                                      Musketeers 2003-05

Jimmy Spratt
Musketeers 2002-05

Jeff Zatkoff
Musketeers 04-05

Jeff Zatkoff logged a single season in Sioux City. The second part of a very reliable Goaltending duo.
played in thirteen regular season games and went 13-6-3 and logged one shut-out. His 2.55 GAA and .914 save percentage placed
him among
the top five League leading goaltenders.

Face Off for Charity
February 17th, 2005
Blake Martin                                                             Steven Kampfer

Musketeers 2004-07                                                                        Musketeers 2004-06
Left: Hi I’m Blake, I’ll be your server tonight… Right: This young fan has no idea that she is getting her picture taken with a future
Stanley Cup Winner. In 2011 Steven Kampfer would hoist the Cup as the Boston Bruins defeated the Vancouver Canucks for the
NHL’s top prize.

Tim Kennedy                                                Dave Siciliano          Mike Aggurie
Musketeers 2003-05                                                      Musketeers 2000-08        USHL 2002-Present

Left: Tim Kennedy chats with everyone’s favorite Zamboni Driver, Dino and Mrs. Dino. Tim played in Sioux City for two
seasons; even as a rookie, coaches and scouts knew he had the tools to eventually make the NHLAnd that he did, in 2008 he
played his first  NHL game for his home town Sabres and the following season became a regular seeing time in 78 games
notching ten goals and sixteen assists.   Right: Coach Dave and USHL Off-Ice Official and long-time host parent Michael
Aggurie enjoy the evening and the chance to interact with the fans

Peter Lenes                                                        Louis Liotti               Dennis McCauley
          Musketeers 2004-05                                                       Musketeers 2004-05                Musketeers 2003-05

Left: Peter Lenes works the second of two dinner seatings this evening. Right: Louis Liotti takes a break to hear Dennis McCauley
tell him how hard he worked during the first seating.

Chris Butler                                                                             Peter Lenes
Musketeers 2003-05                                                                                 Musketeers 2004-05

Left: Veteran defenseman and Face-off for Charity waiter Chris Butler makes sure his tables are well served.
Right: Working his first
FOC, Peter Lenes gets a picture with another satisfied customer.

Steven Kampfer                                                                                  Justin Cseter
Musketeers 2004-06                                                                                               Musketeers 2004-06  

*********************************************USHL Play-Offs**********************************************
Cedar Rapids and Omaha share the Anderson Cup honors this season each finishing with 89 regular season points. Obviously, post-season

favorites in their divisions, the Musketeers and Lincoln Stars have good odds to bid a serious run at the Clark Cup as well.

Musketeers vs. Lincoln Stars

Round 1 / Quarter Finals
The opening round finds the western divisions’ two best team doing battle for a chance to advance to the next round. Lincoln and Sioux
City finished the season with identical records making for a series that could go either way. Game one opens with a win on visitors ice
for the Musketeers. They scored twice in the first , four times in the second and held off a veiled attempt at a rally by the Stars in the
third period.
Game two’s domination by the Musketeers was delayed a period while both goalies stayed perfect, however a pair of goals by
Peter Lenes and another by Brian Bales put the Musketeers ahead after two periods and goals in the third by Steven Kampfer and
Blake Martin sealed the deal 5-2. The following night  saw the Musketeers collapse on the Stars ice, surrendering nine goals and giving
the Stars new life. Back to Sioux City game four was an offensive affair with the teams tied at five after the second period. In the third
Kent Bostrom’s game winner and Brian Bales’ insurance goals would give the Musketeers the series win 4 games to one.

Musketeers vs. Tri-City Storm
Round 2 / Semi Finals
The Musketeers elimination of the Stars coupled with surprise upset of the League’s Co-Champions, the Omaha Lancers, by the
Tri-City Storm, sets the table for what most think will be a Sioux City/Cedar Rapids showdown. Game one turns into a romp for
the Musketeers. Five different Musketeers scored six goals and Jimmy Spratt stopped all 31 shots on goal. In game two, both teams
exchanged goals each period taking the game to overtime, however, a Tri-City goal evens the series at one apiece.

Returning to Tri-City, Tim Kennedy, Brian Bales, Dennis McCauley and Kent Bostrom get the Musketeers up by three after two
periods and the defense limits the Storm to just two shots in the third giving the Musketeer a 2-1 series lead.  Brian Bales scores
a pair of goals and Travis Turnbull put the icing on the cake wrapping up the series 4 games to one.

Musketeers vs. Cedar Rapids Rough Riders
Round 3 / Championship
Cedar Rapids jumps to a series opening win as the Musketeers give-up five goals and can’t solve goaltender Alex Stalock. Game two is a
defensive duel; goals by Josh Meyers and Tim Kennedy give the Musketeers a much needed win as they head back to friendly ice.

Back home, the visitors strike twice in the first, but Corey Elkins keeps the Musketeers close after the first, and pair of Tim Kennedy goals in
the second give the Musketeers the lead going into the final period. The ‘Riders get a final period tally and send the game to overtime. The
first overtime stays scoreless but just seconds into the seconds overtime Cedar Rapids breaks the deadlock and giving them a 4-3 win and
tieing the series 2-2.

3400 fans pack the Cedar Rapids Ice Arena to see the final winner take all game. With each team winning on the other’s ice, this game
could go either way. Unfortunately, the travel and the season grind catches the Musketeers first and they give-up the first four goals of the
game and Joe Charlebois’ goal in the third is just a token. Cedar Rapids closes the series 3 games to 2 and wins their first
ever Clark Cup Championship.

Brian Bales
Musketeers 2002-05
Blake Martin and Coach Dave celebrate the game four win at home sending the series back to Cedar Rapids where its
anyone’s game. 
Brian Bales knows there’s just one chance left to bring home the hardware.

2004-05 Musketeer Award Winners
Tim Kennedy             Bryan Bales                Chris Butler             Kent Bostrom           Steven Kampher

Offensive Player of the Year: Tim Kennedy & Brian Bales * Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year: Chris Butler
Musketeers Most Valuable Player: Tim Kennedy * Musketeers 7th Man Award: Kent Bostrom
 Rookie of the Year: Steven Kampher * Booster Club Scholarship: Bryan Bales


2005 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
 Ralph Engelstad Arena / Grand Forks, North Dakota
February 8th, 2005

Jimmy Spratt         Chris Butler           Tim Kennedy        Dennis McCauley       Justin Bostrom        Nick Kemp
This season’s All-Star Classic is held on February 8th at the Ralph Englestad Arena. The format remains traditional with the USHL takes on the
World. The NHL’s all-time winningest coach Scotty Bowman was the banquet and game Guest of Honor. Guest coaches are Jeff Suaer-former
University of Wisconsin head coach and Mike Sertich– former University of Minnesota-Duluth head coach worked the bench for Team World
and USHL. Six Musketeers are selected to play in the classic including Jimmy Spratt on Team World and Chris Butler, Tim Kennedy, Dennis
McCauley, Justin Bostrom and Nick Kemp. This time-its Team World who prevails beating the USHL 5-3

25th Anniversary All-USHL Team
Also Announced at the Banquet is the presentation of the 25th Anniversary All-USHL TeamSelected by the league’s most experienced
coaches, officials, scouts, media personnel and dedicated USHL fans, it is made up of a pair of goalies, four Defensemen and eight forwards.
Selected as forwards  Musketeer Tim Ferguson and Rod Taylor. Tim was a member of the 1985-86 Musketeers “Triple Crown” season.
Tim would lead the Team and the league in scoring racking-up a USHL record 135 regular season points. Rod played the following season
for the Musketeers setting a pair of USHL scoring records including sixty-seven regular season goals and twenty-four power-play
goals during the season.

2005 NHL Draft
 Collective bargaining agreement issues lead to the prior season being canceled. Originally slated to be held at the

Corel Center in Ottawa, Ontario it was instead moved to the Westin Hotel, held on June 30th and for the first time in
twenty-five years closed to the public. The USHL places twenty-six players in the draft including three in the first round.
Four players from the Musketeers are selected; Chris Butler, Josh Meyers, Tim Kennedy and Joe Charlebois

Chris Butler            Josh Meyers           Tim Kennedy           Joe Charlebois

Chris Butler is selected first in the fourth round by the Buffalo Sabres. Tim Kennedy and Joe Charlebois are selected in the
sixth round by the Washington Capitols and the Chicago Black Hawks. Josh Meyers goes in the seventh round and is
chosen by the Los Angles Kings. 

League consists of eleven member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule.

Eastern Conference: 
Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Chicago Steel,  Des Moines Buccaneers, Green Bay Gamblers,

Indiana Ice, Waterloo Black Hawks
Western Conference:  Lincoln Stars, Omaha Lancers, Sioux Falls Stampede, Tri-City Storm, Sioux City Musketeers

2005-06 marked a disappointing season. Finishing with a 28-26-8 record, Musketeers would fall just three points short of a Western
Division play-off spot and miss the USHL  play-offs for the first time in five seasons.

Sioux City would play host to the 2006 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game. In addition to the game, the two day event included
a skills
competition, banquet dinner, local entertainment and a visit from the Stanley Cup.

In 2006, Sioux City native John Cowley would receive the USHL Distinguished Service Award. The USHL couldn’t
operate without
the people who do the job behind the scenes, and almost from the beginning, John Cowley has been there.
John served for many years as the
official statistician for the USHL. Today Cowley is employed by USA Hockey,
serving as its junior hockey registrar. Cowley has the task of
monitoring the protected lists of all junior leagues, in all
classifications, in the United States. In addition, he offers administrative support to various

teams that represent the United States at international hockey events.

Note: Sioux City native and SYHA player Beau Erickson (Metros Class of ’04 / State Champion ’03) would join the
Musketeers for the
05-06 season. The previous season found him splitting between the USHL and NAHL. He would go on to play
three season for the
University of Connecticut and then six seasons in the AHL & ECHL

Musketeers Front Office Staff
President…Jim Kronschnabel   Sales Manager…Rich Zaber    Season Ticket Sales…Patty Hauswald

Player Education & Housing and Community Relations…Carol Siciliano  Office Manager…Amy Reinert

 Musketeer Coaching Staff
Head Coach/General Manager…Dave Siciliano  Assistant Coach/Recruiting…Marty Quarters

Strength Coach…Tony Worden  Trainer…Craig Brandenburger   Equipment Manager…Billy Danderand
Skate Sharpening & Repair…Dan Cownie

Between the Pipes
First year goalie Jerry Kuhn arrive in town and quickly sewed-up the open starting position.  However, for the first half of

the season three different goalies, Phil Tetzlaff, Billy Blase and Eddie Wheeler just didn’t have the consistency to fill that
back-up slot. Enter…Beau Erickson, after floating in the NAHL and USHL looking for a home for two seasons, Beau arrived
home, literally, a Sioux City native and Siouxland youth hockey and high school player, he filled the open position and soon
worked his way into a regular starting rotation where he would log 21 games.

Jerry Kuhn
Musketeers 05-07

*I Need Your Goalie Photos * I Need Your Goalie Photos *I Need Your Goalie Photos *I Need Your Goalie Photos *
 Jerry Kuhn would arrive in Sioux City for the first of two seasons. this rookie season he would assume the starting
and survive an onslaught of goalies who wanted his position. Playing in twenty-seven games he recorded thirteen
wins, nine losses and a pair of shoot-out losses. Jerry’s first league victory came on November 25th against the Green
Bay Gamblers. A prolonged affair that went first into overtime and then into a thirteen player shoot-out. Jerry would make
thirty-four saves that night, as well as stop twelve Green Bay shooters. Later that season he would record his first shut-out
on February 19th when he stopped all thiry-three Sioux Falls Stampede attempts. 

 Beau Erickson
Musketeers 05-06
Before returning to Sioux City after his senior high school season, Beau spent an educational season in Des Moines
valuable junior hockey experience with Bucs organization. The following season it was a chance to play in the
North American League, posting a .912 save percentage and a 2.79 goals against average in games with the
North Iowa Outlaws.

*I Need Your Goalie Photos * I Need Your Goalie Photos *I Need Your Goalie Photos *I Need Your Goalie Photos *
Sioux City Native Beau Erickson retuned to his hometown for this single season. He is a welcome mid-year addition
to a team desperately looking for a solid back-up goaltender.
However, he would quickly work himself in to a steady
starting rotation and eventually see time in twenty-one games. Beau also grabbed his first win in extended fashion on
January 4th, taking Sioux Falls to overtime, stopping thirty-five shots and then a shoot-out where he stopped all four
Stampede attempts. 
He would finish the season with a 4.03 goals against average and a .887 save percentage. Beau
would go on to play three seasons for the University of Connecticut befor joining the professional ranks playing
four more seasons in the

High Scorers
Phil DeSimone            Sam Gagner               Chris Minella             Ryan Hohl             Blake Martin
Musketeers 2004-07         Musketeers 2005-06            Musketeers 2003-06         Musketeers 2005-06        Musketeers 2004-07

Returning veteran Phil DeSimone would lead the scoring this season with fifteen goals and a team leading thirty-eight assists.
Right behind was rookie Sam Gagner who would score eleven goals and a close second with thirty-five assists. Third year veteran
Chris Minella would score a team leading twenty-four goals and finish with thirty-eight points. Ryan Hohl would make both lists
this season and produce thirty-six Musketeer points on seventeen goals and nineteen assists. Another veteran Dustin Gazley would
round out the top five scorers with  six goals and nine assists.

Did You Know…The Musketeers would set a USHL season high of ten goals in a single game on November 5th when they
beat the Chicago Steel 10-4.

 Heavy Hitters
Ryan Hohl              Kyle Follmer                Mike Beck             Steven Kampfer         Phil DeSimone

Musketeers 2005-06         Musketeers 2005-06            Musketeers 2005-07         Musketeers 2004-06        Musketeers 2004-07
Although a rookie in Sioux City, Ryan Hohl boasted two previous seasons in the USHL where he would lead the Heartland
Eagles with 134 minutes and last season in Lincoln where he racked-up 251 minutes. His 185 was top this year in Sioux City.
Also a rookie this season Kyle Follmer made his mark with 137 minutes. Returning veterans Mike Beck would record 110 minutes,
Steven Kampfer ninety-nine minutes and leading scorer Phil DeSimone would log sixty-seven minutes in the penalty box.

Did You Know…Sioux City would lead the way this season setting a USHL season high of 1357 penalty minutes. Helping them get there,
were both a League leading eighteen misconducts and six game misconducts. Ryan Hohl was sixth among all of the league’s penalty leaders. 

4-Musketeers vs. Tri City Storm-2
January 14th, 2006
Kyle Follmer                                                               Phil DeSimone

Musketeers 2005-06                                                                         Musketeers 2004-07

Kyle Follmer would play three USHL seasons, his rookie season in Sioux City and a pair of remaining seasons with the Lincoln
Stars. The rookie finished the season with nine goals and and fifteen assists. His nine goals and twenty-four regular season points
was tops among all Musketeer defenseman. Kyle would grab grab his first tally on January 27th against the Chicago Steel. The
following season he was moved to Lincoln, and over the two seasons as a Star he recorded twenty-seven goals and fifty-two
assists in 157 games. Kyle would go on to play for seasons at Northern Michigan University before playing four more seasons
in the ECHL.

Phil DeSimone plays three seasons for the Musketeers. During this second season he would record a team leading fifteen goals,
thirty-eight assists and fifty-three regular season points and receive the Musketeers Offensive Player Award. The following
season he would again lead all other Musketeers in scoring during the regular season with twenty-six red-lighters, forty-seven
assists and seventy-three regular season and add another dozen goals and assists during the play-off. He would be selected
Team Captain and was voted both the Musketeer’s Most Valuable PlayerMost Offensive Player and
earned a spot in USHL All-Star Game eventually be voted as the USHL Player of the Year.

 Beau Erickson           Justin Cseter            Kevin Lohry             Andrew Rowe          Spence Heichman
Musketeers 2005-06         Musketeers 2004-06        Musketeers 2004-07         Musketeers 2004-06           Musketeers 2005-08

Kevin Lohry
Musketeers 20004-07
Sioux City native Kevin Lohry is shown here during his first full USHL season. Prior to this season he split his time between
the Musketeers and the Sioux City high school team where he was a three-time leading scorer.
Kevin would see time in thirty-three regular season games; recording a pair goals and six assists. He would grab as couple of helpers
along the way, before he lights the lamp for the first time on January 28th on home ice, in a 5-2 win over the Chicago Steel. 

The following season he would play almost a full schedule, tallying fourteen goals and twenty-seven assists. He would have
nine multi-point games, including three, three-point games. His best was an outing against the Cedar Rapids RoughRiders
when he scored a pair of goals and added an assist. Kevin would also record his first post-season points scoring a pair of
goals and three assists during the first round of the USHL play-offs. He would be selected as one of the Alternate
Captains and finish sixth among Musketeer scorers. 

Reading is Cool
Players makes classroom visits to local Sioux City schools to promote the importance of reading and its relationship to a good
education. They also talk about the virtuous of teamwork & sportsmanship as well as what its like to be a Musketeer.
The Sioux City Musketeers Hockey Team has a strong desire to assist in promoting the importance of reading and education.
We like to be involved in the community!!! The future of Siouxland rests on the young people of today and there needs to be a
conscious effort to promote reading, specifically and education in general.

Musketeers Ryan Hohl, Chris Minella, Mike Beck and Phil DeSimone

Ryan Hohl reads to the class.

USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
Tyson Event Center / Gateway Arena

February 7th, 2006   Sioux City, Iowa
Left: USHL Team East. Right: USHL Team West included Musketeers Steven Kampfer, Chad Morin, Sam Gagner
and Head Coach Todd Knott.

USHL All-Stars Steven Kampfer, Sam Gagner and Chad Morin stand with owner Jim Kronschnabel as the Musketeers
announce the upcoming festivities as Sioux City hosts the annual event this season. The All-Star game is brought to new
heights this season, including a skills competition, player dinner banquet with band, street dance and multiple coordinating
restaurants and clubs sponsoring activities for local and visiting fans. The three-day event showcases the new Tyson Event
Center/Gateway Arena and raises the bar for future All-Star game hosts.

Sam Gagner
Musketeers 2005-06
Sam Gagner would join the Musketeers for this single season. After prior seasons playing both Midget hockey in Toronto
and Junior A hockey playing for the Milton Ice Hawks in the Ontario Hockey League (OJHL) he is primed and ready for the high
level of play the USHL offers.
 The anticipated future NHLer adapts quickly to the USHL. He records his first USHL point in the home opener and the following
week gets his first goal and his first multi-point games against the Lincoln Stars. He would have six multi-point games, including his best
outing on November 5th against the Chicago Steel when he scored two goals and added an assist in a 10-4 win for the Musketeers.
Playing a fifty-six game schedule, Sam would record eleven goals, twenty-six assists; his thirty-five points is second best among
Musketeer scorers. He also records fifty-four penalty minutes, ninth best among his team mates.

Sam would finish the season as the Musketeers second leading scorer as well as secure a pair of  USHL Player of the week awards.
He would be picked the Musketeers Rookie of the Year as well as be selected as a member of both the USHL All-Star team
and the USHL All-Rookie Team. The following season while playing in London for the Knights (OHL) he would be picked 6th

in the NHL draft by the Edmonton Oilers playing seven seasons there before continuing on a twenty-plus NHL careere that saw
him also play in Pheonix, Philadelphia, Vancouver, Detroit and Winnipeg.

Chris Spicer
Musketeers 2004-06
Chris Spicer would start his three season USHL career her in Sioux City. His previous rookie season he saw solid playing time
for a new-to-the-league player, suiting up for thirty-five contests. He would record three goals, his first on October 10th in a win
over the Green Bay Gamblers and seven more assists. He would also log thirty-three minutes in the box.
Returning as a veteran player, Chris upped his playing time logging forty-three games. He started the season on fire grabbing a
goal and an assist  in the home opener, and recording three goals and four assists in the first ten games of the season. Over the summer,
he would be traded to the Chicago Steel where he finished out his remaining season in the USHL.

Blake Martin
Musketeers 2004-07
Blake’s first of three seasons was a good one for the youngster from Alaska. Joining the team at the ride Ol‘ age of sixteen, Blake took
to the USHL style of play quickly. He logged forty-five games, recorded  eight goals, thirteen assists. His 102 penalty minutes placed
the rookie among the top five Musketeer Heavy Hitters. The Musketeers would go deep into the post season where Blake saw time in
all twelve games notching a play-off goals and adding five assists.
retuning for another season with the Musketeers, the seasoned veteran starts where he left off last season, however, reoccurring
injuries limit his time to just thirty games this season. He still is able to net six goals, add another sixteen assists but records just fifty-
two penalty minutes. Blake’s final season does offer up a chance at redemption; scoring twenty-two goals, twenty-eight assists
and ninety-seven penalty minutes he is both a Musketeer High Scorer and Heavy Hitter.

Anthony Maiani           Phil DeSimone            Billy Blase                 Ryan Hohl                   Phil DeSimone          Chris Spicer
Musketeers 2005-07    Musketeers 2004-07    Musketeers 2005-06  Musketeers 2005-06       Musketeers 2004-07  Musketeers 2004-06
Left: Rookies Anthony Maiani and Billy Blase along with returning veteran Phil DeSimone watch the shoot-out action in this
nail-biter against the Green Bay Gamblers. With the game still deadlocked after an overtime period and the initial five man
shoot-out; this one would go back and forth until the thirteenth Musketeer shooter, Frank Grzeszczak, beats the Gamblers
goaltender giving the Musketeers a hard fought win. Right: Captains Ryan Hohl & Phil DeSimone and Chris Spicer change
direction and head up ice in this one against the Sioux Falls Stampede.

Justin Cseter
Musketeers 2004-06
Justin would log a pair of season here in Sioux City. His first two of an eventual four season USHL career. Arriving as a youngster,
Justin would see time in a thirteen games recording both a pair of goals and assists. He also records a post-season assist in the second
round of the finals.
Returning to the Musketeer this season the veteran triples his playing time and adds an additional goal, ten assists and another
twenty-five penalty minutes to his USHL stats. An off-season trade will move him to Green Bay where the scenery change does
him good scoring six goals and nine assists in thirty-nine games. This time its a mid-season trade that moves him to the newly
formed Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets (USHL) where he finished the this and the following season recording a total of 162 games played;
twenty-three goals, seventy-three points and 184 penalty minutes. Justin will go on to play four season at the University of
Alabama (NCAA), two seasons in Germany and is currently playing  for the Birmingham Bulls (SPHL).

Sam Gagner                                                                                 Mike Beck
Musketeers 2005-06                                                                                  Musketeers 2005-07
During this season Sam would collect several specific USHL scoring and achievement awards this season; including a pair of
Player of the Week awards and picks to both the USHL All-Star and  USHL All-Rookie Teams.

Mike Beck is a rare well seasoned Junior hockey veteran. Having played full a season in the NAHL with the Cleveland Barons
and two full seasons in the USHL, one for the Danville Wings and the most recently the Indiana Ice. An off-season trade from the Ice
makes him a Musketeer this season His experience is a welcome addition having logged seventy-eight Tier 1 games scoring five goals
and twenty assists. He takes off from where he left the previous seasons; playing in forty-nine games, he scores six goals and
eighteen assists. He ups his hitting game, recording ninety-six penalty minutes; third highest among the team. The Team will
miss the post-season, but Mike will return the following season.

Lets Play Caption This Photo…

I did NOT see that coming!!!  *   Just rub some dirt on it -You’ll be fine  *   Maybe I’ll let you score next time.;

   Dustin Gazley                                                                       Kyle Follmer
Musketeers 2005-07                                                                           Musketeers 2005-06
Dustin Gazley would join the Musketeers this season; after two seasons playing for his home state’s Detroit Compuware
U16 and U18 teams. The rookie  would crack the High Scorer list this season scoring sixteen goals, nine assists and see time in
forty-seven USHL tilts. Dustin would record his first USHL red lighter on October 1st, when he beat the Tri-City goaltender and
tied the game at four goals a piece with just under two minutes remaining. The future USHL All-Star is expected to return next
season bringing his veteran speed, agility and experience to the team

Kyle Follmer would find a spot on the Musketeer roster for this season after a successful showing at the mid-summer try-out
camp. Noted mostly for his physical game, he could also find the net and did so on nine occasions. His first two USHL goals
would come on November 4th & 5th; back-to-bank outings against the Chicago Steel. He would also rack-up ninety-six
penalty minutes, third best among the Musketeers Heavy Hitters. He would play out his remaining two USHL seasons playing
for the Lincoln Stars. After playing four seasons at Northern Michigan University he is currently playing in the ECHL.

Steven Kampfer
Musketeers 2004-06
Steven Kampfer logs a pair of seasons for the Musketeers; the rookie scores six goals & thirteen assists in forty-seven games.
He collects
ninety-one penalty minutes. Steven would play in all twelve play-off games; recording a pair of goals and adding
five assists as the
Musketeers advanced all the way to the final championship game.
This following season Steven would again put up similar numbers recording six goals and nine assists. His eighty-seven
penalty minutes
is third best among Sioux City Heavy Hitters. In 2007 he is drafted by the Anaheim Ducks (NHL) He plays
four season for the
University of Michigan & in 2010 plays his first NHL game with the Boston Bruins. He would spend
eleven seasons in the NHL paying in Boston, Florida, New York & Minnesota.

Chris Minella
Returning for his third season as a Musketeer, Chris Minella spent his first two seasons working into the team
leadership role he
would fulfill this season. Even as a rookie in 2003, Chris played in 53 games, posting seven goals
and eleven assists. The following
season in 2004 he only missed a pair of games during the sixty game season and
recorded another seven goals and fifteen assists.
He would also grab a pair of post-season assists during the Musketeers
Clark Cup Championship Runner-up season.

This year’s three-season veteran Chris Minella would be selected to lead the team, taking on the role of Team Captain.
Playing a
complete schedule, his offence would increase dramatically; recording a team leading twenty-four goals and
adding fourteen
more assists, his 38 points made him one of the Musketeers top three point getters. He would receive
the Musketeers 7th Man Award.

University Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Letter of Intent Signing

Having completed his best season so far, and with three solid USHL seasons behind, Chris would get the attention of
Notre Dame
and sign on to play for the Fighting Irish.
Chris would see significant playing time right away; playing in twenty-one games as a freshman and twenty-four his
sophomore year.
His junior season was his best, playing in 38 games, scoring nine goals and seven assists, on his way
to helping the Irish win their
second CCHA Championship in three seasons.

After four seasons in South Bend, he’d played in 113 NCAA regular season games, recorded a dozen goals and added
assists. After school it was on to the pros, splitting time between the Cincinnati Cyclones and the Wheeling
Nailers of the ECHL.
He would stay in Wheeling for four seasons, during that time he also logged eight games playing in
the American Hockey League
(AHL) for the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins. In 2014 he returned to Cincinnati where
he played three more seasons for the Cyclones.

Ryan Hohl
Musketeers 2005-06
Ryan Hohl would play three USHL seasons in three different cities. His first two stops were in St. Louis playing for
the Heartland
Eagles where he lead the team in penalty minutes with 132 and the following season in Lincoln playing for
the Stars where he was a
distant second with 246 minutes in the box. Ryan would also notch his first goal that second
season on January 11th when the Stars
beat the Sioux Falls Stampede
When Ryan joined the Musketeers, most though it would be more of the same. However, that wasn’t quite the case. Ryan

still lead the team in penalty minutes with 158 and never missed a chance to drop the mitts or deliver a hit that that even
hurt sitting in your seat. He was defiantly one of the toughest guys in the League and had proved it many times…
However, he also started to find the net more often and passed to those who also knew where it was. He would record
goals and add another nineteen assists; his thirty-six regular season points was fourth best among Musketeers
scorers and his
seventeen goals second highest among those same scorers. His toughness and his ability to justify it with
offensive results,
made him a team leader and fan favorite.

Phil DeSimone
Musketeers 2004-07
Phil DeSimone would eventually play three seasons for the Musketeers. The prior season, the rookie saw time in forty-four
games recording a pair of goals and seven assists. His first Junior A red lighter would come in a 4-1 win over the Green Bay
Gamblers. Scoring only nine points that first season, many a fan, player and coach would vastly underestimate Phil’s potential.
Returning veteran Phil DeSimone would see a huge explosion in scoring success. His fourteen goals, team leading
assists and forty-five points secured his first, of two consecutive seasons, as the Musketeers leading scorer.
He would be selected
as one of the team’s Alternate Captains. Phil’s explosive second season really sets the table for
what will become an outstanding
three-season USHL career. The last season would be loaded with success’s including
Musketeer and League honors including
All-Star Team selections, Most Valuable Player and Player of the Year.

Spence Heichman                                                             Andrew Rowe
Musketeers 2005-08                                                                           Musketeers 2005-07

Spencer Heichman joins the Musketeers this season as a rookie; his first of three seasons. The sixteen year old from
California will
see time in thirty-five contests; recording four goals, including his first on September 24th, in a season
opening win over the Omaha
Lancers (USHL). Spencer’s second season scoring numbers would increase; scoring fourteen
goals and thirteen assists. His final season saw
the veteran record twenty-three goals and twenty-five assists; his forty-
eight points was third highest among Musketeer scorers. He
would also earn a selection to the USHL All-Star game where
he scored a goal and an assist in the west’s 5-4 win over the east.

Andrew Rowe would log a pair of seasons with the Musketeers. Also a rookie this season, he would see time in thirty-nine games,
grabbing seven goals and seven assists. Andrew would record his first red-lighter jus three games into the season on October 1st
during a scoring fest in Tri-City that saw the Storm beat the Musketeers in overtime. The following season he would more than
double his scoring recording nineteen goals and thirty-two assists in addition to a pair of post-season tallies and another assist. 

  Phil Tetzlaff            Billy Blase                                       Ryan Hohl             Chris Minella
Musketeers 2005-06     Musketeers 2005-06                                     Musketeers 2005-06        Musketeers 2003-06

Left: Goaltender Phil Tetzlaff and Billy Blase console each other as they share an overtime loss to the Tri-City Storm.
Right: On a
happier note – Alternate Captain Ryan Hohl and Captain Chris Minella congratulate each other on
a Musketeer victory.

RJ Meyers              Craig Brandenburger                     Eddie Wheeler            Phillip Tetzlaff
                             USHL Photographer                   Musketeer Trainer                               Musketeers 2005-06            Musketeers 2005-06                              
USHL official photographer RJ Meyer and Musketeer trainer Craig Brandenburger ask the same thing  Steve Martin
and Billy Murray once asked… “What the the hell is that???” Seriously…they are checking out one of  RJ“s new photo toys.

RJ Meyer was the official USHL photographer for many seasons. He traveled the league and was in every building
through out
the season. He was able to document the whole season through his terrific photography skills. Way ahead
of his time, he was the
USHL first photographer to have aerial cameras, goals net cameras and portable cameras on
players and officials. Note: This guy knew how to take a great picture!!!

Eddie Wheeler and Philip Tetzlaff take time for a photos at one of the several post-game “Skate with a Musketeer” events.

2006 Musketeers Face-off for Charity

ID. Jim Kronschnabel. Terry Dooly.  8th annual event Applebee’s.

******************************************USHL Play-Offs*****************************************
This year marked a disappointing season. Finishing with a 28-26-8 record, Musketeers would fall just three points short of a Western
Division play-off spot and miss the USHL  play-offs for the first time in five seasons.

2005-06 Musketeer Award Winners
Jerry Kuhn           Phil DeSimone       Sam Gagner         Sean Coffey
Most Valuable Player
…Jerry Kuhn     *     Offensive Player of the Year…Phil DeSimone

Rookie of the Year…Sam Gagner    *    Most Improved Player…Sean Coffey

Ryan Hohl        Christian Minella        Rory Farrell
Booster Club Scholarship
…Ryan Hohl  *  Musketeers 7th Man Award… Christian Minella
  Defensive Player of the Year…Rory Farrell

USHL All-Star/Prospect Game
Sioux City, IA

The All-Star/ Prospect game is held in Sioux City this season at the Tyson Event Center. The game goes back to a East Division
vs.West Division format. The All-Star Event is brought to new heights this season, including a skills competition, banquet, street
dance and multiple coordinating restaurants and clubs sponsoring activities for local and visiting fans. The three-day event show-
cases the new Tyson Event Center/Gateway Arena and raises the bar for future All-Star game hosts. Guest Coaches include Mike
Graw, Scout-Boston Bruins and Gary Harker, Scout-Los Angles Kings. Musketeers selected are Sam Gagner, Chad Morin
and Steven Kampfer. The West Division defeat the East Division 5-3.

2006 NHL Draft
June 24th, 2006
This years NHL draft is held at General Motors Place in Vancouver, British Columbia. All seven rounds are conducted

on a single day. The USHL places twenty-four players in the draft; two of them go in the first round. Two past season
Musketeers are selected in this season’s draft; Jeff Zatkoff in the third round by the Los Angles Kings and Kyle Medvec
in the fourth round by the Minnesota Wild.

Tim Artz
Musketeers 2005-16

12 years with the Musketeers Director of Media  and Game day operations, ticket sales and computer management. Tim
did it all over the next twelve seasons with the Musketeers. Prior to joining the musketeers he worked in the telecommunication
and IT field and was a ten year Military veteran.

League consists of twelve member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule. Ohio joins the league.

Eastern Conference: Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Chicago Steel, Green Bay Gamblers, Indiana Ice, Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets,
Waterloo Black Hawks
Western Conference:  Des Moines Buccaneers, Lincoln Stars, Omaha Lancers, Sioux Falls Stampede, Tri-City Storm,
Sioux City Musketeers

The Musketeers would return to play-off contention this season with a 34-21-5 record; fifth place in the Western Division and seventh overall.
The West Division remains the dominant division with just a dozen points separating the six divisional teams.

This season’s play-off format was a combined play-off and round-robin format. The Musketeers would take the Tri-City Storm to a
seventh game but fall a goal short in all four of the Storm victories.

Musketeers Front Office Staff
Jim Kronschnabel        Rich Zaber           Tim Artz          Carol Siciliano

President/Owner        Sales & Promotions            Ticket Sales &       Player Housing &
Manager                Off Ice Operations          Education

Musketeers Coaching Staff
Dave Siciliano         Bobby Kinsella          Billy Danderand    Craig Brandenburger

Head Coach/GM         Assistant Coach         Equipment Manager       Athletic Trainer

The Musketeer coaching staff remains the same this season with Dave Siciliano returng for his seventh season as the Musketeers
Head Coach and General Manager. Joining his for a third season is Assistant Coach Bobby Kinsella and fourth season Athletic
Trainer Ctaig Brandenburger. Long-time Equipmt managers Billy Danderand is also back for another season.

Between the Pipes
Returning veteran Jerry Kuhn and rookie Josh Robinson would form this seasons Goaltending duo. Fresh off a season in

which the Musketeer dabbled with five goalies before Jerry and Beau Erickson took over. Jerry earned the starting position
this season and logged forty-nine games; ending the season with a winning 27-18-3 record that included three shut-outs.
Back-up Josh Robinson also played in eighteen games, going 7-2-2, that included his first USHL shut-out against the
Lincoln Stars.

  Jerry Kuhn                                                                      Josh Robinson
Musketeers 2005-07                                                                           Musketeers 2006-08
With pretty solid numbers from both players, this duo rescued the Musketeers from what could have been a disastrous season and
parlayed it into a fourth place tie in the very tight western division.

Jerry Kuhn
Musketeers 2005-07
Last season, the rookie net minder would grab the starting position and survive an onslaught of goalies who wanted his position.
It took almost half a season before the Musketeers could settle on a reliable Goaltending duo in Jerry and Beau Erickson..
Posting a 15-10-2 record, Jerry’s save percentage was fifth highest and his goals against average the eighth best in the League.
Jerry Kuhn returns for his second of two seasons and the veteran would secure the starting position. He would play in 49 games
and post a 27-18-3 regular season record including add three shut-outs. He would finish the season with several League leading
highs; including twenty-seven wins, a .921 save percentage and 1476 total saves. His 2.67 goals against average if fifth best
among his fellow backstops. In the play-offs, he would earn another shut-out; stopping all thirty-seven Tri-City shots in game
one. The series would go seven games, but four one-goal losses to the Storm, would be the end of the season for the Musketeers.

Josh Robinson
Musketeers 2006-08
Josh Robinson: Joining the team as a rookie this season Josh would still find time to play in eighteen games where he posted a
record of  7-2-2. He would record his first three victories on his first three outings; the first on October 28th against the Indiana
Ice and get his first shut-out on March 25th when he stopped all thirty-seven Lincoln shots on goal. His learned experience
this season would earn him the starter position next season.

High Scorers
   Phil DeSimone        Max Pacioretty          Dustin Gazley             Blake Martin         Anthony Maiani
Musketeers 2004-07       Musketeers 2006-07          Musketeers 2005-07          Musketeers 2004-07        Musketeers 2005-07

Returning third season veteran and eventual USHL Player of the Year  Phil DeSimone would pave the way in scoring recording
24 goals and a team leading 45 assists. Just ten points behind him was future NHL star Max Pacioretty with 20 goals and 39 assists.
Second year veterans; Dustin Gazley would pour in a team leading 27 goals for a total of 55 points, Blake Martin 22 goals and 28
assists and Anthony Maiani would round out the scoring with 15 goals and 31 assists.

Did You Know…Phil DeSimone
 finishes the season as the second highest USHL scorer.  Dustin Gazely‘s twenty-nine goals during the

season is fifth highest among all USHL goal scores and Max Pacioretty‘s  forty-two assists is among the top ten League point getters.

Heavy Hitters
        Tyler Pederson         Max Pacioretty           Blake Martin               Joe Sova                Kyle Medvec
Musketeers 2006-07        Musketeers 2006-07         Musketeers 2004-07           Musketeers 2006-07       Musketeers 2005-07

Rookie Tyler Peterson would lead the team this season with 128 minutes. Another rookie, and a Musketeer High Scorer,
Max Pacioretty would record 119 minutes in the box. Third season veteran and no stranger to the Heavy hitter list was Blake
 with a third showing in as many seasons. He was just a minor short of hitting his usual triple digit numbers for the season.

Another rookie Joe Sova would record 86 minutes and returning veteran Kyle Medvec right on his tail with 83 minutes.

Future Heavy Hitter staple Donnie Hallmark would collect eighty-six minutes with the Ohio Junior Blue Jackets and eighty more
with the Musketeers; His 167 total minutes was fifth best among league penalty minute leaders.

Dustin Gazley
Musketeers 2005-07
Dustin Gazley
 would join the Musketeers the prior season after two seasons playing for his home state’s Detroit Compuware

U16 and U18 teams. During his rookie season he saw time in forty-seven games; notching sixteen goals and nine assists. His
twenty-five season points placed the rookie among the top five Musketeer High Scorers.
The returning veteran didn’t leave his toughness or his scoring prowess in the car this season. He only missed three games  this
season during the sixty game grind. He saw his scoring nearly double; netting a team leading 27 goals and another 28 assists and
he would finish among the top three Musketeer scorers. With the Musketeers back in the post-season, he would also add
two goals and two assists in seven games. He was chosen to play in the USHL All-Star & Prospects Game.

After four seasons at Michigan State University he has logged regular time playing for the Elmira Jackals in the ECHL.
During his rookie season there he collected numerous awards scoring award including Most Points by a Rookie (85),
Most Points Overall (85) and Most Assists Overall (60). He was a selection to both the All-Rookie Team and the
First All-Star Team. He would win the Rookie of the Week and Month  as well as receive the Leagues Rookie of the
Year Award. The following season he would be selected to play in the ECHL All-Star Game.
Dustin is currently playing in his sixth season in the AHL for the Hershey Bears.

Phil DeSimone
Musketeers 2004-07
Phil DeSimone played three seasons for the Musketeers; during his rookie season he would see lots of playing time-but had

a hard time finding the net; he lit the lamp just twice and added five helpers.

However the following season was a different story; Phil had the hot stick all season, playing in all sixty games, he notched fifteen
goals and added a team leading thirty-eight assists. His 53 points was tops on the team in scoring and he received the
Musketeers’ Most Offensive Player Award.

Phil would save his best work for the this third season. The Team Captain lead by example; he played a complete schedule and
knocked-in twenty-four goals and had a team leading forty-five assists. Twenty-four times he recorded multi-point games, six
of them with three or more points. He would lead the team with eleven power play goals, nineteen power play assists and three
successful shoot-out attempts. During the play-off this season, Phil would lead the way in scoring and by the time the first round
seven game series ended with a loss, he had recorded six goals and six assists in just seven games. He was voted both the
Musketeer’s Most Valuable Player & Most Offensive Player and earns a spot in USHL All-Star Game.

USHL Most Valuable Player and USHL Forward of the Year 
Three seasoned veteran, Phil DeSimone becomes just the third Musketeer player to receive both the USHL Most Valuable Player and
the USHL Forward of the Year awards. Sharing thisd honor are former Musketeers Scott Shofstall  and Tim Ferguson.

Max Pacioretty
Musketeers 2006-07
Max would make a season long stop in Sioux City. The USHL was his first real testing ground, pitting the seventeen

year old high-schooler from Connecticut against the best players in the United States and Canada. From the drop of
the opening
game face-off, it was off to the races for Max. Scoring his first goal and assist  on October 7th in a 5-4
season-opening win over
the Des Moines Buccaneers.
 Playing in fifty-seven total contests, Max would continue to find the net all season; scoring twenty red-lighters and thirty-nine

assists and finishing as the Musketeers’ second highest scorer and the USHL’s second highest rookie scorer. Along the way
he would record a dozen multi-point games including seven where he scored three or more points. He also spent some time
in the box, collecting 113 penalty minutes-just a pair of minors shy of leading the team. 

The Musketeers would bow out in the opening post-season series, but not before scoring four goals and adding six more assists to
his final USHL totals. Max’s stellar play would would earn a spot in the USHL All-Star Game, selected to the USHL All-Rookie
 and be chosen as the USHL Rookie of the Year.

Max spent his first and only collegiate season playing for the University of Michigan; helping Big Blue win the CCHA Championship.
He was selected to the CCHA All-Rookie Team and chosen CCHA Rookie of the Year. He would also see time playing for
Team USA in the World Junior Tournament.

Splitting the next three season between the Hamilton Bulldogs (AHL) and the Montreal Canadians (NHL) Max would become a
full time Canadian, eventually becoming one of their marquee players. In 2012 he received the NHL Bill Masterson Award, 2014
the NHL Most Game Winning Goals Award and in 2015 the NHL Best Plus/Minus Award and be named the Canadians
Team Captain.

Did You Know…Max’s NHL debut and his first NHL goal both came on the same night-January 2nd, 2009 vs. the New Jersey Devils.

USHL Rookie of the Year
Max would become the fourth Musketeer to receive the USHL Rookie of the Year Award. He would finish second among all USHL scorers
and earn selections to the All-Star team and the League’s All-Rookie Team.  Sharing this honor are fellow Musketeers Rick Kennedy-1975,
Brian Williams 1982 and Tyler Palmiscno -1999)

John Zeiler

Musketeers 2000-02
Originally drafted by the Phoenix Coyotes, John would end up in Los Angeles playing for the Kings. The two season
Musketeer veteran and Clark Cup Champion makes his NHL debut on February 17th, 2007 when the Kings play
cross-town rivals the Anaheim Ducks.
He logs over eleven minutes of playing time on sixteen shifts but the Kings fall short in this shoot-out loss. Three
games later, on February 22nd, he grabs his first NHL red-lighter foiling Vancouver goaltender Roberto Luongo and
putting the Kings ahead half way through the first period. John would go on to play four more seasons in the NHL

Travis Oleksuk
Musketeers 2006-08

The first of two seasons in Sioux City, the rookie rarely missed a game during the 2006-07 season suiting-up for fifty-six
and recording six goals and 16 assists as well as an additional pair of assists during the Clark Cup play-offs. He
would grab his first
USHL goal on the road in a 4-2 win over the Jr. Blue Jackets on October 22nd, 2006

 During his second season here, he would finish a top four Musketeer scorer with 44 regular season points. Playing a complete
sixty game schedule this season, he recorded  fourteen goals and a team high thirty assists. He would also add three more play-
off points to his final stats. Travis played four seasons for the University of Minnesota-Duluth Bulldogs. After college he would
play three seasons with the Worcester Sharks (AHL) and is currently a member of the Hartford Wolf Pack (AHL)

Max Pacioretty                                                   Phil DeSimone
Musketeers 2006-07                                                             Musketeers 2004-07

Phil DeSimone: He would play three seasons (04-07) for the Musketeers. Along the way he would record some 135 regular
season points and collect several USHL  Player-of-the Week honors. During his final season (06-07), he would lead the team in
regular season scoring 73 (26/47), play-off scoring 12 (6/6) and earn a spot in the USHL All-Star Team. He would be selected the
Musketeers Most Valuable Player as well as the USHL’s Forward of the Year and the USHL’s Player of the Year.

Max Pacioretty: With single season Musketeer (06-07), Max made the best of Sioux City. His 63 (21/42) regular season points
and his 10 (4/6) play-off points made him the second leading Musketeer scorer as well as the Musketeers’ Rookie of the Year.
He was also was just a few minors short of leading the team in penalty minutes. He would earn a spot in the USHL All-Star Game

and be chosen as the USHL Rookie of the Year. After a season at the University of Michigan and a season in the AHL, Max
joined the Montreal Canadians and remains today one of their marquee players.

Did You know…at the start of the 2015 NHL season Max would become only the third American born player to hold the storied
position of Montreal Canadians team Captain.

Matt Crandell                                                                       Nathan Pageau
Musketeers 2006-08                                                                                     Musketeers 2006-07

Matt Crandell joined the Musketeers for this maiden season and was well prepared for the big step up from Minnesota high
school hockey. Only missing one game during the sixty-game schedule the rookie defenseman recorded seven goals and a dozen
assists. Matt’s first USHL points would come in a 6-5 win over the Lincoln Stars; he would notch a pair of goals, including the
game winner and add his first assist tying the game at two goals apiece. The future Team Captain and and USHL All-Star is
poised for a terrific second season.

Nathan Pageau would play just a single season in Sioux City. The rookie from Stony Creek, Canada would see time in twenty-
eight games; recording his first goal in the last game of the season in a win against the Des Moines Buccaneers on April 17th. He
would return home for two season playing in the Ontario Junior League before returning to Bowling Green State University for
a pair of seasons. He is currently playing in the Allen Cup Hockey League for the Stony Creek Generals.

Bowling with the Musketeers…
…and two future USA Hockey National Champions
Left: Musketeers Max Pacioretty and Blake Martin and (Right) Dustin Gazley take a break from the annual “Bowling with the

Musketeers” Booster Club event to get pictures with SYHA brothers Max and Drake Beller. Max Pacioretty would spend a
single season University of Michigan before moving to the NHL where he played ten season for the Canadians and is currently
playing for the Golden Knights, Blake a three season Musketeer veteran would play for the UNO Mavericks and Dustin play
four seasons for Michigan State, eight seasons in the ECHL/AHL and is currently playing in the Germany Elite League.

Drake and Max Beller would both go on to be Sioux City Metro stand-out players in the Midwest High School Hockey League.
During the 2017-18 season Drake would lead the league in scoring with sixty-nine points in just twenty-eight games. He would be
a three-time Metros top five scorer and a two-time All-Star and All- League player. Max is currently playing for the Metros where
his is a second-time Metros top scorer and potential League All-Star.

  Both players would help lead the Sioux City Metros to the Midwest Leagues triple crown title bringing home the regular season and
tournament championships as well as USA Hockey’s 2018 National Championship.

Anthony  Maiani
Musketeers 2005-07
Anthony’s first season saw the rookie play in forty-six regular season games. He would record five goals and a dozen assists;
his first would come early in the season on October 9th against the Cedar Rapids Rough Riders. Anthony would grab his first
game-winner against the Lincoln Stars later that season on February 17th.
Returning for a second season Anthony almost triples his scoring numbers recording in fifteen red-lighters and thirty-one helpers.
He finishes fifth among the Musketeer top scorers. Anthony plays in all seven post-season games recording an assist as the
Musketeers bow in game seven of the first round. He would go on to play four seasons at the University of Denver before
playing five more in the ECHL.

Eddie Olczyk Jr.
Musketeers 2006-08
Eddie Olczyk Jr.
 would join the Musketeers this season as a rookie. He would play in 46 games and record seven goals and

three assists for ten USHL points.  Eddie would light the lamp twice, scoring his first two USHL goals in a 6-2 win over the Ohio Junior
Blue Jackets on October 21st, 2006. He would return next season touted as one of the league’s most anticipated future star players.
After a slow start the following season Eddie would move to Waterloo where he would finish out USHL career playing 94 games,
scoring eleven goals and twenty-three assists for the BlackHawks.

Kevin Lohry
Musketeers 2005-07
Kevin Lohry
 is a Sioux City native and played all through the Siouxland Youth Hockey program logging three seasons

for the high school team and ten seasons as a youth hockey player.  During three seasons with the Metros, he would earn
countless team and league honors including scoring titles, All-Star game selections, academic awards, outstanding player
honors and post season showcase selections.

Kevin’s previous season with the Musketeers would see the rookie play in thirty-three USHL contests and along the
way he records a pair of goals and seven assists.
This season, Kevin would elevate his game considerably. One of the returning veterans and team leaders he is selected as

one of the Musketeers Alternate Captains. He plays in fifty-four games, notching fourteen goals and twenty-seven assists.
He finishes with forty-one total points, just shy of the Musketeers High Scorers list. Kevin would record nine multi-point
outings, including his best scoring two goals and an assist on January 13th against the Cedar Rapids RoughRiders.

 Before this regular season ends, Kevin would also record a pair of game winners, three power play goals, seven power play assists
and a team leading three successful shoot-out attempts. During the opening round of the post-season, Kevin would net three goals
and a pair of assists before the Musketeers fell to the Tri-City Storm in game seven. He would go on to play four seasons for
the Princeton Tigers (NCAA) and one more season for the Bakersfield Condors (ECHL)

 Did You Know…as a freshman, in 2003, Kevin scored the winning goal in a triple overtime Midwest High School League
Championship game to bring home another Sioux City Metros State/League Championship.

Blake Martin
Musketeers 2004-07

Blake Martin would eventually play three USHL seasons for the Musketeers. Early on from season one he quickly earned the
respect of players, coaches and most definitely the fans as the little guy played a huge game. His rookie season saw him hit the ice
hard; playing in 48 regular season games, netting eight goals, thirteen assists and  recording 102 penalty minutes. The rookie would
also add a goal and five assists during the post-season as the Musketeer made a down-to-the-wire run for the Clark Cup.

The returning veteran  sustained a mid-season injury that effected his game-time but managed logged thirty games; scoring
six goals and sixteen assists. He would also record ninety-eight minutes in the box.  He would eventually be a three-time top five
Heavy Hitter who could also put the puck in the net and set-up a fellow team mate to do the same.
The three season veteran would see time in forty-eight games this season; scoring twenty-two goals and twenty-eight assists

including thirty-one multi-point games. He would add three goals and four assists during the Musketeers first round play-off
loss. Recording fifty points and 102 penalty minutes Blake would finish as a top four  Musketeer High Scorers and a top three
Heavy Hitter.
This native of Anchorage Alaska, who worked on an Oil-Rig, would spend his three seasons as a Musketeer fan and player favorite.
While he could have taken this award all three seasons, he did officially receive the Musketeers 7th Man Award in 2007.
Blake was all about the team and came to play every single day.

         Alex Stuart            Trainer Craig Brandenburger            Asst. Coach Bobby Kinsella     Head Coach Dave Siciliano
Musketeers 2006-09               Musketeers 2004-09                             Musketeers 2005-08                  Musketeers 2000-08

Left: Alex Stuart shoots on goal as the Musketeers take on the Sioux Falls Stampede Right: Musketeer coaching staff trainer
Craig Brandenburger, Asst. Coach Bobby Kinsella and Head Coach Dave Siciliano.

Trainer Craig Brandenburger took care of all the injuries and many of the other locker room duties during five seasons
with the Musketeers. After an additional season in Tri-City (USHL) he returned home to work in the private sector.

Asst. Coach Bobby Kinsella coached three season for the Musketeers. After a brief coaching stay on the east coast, he
would return to the USHL and the newly formed Dubuque Fighting Saints for two seasons. In 2010, the Saints would win
the Clark Cup Championship. Two seasons later Bobby would become a member of the Montreal Canadians Scouting Staff.

Head Coach Dave Siciliano is shown here in his next to last season as the Musketeer’s bench boss. With 813 total games
coached in the span of fifteen seasons, he is second among retired coaches in total games, only bested by fellow Musketeer
coach Bob Ferguson with 873. He is one of only four coaches, active or retired, to work over 800 games. During his seven
seasons with Thunder Bay and eight with the Musketeers, he collected three Clark Cup Championships, a Canada Cup
Championship, several regular season championships and three Coach of the Year awards. Dave currently
serves as the Senior Advisor of  Hockey Operations for the USHL 

Joe Sova                                                                               Alex Stuart
Musketeers 2006-07                                                                                      Musketeers 2006-09

Joe Sova played three USHL seasons, Sioux City was sandwiched between a season in Waterloo and Omaha. He would record
his fist USHL points while playing for the BlackHawks. His fist goal came in a loss to the Omaha Lancers on November 18th and
his first multi-point game December 4th when he scored a goal & assist, in a win over the Indiana Ice. As a Musketeer, Joe played
a fifty-five game schedule recording four goals and nineteen assists. He would also rack-up eighty-four penalty minutes; fourth
highest among the Musketeer  players.  After the USHL, he played three seasons for the University of Alaska at Fairbanks
and is currently splitting his time between the AHL and ECHL

Alex Stuart plays three seasons in Sioux City. Shown here during his rookie season; he joins the Musketeers fresh out of the
Minnesota high school league where he played for Shattuck/St. Mary’s for two seasons. The rookie defenseman would seeing time
in fifty-two USHL contests: netting a pair of goals including his first  in a 6-2 win over the Ohio Blue Jackets on December 8th,and
adding twelve assists during his first season. Alex would go on to play two more seasons for the Musketeers adding five more
goals and twenty-two more assists to his scoring totals.

 Mike Beck
 Musketeers 2005-07

Mike has played prior seasons in the NAHL with the Cleveland Barons and two full  seasons in the USHL, one for
the Danville
Wings and the Indiana Ice. An off-season trade made him a Musketeer and last season played in forty-nine
games scoring six goals, eighteen assists and recording ninety-six penalty minutes; third highest among the team.
Mike Beck returns for his second season as a Musketeer and his fourth as a well seasoned USHL veteran. Starting
the season he is
selected as one of the Musketeer Alternate Captains and as the season ends he receives the Musketeers
Most Defensive Player
Mike plays in fifty-three games recording seven goals and thirty-two assists. He has seven
multi-point games, including two three-
point games against the Lincoln Stars and Cedar Rapids RoughRiders. He would
also collect seventy minutes in the box,
seventh best among the Musketeers. Mike would go on to play four seasons at
University of New Hampshire
and five more seasons playing in Europe.


Most Shots on Goal-Period
The Musketeers set a USHL record for shots on goals during a single period; launching thirty-six shots at Green
goaltender Adam Avramenko during the first period. The Musketeers would total seventy two attempts before
the game
ended, ironically, they lose the game 5-2 on just eighteen Gambler shots on goal . The previous record
set in 1981 by The Dubuque Fighting Saints when the
fired thirty-for shots on Musketeer goaltender Doug Spedding.

Donnie Hallmark
Musketeers 2006-09
Before joining the Musketeers in 2006, Donnie spent his rookie USHL season in Des Moines. He would record a pair of goals

& assists, and also establish himself as one of the League’s future heavy hitters; leading the team with 115 penalty minutes. Donnie
and the Buccaneers would would go on to win the Clark Cup Championship.
3-Musketeers vs Des Moines-4                                    1-Musketeers vs. Tri-City Storm-3
March 23rd, 2007                                                                        April 24th, 2007

Left: Donnie Hallmark during a regular season game against the Des Moines Buccaneers. Right: Donnie Hallmark and
Alex Hudson
square off during game 3 of the USHL quarter finals.

Donnie Hallmark played four USHL seasons, most of them in Sioux City. Shown here during his second season, Donnie
first found himself out east, playing for the League’s newest team, the Ohio Junior Blue Jackets. He would see regular time
and while his scoring was still down his penalty minutes were not, and he again set the pace to lead the team. However, a
mid-season trade moved him to Sioux City. With lots of season remaining, he saw time in 24 more games, stepped-up his
scoring; notching three goals & adding five assists and continuing right where he left off in the penalty department. His season
total of 167 penalty minutes would have by far lead the team that season.

Over the next two following seasons, Sioux City was good for Donnie and vise-versa. His scoring would increase exponentially
recording eleven goals & fourteen assists. He would clean-up his game a bit eliminating many unnecessary penalties allowing
him more time in the game instead of the box.  During his final season, he would finish as one of the top seven Musketeer
scorers with 32 points; his 18 goals were third highest on the team and his 93 penalty minutes second best. He was chosen
as one of the Musketeer Captains. His gritty style of play made him a feared competitor and a fan favorite.

 Danny Wurden                                                               Alex Tuckerman
Musketeers 2006-10                                                                         Musketeers 2006-08

Rookie Danny Wurden would eventually become a USHL rarity; logging four seasons, let alone all with the same team. Joining the
team late this season  he would play in the remaining sixteen games, notching a goal and an assists; his first red-lighter on March 31st
against the Sioux Falls Stampede. He would return for three more seasons, working his way into a defensive corps and team leadership
role he would shoulder the following seasons. His final season, Danny’s twenty-six points put him among the Musketeers top three
scorers and his seventy-seven penalty minutes  top on the team.

Another rookie this season is Alex Tuckerman. He starts out hot this season recording eight points in his first eleven games including
his first goal in the season opener against the Des Moines Buccaneers. He would record four multi-point games including he s best on
February 10th in Lincoln where he scored twice and added two more assists in this ten-one win over the Stats. Alex would go on the
following season to be a top seven  Musketeer scorer and earning a selection to the USHL All-star game and eventually that
game’s Most Valuable Player Award.

Alex Tuckerman is show here squaring-off against Des Moines center man Taylor Matson as USHL linesman Bob Batcheller
drop the puck.

James Krusic                                                                        Nick Curry
Musketeers 2006-07                                                                              Musketeers 2006-07

Michigan native James Krusic would join the Musketeers for a single season. After a season playing for the Ojibwa
Eagles in
the UP, where he recorded twenty-three goals and eight more assists finishing as the fourth highest scorer that
season.  This season
here, he would see time in twenty-eight USHL games; recording his fist tally on December 16th in
a win over the Sioux Falls
Stampede. He would also record a  pair of regular and post-season assists.

Nick Curry would also play here a single season seeing time in just eleven games. He would go on to play three more
in NAHL; one for the Bismarck Bobcats and two more for the Springfield Jr. Blues and that’s where he began to
find the net.
Finishing both season as the team’s second highest scorer both seasons. His total of 106 points gave him
nearly a point per
game average. Nick would go on to play four seasons of college hockey and two more in the SPHL.

Blake Martin                                                                    Kevin Lohry
Musketeers 2004-07                                                                      Musketeers 2004-07

6-Musketeers vs. Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets-1                                         Musketeers 3 – Des Moines 4 SO
December 8th, 2006                                                                          March 23rd, 2007
Left: The League’s newest team from Ohio would be in town on December 8th & 9th and it would be a good weekend
Musketeer scorers, including Blake Martin. He would score  a pair of red-lighters in Friday nights 6-2 win over the
Jr. Blue
Jackets. He would also collect an assist on a Max Pacioretty goal, giving him three point night and the game’s
1st Star Award.
Saturday night’s 6-1 victory saw Blake put up another multi-point game; scoring a goal and assisting on
a second Pacioretty
twine-tickler that weekend.

Right: Kevin Lohry hopes to get the jump on Des Moines winger Jimmy Martin. Musketeers Dustin Gazley would
score twice
and Travis Oleksuk once keeping the game tied at the end of regulation. Kevin Lohry and Phil DeSimone
would both score in the shoot-out
to keep the Musketeer alive, but eventually the home team would come up short in
this 4-3 shoot-out loss to the Bucs.

Face-Off for Charity
Applebee’s Restaurant / February 22nd, 2007
Left: Craig Brandenburger, Bobby Kinsella and Dave Siciliano Right: Alex Stuart

Alex Stuart                                                             Alex Tuckerman
Musketeers 2006-09                                                                       Musketeers 2006-08

Kevin Lohry                                                        James Krusic

Musketeers 2005-07                                                               Musketeers 2006-07

Alex Tuckerman
Musketeers 2006-08

After a season in Mason City playing for the North Iowa Outlaws (NAHL) Alex Tuckerman  joins the Musketeers for two
more seasons. During this rookie season he would record ten goals and sixteen assists. His first three red-lighter coming in the
season opener on October10th against the Des Moines Buccaneers. He would record four multi-point games including his best
outing against the Lincoln Stars when he scored a pair of goals and assists.

 The following season he increased his offensive output, scoring eight goals and twenty-six assists. He was chosen one of the
team’s Alternate Team Captains and selected to play in the USHL All-Star & Prospects Game. He would score a pair of
goals for western division and receive the Ron Woody Award as the game’s Most Valuable Player.

Phil DeSimone           Blake Martin                                                             Mike Beck
                                    Musketeers 2004-07         Musketeers 2004-07                                                   Musketeers 2005-07                              


Andrew Rowe
Musketeers 2005-07

Michigan nativeAndrew would log in thirty-nine regular season games, grabbing seven goals and seven assists.
His first would come in a high scoring affair in Tri-City on October 1st and his first multi-goals game later in the
season on
March 17th when he scored both goals in a 3-2 loss to the Sioux Falls Stampede.

This season Andrew Rowe would more than double his scoring; recording nineteen goals and thirty-two assists in
addition to
a pair of post-season tallies and another assist. He would lead the team with five game-winning goals and
finish fifth among
the top five Musketeer goals scorers.  He would go on to play three seasons at the University of
Michigan, nine season in
the ECHL and AHL and is currently playing in the Swedish Hockey League.

2007 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game Officials
Justin Lyle     Mike McCreary    Joe Sullivan    Mark Bradley

Left: 2007 USHL All-Star Game Officials; Justin Lyle, Mike McCreary, Joe Sullivan and Mark Bradley are all selected by
USHL Owners, Managers and Coaches are this season’s All-Star Officials. All four officials would go on to work higher levels
including NCAA, ECHL and AHL. The Game pits the Eastern and Western divisions and is held on January 30th in Waterloo.
All four of these guys would go on the good friends and terrific mentors. Thanks guys!!!

USHL Zamboni Ironman

Left: The League’s eldest Zamboni and Best dressed driver in the league-donning his trademark tuxedo each and every
home game. He enters the ice to his own theme song, Black Sabbath’s Iron Man and his traditional suggestion to “hang loose”
everyone. Over the years Dino has become a Musketeer’s fan favorite. Right: During the 2006-07 season a second seat
was added to the Zamboni and fans got the chance to help Dino do the ice between periods.

*******************************************USHL Play-Offs*********************************************
Round One / Quarter-Finals

Entering the play-offs the fifth place Musketeers would match-up with second seed Tri-City Storm. The top five western division
teams all finished within eight points of each other so any match-up in the west could go either way. The Musketeers like their
chances against the Storm having beat them five times in seven meetings.

Musketeers vs. Tri-City Storm
Game 1 & 2 / Tri-City

Game one opens on the road for the Musketeers and they jump all over the Storm. Jerry Kuhn stops all 37 shots on goal and
red-lighter. Kevin Lohry, Tommy Olczyk & two from Phil DeSimone give the Musketeers a series lead and an important 4-0 road
win. Max Pacioretty would have assists on both DeSimone goals. Sioux City keeps the pressure on, building a 2-0 lead after two
periods, the offence stalls and the Storm go on to even the series with a 4-3 win.

Game 3 & 4 / Sioux City
Returning home for game three, Jerry Kuhn stops 37 of 39 shots on goal but Blake Martin’s lone Musketeer marker is not
enough and the Musketeers lose 2-1. Game four sees Sioux City rebound after a home defeat and records goals from Joe
Sova, Andrew Rowe and Dustin Gazley tying the series at two games apiece. Jerry Kuhn has another 35 plus save night,
stopping all but one of 37 shots.

Game 5, 6 & 7 / Tri-City, Sioux City, Tri-City
With the series ties at two the teams return to Tri-City where the Musketeers offence, picks-up where it left off, last time they
were in town. Max Pacioretty scores twice and Kevin Lohry, Blake Martin, Phil DeSimone & Dustin Gazley record lamp-
lighters in this 6-3 romp taking the series lead back. Hoping to wrap-up the series at home, the visiting team scores twice in
the first and twice in the third to even the series and send the series to a game seven. Having won twice in the Tri-City ice,
the Musketeers like their chances in the final winner take all game; DeSimone and Pacioretty each score goals but its not
enough and the Musketeers fall 3-2.

2006-07 Musketeer Award Winners
Phil DeSimone            Max Pacioretty               Mike Beck           Spencer Heichman         Kevin Lohry             Blake Martin
Offensive Player of the Year
…Phil DeSimone *  Most Valuable Player…Phil DeSimone * Rookie of the Year…Max Pacioretty
Defensive Player of the Year…
Mike Beck *  Most Improved Player…Spencer Heichman

Musketeers 7th Man Award…Blake Martin    *  Booster Club Scholarship: Mike Beck & Kevin Lohry

2007 USHL All-Star / Prospects Game
Waterloo, IA

This seasons All-Star game is played at Young Arena in Waterloo on January 30th. The East vs. West format remains the
same. Special Guest Coaches Bill Dobbyn-Former Waterloo Black Hawk and Ted Hampson, Scout- Colorado Avalanche.
Corey Tropp of the Sioux Falls Stampede scores a pair of goals and receives the Ron Woody Award as the games Most
Valuable Player.

Jerry Kuhn            Dustin Gazley           Phil DeSimone         Max Pacioretty        Bobby Kinsella
The Musketeers have a terrific showing in the game with all four players contributing the West Division victory.  Jerry Kuhn

stops all thirteen Team East shots launch at his during the first half of the game, Dustin Gazley scores a goal and Phil
DeSimone and Max Pacioretty collect assists while Bobby Kinsella works the bench in this 7-3 All-Star game win.
Phil is selected to the USHL First All-Star Team and Max selected to the USHL All-Rookie Team.

2007 NHL Draft
June 22nd-23rd, 2007 / Columbus, OH

This seasons NHL draft is held at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus. Held over a two day period, with the first
round on Friday and the remaining six rounds on Saturday. Twenty-six USHLers are selected in the draft. Four players are
picked the first round including a pair of Musketeers in Sam Gagner and Max Pacioretty.
          Sam Gagner                                                                Max Pacioretty         
Musketeers 2005-06                                                                   Musketeers 2006-07
In what can only be described as a rarity for most all teams; the Musketeers have two former players selected in the first
round of the
2007 NHL draft. Sam Gagner would be selected in the sixth spot by the Edmonton Oilers and Max Pacioretty
selected by the
Montreal Canadians in the twenty-second spot.

Did You Know… In 2000 the Musketeers also had a pair of players go in the first round; Rostislav Klesla (Musketeers 1998-99)
was drafted by the Columbus Blue Jackets and David Hale (Musketeers 1998-00) was selected in the same twenty-second
position by the New Jersey Devils. A third Musketeer player, Ruslan Fedotenko (Musketeers 1998-99) also joined the NHL
in 2000 but went undrafted until signed by the Flyers in 1999. 

Parents & Host Family Weekend
February 22nd-24th, 2007

Eddie Olczyk                                                            Alex Tuckerman 
Musketeers 2006-08                                                                        Musketeers 2006-08

Phil DeSimone                                                         Kevin Lohry
Musketeers 2004-07                                                                  Musketeers 2005-07

Dustin Gazley                                                            Travis Oleksuk
Musketeers 2005-07                                                                        Musketeers 2006-08

Matt Crandell                                                             Donnie Hallmark
Musketeers 2006-08                                                                          Musketeers 2006-09

Josh Robinson                                                             Jerry Kuhn
Musketeers 2006-08                                                                     Musketeers 2005-07

   Mike Beck                                                             Nathan Pageau
Musketeers 2005-07                                                                    Musketeers 2006-07

Kyle Medvec                                                             Andrew Rowe
Musketeers 2005-07                                                                        Musketeers 2005-07

Tyler Peterson                                                             James Krusic
Musketeers 2006-07                                                                      Musketeers 2006-07

Anthony Maiani                                                             Spencer Heichman
Musketeers 2005-07                                                                               Musketeers 2005-08

Max Pacioretty                                                             Alex Stuart
Musketeers 2006-07                                                                        Musketeers 2006-09

League consists of twelve member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule.

Eastern Conference: Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Chicago Steel, Green Bay Gamblers, Indiana Ice, Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets,
Waterloo Black Hawks
Western Conference:  Des Moines Buccaneers, Lincoln Stars, Omaha Lancers, Sioux Falls Stampede, Tri-City Storm,
Sioux City Musketeers

Sioux City and the Musketeers host the first annual USHL Fall Classic on September 27th-29th, 2007. All twelve USHL teams
in a league-wide tournament held daily in the Tyson Event Center and the IBP Ice Center.

The Musketeers would finish fourth in the Western Division and in eighth place overall with a 32-25-3 record. Their first round
foe would be the eventual Clark Cup Champions Omaha Lancers. The best of five series saw Omaha hold the Musketeers
scoreless in a 3-0 victory. The Musketeers would return the previous game’s beat-down with one of  their own, a 6-2 win in
game two, game three and four would be decided by just a goal each time with the Musketeers coming a goal shy in both games.

The Musketeer organization would get some unexpected news as the season neared completion, Coach Dave Siciliano would
be stepping down from his duties as Head Coach and General Manager. He would leave behind a 273-174 record in Sioux City as well
as a Clark Cup Championship in 2002.

At the conclusion of the 07-08 season, past Musketeers coach Bob Ferguson would receive the USHL Distinguished Service Award.
Bob played in the USHL (77-78) when it was a pro league and would go on to coach in the junior circuit for 18 seasons, fashioning
a 517-314-42 record. Behind the bench in Sioux City (1981-90) and Des Moines (1990-95, 2001-05), he would coach more games
than any other USHL coach (873) and set the benchmark for wins by a USHL coach (517). He was a driving force behind the creation
of  the USHL’s pre-season tournament, originally known as the Corn Bowl, it was first held in Sioux City in the late 1980’s before moving to
Des Moines and becoming the Buc Bowl in 1990. Today, the USHL Fall Classic as it is known, is one of the most heavily scouted hockey
events in North America.

Also receiving the USHL Distinguished Service Award in 2008 was long-time referee Scott Brand. While not from Sioux City,
he lot of time here, reffing on USHL ice and sleeping on Swany‘s couch. He became a fan favorite across the League and nobody
personified the USHL more than Scott Brand. This season would be his 25th in the USHL eventually serving for twenty-nine seasons.

Starting as an on-ice official in 1984, Scott would become one of the most popular and, eventually becoming one of the League’s
legendary Officials. He would serve as the USHL Referee in Chief on two occasions from 1990-94 and again in 1998-2012 where
he was also the USHL’s Director of Hockey Operations, while serving in this position he would institute the creation of the
USA Hockey Junior Officials Development Program.

Jim Kronschnabel was the 2008 recipient of the USHL’s Dave Tyler Executive of the Year Award. The prior season the League
created this new award to honoring Mr. Tyler’ years of leadership and dedication to the USHL and Junior hockey throughout the
United States. Jim was a tireless promoter of  not only the Musketeers and the USHL but of Sioux City as well. Owning the team from
2002-2010 Jim brought on changes to the Musketeers that would no doubt extend the excitement and tenure of junior hockey in
Sioux City for another ten years. Events like the USHL Fall Classic, the USHL All-Star Game, the arrival of the Stanley Cup in Sioux
City, on two occasions, acquisition of first class facilities, staff and players as well as a total dedication to the local Musketeer faithful.

Musketeers Front Office Staff
Jim Kronschnabel          Rich Zaber            Tim Artz       Carol Siciliano    

President/Owner      Sales & Promotions        Ticket Sales &        Player Housing &
Manager           Off-Ice Operations           Education


Musketeers Coaching Staff
Dave Siciliano       Bobby Kinsella       Billy Danderand       Craig Brandenburger

Head Coach & GM         Assistant Coach      Equipment Manager        Athletic Trainer    
Skate Sharpening and Equipment Repair
…Dan Cownie & Jamie Strachan

The veteran coaching staff remains the same this season with Coach Dave Siciliano entering his eighth season as the Musketeers
Head Coach and General Manager.  Also back for his third season is Assistant Coach is Bobby Kinsella. Athletic Trainer
Craig Brandenburger is back for a fourth season and Billy Danderand assumes his traditional role as Eguipment Manager.

Between the Pipes
Returning veteran Josh Robinson would take on the role as starter, while rookie Steve Thompson would take on the

back-up duties. Both goalies ended the season with winning records, Josh going 22-17-2 and Steve 10-8-1.while
Josh played the majority of the games with 43, Steve still logged 25 and provided the relief and consistency that makes a
Goaltending duo successful.
Josh Robinson                                                        Steve Thompson
Musketeers 2006-08                                                                     Musketeers 2007-09

This pair of goalies would lead the team to a fourth place finish in the Western Division and a first round play-off meeting
with the
regular season-Anderson Cup Champions and eventual Clark Cup Champions the Omaha Lancers.

  Josh Robinson
Musketeers 2006-08

Josh’s rookie this season saw him play in eighteen regular season games; posting a record of  7-2-2. He would
his first three victories on his first three outings and earn his first shut-out stopping all thirty-seven Lincoln
shots on goal. His learned
experience this season would earn him the starter position next season.
Josh Robisson returns as a Musketeer for a second of two seasons and would quickly garner the starting position. Playing
in forty-three
USHL games that season and posting a 22-17-3 regular season record and added three shut-outs to his stats.
He would earn a
spot on the USHL All-Star team and finish as one of the top ten best goalies in the league with a 2.94
goals against average
and a .906 save percentage. He would also play in the World Junior A Challenge Tournament in
Canada where he helped
Team USA win a bronze medal. Josh would go on to play four seasons at Michigan Tech, five
seasons in the ECHL &
AHL and is currently the Goalie Coach for the Florida Everblades (ECHL)

 Steve Thompson
Musketeers 2007-09

Steve Thompson plays a pair of seasons as a Musketeer; this rookie season he would play in 25 games for the
and finish the season with a 10-8-1 record. He would stop 35 shots and recorded his first USHL shut-out
against the Ohio Junior
Blue Jackets.  He would end the season as one of the top dozen goalies in the league with a 3.08
goals against average and a
.908 save percentage. Gaining experience from the starter and from lots of ice time, Steve
would be headed for the starting
position the next season

High Scorers
Joey Miller              Steve Quailer       Spencer Heichman         Travis Oleksuk            Ben Kinne
Musketeers 2007-08         Musketeers 2007-08           Musketeers 2005-08         Musketeers 2006-08        Musketeers 2007-08

Musketeers rookies Joey Miller & Steve Quailer and third season veteran Spencer Heichman would lead the charge
for the Musketeers
this season. Travis Oleksuk would finish with forty-four points including fourteen goals and thirty assists
and Ben Kinne a single point behind him with seventeen goals and twenty-six helpes. Joey and Spencer’s
twenty-three goals
was tied for tops among team scorers as was Steve and Travis’s thirty assists also tops among the team . Joey would also lead
the team in play-off scoring with four goals in four games.

Heavy Hitters
Cody Butcher            Mike Keenan              Alex Tuckerman         Donnie Hallmark           Joey Miller
Musketeers 2007-08      Musketeers 2007-08             Musketeers 2006-08        Musketeers 2006-09        Musketeers 2007-08

Rookies again dominated the Hitter list. Cody Butcher would top the list with 122 minutes and Mike Keenan would
make the list for the
first of two seasons with ninty-three minutes. Veteran Alex Tuckerman recorded eighty-seven
minutes and also placed in the top seven scorers. Donnie
Hallmark and his hand injury slowed his usual minute
production and ended with seventy-five minutes. Leading scorer Joey Miller would also recordn
penalty minutes.

Dave Siciliano Musketeers  Head Coach & General Manager
Sioux City Musketeers 2000-08

Shown here in his office, Dave would leave the Musketeers after eight successful seasons behind the Musketeer bench. One
could easily make the point that Dave and his coaching staff saved hockey in Sioux City as the new millennium arrived. Only in his
second season as coach, he took his team on a play-off run that will never be forgotten in Musketeer history. Their final victory
over the Lancers, captured the 2002 Clark Cup Championship and reinvigorated hockey in Sioux City for the next ten years!!!

Dave Siciliano will be remembered as one of the great coaches in USHL history. Originally a player in the USHL Senior
league he played a season for the Marquette Iron Rangers and then two more for the Thunder Bay Twins. In
that stretch he took a season
off where he was the head coach of the Thunder bay Hurricanes but returned to the USHL the
following season here he was the
Twins player-coach for the 74-75 season.

In 1986 he would take over the Head Coach and General Manager duties of the Thunder Bay Flyers. After seven season
in Thunder
Bay, Dave can boast four Anderson Cup Championships, a pair of Clark Cup & Centennial Cup championships
as well as three
USHL Coach of the Year Awards.

In 2000 he would join the Musketeers in hopes of reviving a storied franchise that desperately need a winner. He did the
job bring
home his third  Clark Cup Championship in just his second season. Even after his retirement in 2008 from the
Musketeers he would
stay active as a USHL board member and hockey operations advisor.

   Bobby Kinsella Assistant Coach                           Billy Danderand Equipment Manager
Musketeers 2005-08                                                                       Musketeers 1972-2012
Bobby Kinsella spent three seasons as Assistant Coach and Director of Scouting here in Sioux City. Prior to that he
spent two
seasons as an east coast player scout for the Musketeers. In 2008 he took the Head Coach & GM position
for the for
the Boston Jr. Rangers and served as a scout for the New York Islanders. In 2010 he joined the USHL
expansion team in
Dubuque as Assistant Coach and Director of Scouting. That season he would become one of the
few USHL coaches to win
the Clark Cup their first season in the league. Two seasons later he would join the Montreal
Canadians where he is currently
a member of the team’s scouting staff.

Dave Siciliano           Craig Brandenburger                    Bobby Kinsella              Billy Danderand
Head Coach & General Manager       Athletic Trainer                                  Assistant Coach                Equipment Manager
Left: Pictured here are Dave Siciliano, Craig Brandenburger and Right: Bobby Kinsella and Billy Danderand. This would
be the final
season for Dave and Bobby. Craig would stay with the team an additional season before a move took him to the
Tri-City Storm (USHL) Billy would remain with the team several more seasons, before retiring from the equipment duties
he performed for over 40 years.

Head Coach Dave Siciliano is shown here in his next to last season as the Musketeers bench boss. With 813 total games
coached in the span of fifteen seasons he is second among retired coaches in total games, only bested by fellow Musketeer
coach Bob Ferguson with 873. He is one of only four coaches to work over 800 games. During his seven seasons with
Thunder Bay and eight with the Musketeers he collected three Clark Cup Championships. Dave currently serves
as the Senior Advisor of  Hockey Operations for the USHL

Trainer Craig Brandenburger: Took care of all the injuries and many of the other locker room duties during five
with the Musketeers. After an additional season in Tri-City (USHL) he returned home to work privately.

Asst. Coach Bobby Kinsella: Coached three season for the Musketeers (05-08). After a brief coaching stay on the east
coast, he would return to the USHL the newly formed Dubuque Fighting Saints for two seasons. In 2010, the Saints
would win the Clark Cup Championship. Bobby is currently a scout for the Montreal Canadians.

Billy Danderand:
 Sioux City Musketeer trainer & equipment manager for over 40 seasons. He joined the team during
Musketeers first season in  USHL Senior League in 1972. Billy also served the same duties with International
Congress’s powerhouse teams Penn Corps & National Health Care.

First Annual USHL Fall Classic
September 27th-29th, 2007 / Sioux City, IA
The traditional USHL pre-season tournament held annually in Des Moines gets a first-class upgrade, moving back to its
original home after seventeen years in the Capitol City. Musketeers Owner Jim Kronschnabel transforms the worn-out
tournament into an epic three-day event including a skills competition, player banquet, street parties and participation
of all twelve USHL teams.

Originally started in Sioux City, the pre-season tournament concept was introduced by then Head Coach Bob Ferguson and
christened the Corn Bowl.  In 1990 when Bob moved to Des Moines, the tournament went with him, where the Buc Bowl
became a seventeen year USHL tradition. That would change in 2007 when Kronschnabel and his Staff offer up a pair of
first class playing venues and a list of proposed events that would give a county fait board a run for their money.

 The Fall Classic continues to improve over the next six seasons, continuing its participation of all the teams, even as the league
swells to sixteen teams. Hundreds of  NHL, College, Junior, Semi-pro and European coaches, general managers and scouts,
make The Classic most scouted hockey event in the world. For the next six seasons, this would become the USHL’s signature
event and for three days in September, one only needed to visit Sioux City, Iowa to see a gathering of the the best junior
hockey players in the world.

Josh Robinson                                                        Steve Thompson
Musketeers 2006-08                                                                     Musketeers 2007-09

Both Musketeer goalies are shown here wearing their first annual USHL Fall Classic jerseys. During the tournament, and the first few
games into the regular season, the Musketeers wore a special Fall Classic Commemorative Patch on their white game jerseys.

Donnie Hallmark
Musketeers 2006-09
Donnie Hallmark played four USHL seasons. In 2005 the sixteen year old from sunny California would move to sunny Des Moines

where he became an essential part of the Buccaneers Clark Cup Champions’ squad. The rookie saw time in 38 games; recording two
goals, two assists and leading the team in penalties with115 minutes in the box. He would see time in all eleven play-off games,
scoring a goal in the Clark Cup final series in a 3-2 win over the Stampede. 

After a brief stay of thirty-three games with the League’s first team from Ohio, Donnie found a home in Sioux City, finishing the season
playing in twenty-four contests. He would score three goals and five assists and spend 80 minutes in the box; his season total of
167 penalty minutes of would have placed him far above the Musketeers current leader.

Shown here during his third season (07-08), Donnie would find his groove as a Musketeer, increasing his offensive output scoring
eleven goals and fourteen assists while cleaning up his game and cutting his penalty minutes to 75, finishing as a top three Heavy
. The following season he saw the ice in 54 games, again increasing his scoring with eighteen goals, third best on the team,

fourteen assists and  94 penalty minutes; second highest on the team. He was chosen as one of the Musketeer Captains. His gritty
style of play made him a feared competitor and a fan favorite.

Dave Siciliano                                      Bobby Kinsella
Musketeers  2000-08                                         Musketeers 2005-2008
Coaching Staff members Assistant Coach Bobby Kinsella, Head Coach Dave Siciliano and long-time equipment manager
Billy Danderand watch the action in this Home Musketeers tilt.

Eddie Olczyk Jr.
Musketeers 2006-08
Eddie would bring a famous NHL name to the Musketeer lineup for two seasons. He would record seven goals and three assists;
his first and second USHL goals coming on October 21st, 2006 in a 6-2 win over the visiting Ohio Blue Jackets. Junior would also
record his first post-season points; lighting the lamp in game one and adding a helper in game six. Everyone was excited for Junior’s
return to the Musketeer line-up next season.
Eddie would start this second season as a Musketeer with high hopes as the team started the season looking like one of
the potential top teams in the west. However a slow start for Eddie forced a trade to the Waterloo BlackHawks where he
completed his second and third seasons in the USHL.

Here is Sioux City during the 2007-08 season he posted four goals & added an assist.  In Waterloo he would add three
more goals & five assists to his season total of thirteen points. His last season the saw him greatly improve his
offence recording six goals and 15 assists. He would go on to play four seasons for the University of Massachusetts and
a season in the SPHL playing for the Bloomington Thunder. He is currently an assistant coach for Utica College (NCAA)

Tommy Olczyk
Musketeers 2007-11
Another Olczyk would also join the Musketeers this season and his tenure with the team would be considerably longer. Younger
brother Tommy would hit the USHL ice as a rare, league ready, 16 year old player. He would log some 30 games this season
and record four goals & five assists for nine rookie season points. He would grab his first two USHL assists in a 4-1 win over
the BlackHawks and on March 7th, score his fist USHL goal in a 4-2 loss on the road to the Jr. Blue Jackets. Nobody knows it
yet, but Tommy is headed for the Musketeer record books, eventually playing in 205 USHL games.

Did You Know…
Tommy and Eddies’ dad is legendary NHL player, coach and commentator Eddie Olczyk. Over the years,

Eddie Senior made countless trips to Sioux City to watch the boys play, as well as using his NHL and National TV forum to
tout the USHL and its continual successes producing the best hockey players in North America.

Matt Crandell
Musketeers 2006-08

Matt joined the Musketeers for his maiden season and was well prepared for the big step up from Minnesota high school
Only missing one game during the sixty-game schedule the rookie defenseman recorded seven goals and a dozen
assists. Matt’s first
USHL points would come in a 6-5 win over the Lincoln Stars; he would notch a pair of goals, including
the game winner and add
his first assist tying the game at two goals apiece.
Matt Crandell shown here during his second season as a Musketeer. During this season he would increase his offensive
numbers from the blue line, recording eight goals and twenty-one assists; his twenty-nine points put him in the league’s
top ten scoring defenseman. He would be selected to the USHL All-Star team and receive the Musketeers Defensive
Player of the Year
 award. Matt would go on to play four seasons for the Michigan State Spartans (NCAA).

4-Musketeers vs. Waterloo Black Hawks-1
February 1st, 2008

Meeting for the third time this season the Musketeers take on the Black Hawks. Four different Musketeers score goals,
Joey Miller, Tom Serratore, Matt Crandell and Spencer Heichman. Tommy Olczyk records a pair of assists on the
Serratore and Crandell red-lighters. Steve Thompson is nearly perfect stopping thirty Waterloo attempts.

Eddie Olczyk    &    Tommy Olczyk

Musketeers 2006-08         Musketeers 2007-11
This game marks the first competitive meeting between the Olczyk brothers. Just a month earlier they were Sioux City
teammates; Eddie a returning veteran and Tommy a rookie. After logging nearly thirty games as fellow Musketeers, a
mid-season trade moved Eddie to Waterloo. He would go on to play the remainder of this and the following seasons
where he was a stand-out player for the Black Hawks.

Tommy would go on to a storied career with the Musketeers playing 205 regular season games. He lead the Musketeers
twice as a Team Captain, received the Musketeer 7th Man Award, earned the USHL Curt Hammer Award and
secured his spot as one of  the team’s most popular players.

 Steve Quailer
Musketeers 2007-08
Steve Quailer was a single season Musketeer but made it a good one. He would finish tied for first in Musketeer
scoring with nineteen goals
and a team leading thirty assists. While he didn’t take many penalty minutes, he was never
one to back down from a challenge or averse to
to sticking up for a team mate. In a very rare feat, he would receive
both the Musketeers Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player  awards in the same season. He was also receive
the team’s Most Offensive Player Award and a selection to both the USHL All-Star and All-Rookie teams. After the
Musketeers, he would play three season for Northeastern University, three seasons in the AHL
and one additional
season in the ECHL.

Seth Helgeson
Musketeers 2007-09
Seth Helgeson would log a pair of seasons for the Musketeers. Shown here during his rookie season, he would he
would record  three goals, eight assists and forty-one penalty minutes. Seven games into the season he would notch
his fist goal on October 27th
during a 5-1 victory over the Indiana Ice. Seth would play in the World Junior A
Challenge Tournament
in Canada, helping Team USA secure a Bronze Medal finish with a win over Team Russia.

He is drafted in 2009 by the New Jersey Devils (NHL). Seth would play four years at the University of Minnesota
and see three NHL seasons with the New Jersey
Devils. He is currently playing his sixth season with the Bridgeport
Sound (AHL) where he is the Tigers’ team Captain.

Danny Wurden
Musketeers 2006-10
Danny would become a USHL rarity; logging four seasons, let alone all with the same team. Joining the team late
last season,
he would play in the team’s remaining sixteen games notching a goal and an assists; his first red-lighter
on March 31st against the
Sioux Falls Stampede.
Retuning sophmore Danny Wurden would put the biscuit in the basket again and add in eleven more Musketeer
helpers all while
shoring up the Musketeer defense. His scoring will take another season be for it takes-off , but in the
meantime he is developing his
leadership skills and is soon pegged as one of the future team leaders. He will eventually
go on for two more seasons doubling his
scoring and receiving the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship Award.

Mac Watts                                                                  Mike Keenan
Musketeers 2007-08                                                                         Musketeers 2007-09
Mac Watts start out his first season with the Ohio Junior Blue Jackets. He plays in twenty-two games and records a
pair of assists.
A mid-season trade moves him to Sioux City where he would add three more helpers to his rookie season
stats. The Musketeers
would go four games into the play-offs and Mac would add a sixth assist in a game two win over
the Lancers.

Mike Keenan joins the Musketeers for the first of two seasons. He sees time on forty-seven games; he grabs his first USHL goal
against the Waterloo Black Hawks on March 15th, 2008. He would also add three more assists during the regular season. The
following season Mike’s scoring would flourish finishing the season as the Musketeers fourth  most productive scorer with thirty-
points. He would record nine multi-goals outing including his best on February 21st when he scored a goal and three
assists  in an
8-2 win over the Des Moines Buccaneers.

Sam Gagner

Musketeers 2005-06
Sam Gagner would join the Musketeers for the 2005-06 season; with midget & junior experience playing in Canada, he joins the USA’s
best junior league to test his skills He plays a robust schedule for a rookie. Logging time in fifty-six games, he records eleven goals &
twenty-six assists; his thirty-five points is second best among Musketeer scorers. Sam is a multi-week USHL Player of the Week and
is selected to the USHL All-Star Team. He also receives the Musketeers Rookie of the Year Award.
The following season, Sam is selected in the first round of the 2017 NHL draft by the Edmonton Oilers. After just a single season playing
in the OHL, Sam makes his NHL debut on October 4th, 2007 against the San Jose Sharks. He wastes no time getting his name on his first
score sheet, recording his fist point in this 3-2 home opener win. With four assists under his belt seven games into the season, he grabs his
first NHL goal beating Flames net minder Miikka Kiprusoff in this October 20th, loss to the home team.

Sam would play seven seasons seeing time in 481 regular season contests; racking up 101 goals for 295 points as an Edmonton Oiler.
Starting in 2014 he would see some different cities over his career, including Phoenix, Philadelphia, Columbus, Vancouver, and
Winnepeg. He is
currently back in Edmonton playing for the Oilers.

Spencer Heichman
Musketeers 2005-08

This California native would learn to love the winters here in the Midwest calling Sioux City home for three seasons. He adjusted
to the USHL quickly and scored his first of four red-lighters that season in a home opener victory over the Omaha Lancers. He
would also add three more assists over the course of thirty-five contests. The following season his scoring would start to take-off;
recording fourteen goals and thirteen assists; including his first multi-goal game on December 9th against the Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets
and four more multi-point games.
 The grizzled veteran would have his best season yet; this year notching a team and personal best twenty-three goals and twenty-
five assists; ranking him among the top three Musketeer scorers. The Team Captain would record another multi-goal game during a
shootout win over the Sioux Falls Stampede. He would see time in the USHL All-Star & Prospects game scoring a goal and an assist
for the western division’s Team CCM. He would go on to play four season at Quinnipiac University and is currently playing in the
German Hockey League.

Cody Butcher                                                          Tom Serratore
Musketeers 2007-08                                                                    Musketeers 2007-09

Cody Butcher
 would arrive in Sioux City with three prior seasons of junior hockey experience. Having played two veteran

seasons in the BCHL and a rookie season in the NAHL he  presented this season (07-08) as a seasoned player. He would
score a pair of goals this season, add 19 assists and record a team leading 122 minutes in the penalty box. His first USHL
would come on the road on January 11th when he scored the only Musketeer goal in a 6-1 beating by the Stars. He
would spend the following four seasons in Fairbanks playing for the University of Alaska.

Tommy Serratore would put a pair of seasons in playing for the Musketeers. Shown here during his rookie season, he
would play in forty-three regular season games. His first of four goals this season would come in on November 22nd, in
a win over the Des Moines Buccaneers. He would also add three more assists and his sixty-seven penalty minutes was
sixth best among the Musketeers. An injury prior to the start of the following season kept him out of the line-up until
January when he did see time in twenty-six games recording three goals and three assists. He would spend his final
season playing for the Youngstown Phantoms where he scored seventeen goals and his thirty-two points fourth highest
among team scorers. He would also earn a spot on the USHL All-Star Team scoring a goal  in the eastern division win
over the western division.

Alex Stuart
Musketeers 2006-09
Alex Stuart plays three seasons in Sioux City. The rookie defenseman would seeing time in fifty-two USHL contests; netting
a pair of goals including his first  in a 6-2 win over the Ohio Blue Jackets on December 8th, and adding twelve assists
during his first season. He would also add a pair of play-off assists before the Musketeers bow out in the second round.
retuning for a second season, Alex is expected to fill some major roles as part of the Musketeers defensive corps. Playing a
very defensive game, Alex still was able to record three goals and add another ten helpers as well as recording forty-four
penalty minutes. The following season, the three year veteran would score four red-lighters and adding eleven assists to
his final USHL stats.

Mitch Bruijsten                                                                 Ben Kinne
Musketeers 2007-09                                                                           Musketeers 2007-08

Mitch Bruijsten is shown here during his first of two seasons with the Musketeers. The rookie would play in fifty-six games;
finding the net fourteen times and adding another sixteen assists. His 30 regular season points put him among the top eight team high
scorers. Mitch would start the season on a hot streak; scoring fourteen points in his first dozen games, including his first and second
USHL goals in a 5-1 win over the Indiana Ice. Mitch would go on to play three season for the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. He also
saw a season in the ECHL and is currently splitting his pro career between the Netherlands and Germany Professional Leagues.

Ben Kinne arrived in Sioux City after a prior season in the North American League playing for the Santa Fe Roadrunners. The
USHL rookie played in all sixty games this season scoring seventeen goals and twenty-six assists. His 43 points was fifth highest
on the team and tops among rookie players. He would waste little time scoring his first USHL goal nabbing one in the 4-3 shoot-
out win over the Lincoln Stars. The Musketeer exit from the post season was quick, but not before Ben would add a pair of
goals and another assist to his final totals.

Ben would go on to play four seasons at Bemidji State; as a freshman he would receive a CHA All-Rookie Team selection and
help the Beavers to a CHA Championship. The red-shirt sophomore would go on to collect four more WCHA All-Academic
Team selection and lead the Beavers his final two season as team Captain. He is currently the Director of Scouting and an
Assistant Coach for the Cedar Rapids Roughriders (USHL)


500 USHL Wins
On November 16th, Head Coach Dave Siciliano collects his 500th USHL win. His historic USHL tenure would include seven seasons
in Thunder Bay and eight in Sioux City. Over those fifteen seasons he would record 522 total wins; 249 for the Flyers and 273
for the Musketeers. Dave is currently the fourth winningest coach in the USHL.

270 USHL Wins
Dave Siciliano
becomes the winningest coach in Musketeer franchise history, this season eventually ending his tenure

in Sioux City with 273 Musketeer victories. This would surpass former Head Coach Bob Ferguson’s 256 Musketeers victories.

 6-Musketeers vs. Lincoln Stars-5 OT
November 16th, 2007
The Musketeers jump out to an early lead on a pair of red-lighters from Alex Tuckerman and singles from Joey Miller,
Mitch Bruijsten
and Donnie Hallmark. The stars will battle back eventusally sending the game into overtime and then
a shootout. However, Justin Brossman, Travis Oleksuk and Steve Quailer save the day winning in the shoot-out and
sending Dave into the Musketeer record books.

Head Coach and General Manager Dave Siciliano acknowledges the Musketeers fans as they help his celebrate the
prior night’s 500th USHL victory; a 6-5 shootout with the Lincoln Stars. Dave would end his historic run with the
Musketeers compiling 522 total wins; 273 in Sioux City and 249 in Thunder Bay.

Alex Tuckerman
Musketeers 2006-08
Alex Tuckerman would arrive in Sioux City after a season of junior hockey experience playing for the North Iowa Outlaws

(NAHL). He would log a pair of seasons as a Musketeer. His 2006-07 rookie season saw him grab eleven goals and sixteen
assists finishing tenth among regular season Musketeer scorers. Alex would also add three post-season points
Shown here during his second season the Alternate Captain would notch eight goals, twenty-six assists and  87 penalty minutes-

making him one of the top three Musketeers scorers this season. He earned a spot in USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
 where he was honored as the game’s Most Valuable Player receiving the USHL’s Ron Woody Award.  Alex would go on

to play three seasons at Northeastern College before spending three seasons as a pro; playing a pair of seasons in the East
Coast League playing for the San Francisco Bulls and the Utah Grizzles and a final season the the Central League playing for
the Arizona Sundogs.

Travis Oleksuk
Musketeers 2006-08
Travis would play a pair of seasons in Sioux City. His prior two seasons, he played for the Thunder Bay Kings where he
tallied over
two-hundred total points, including seventy-one goals and one hundred-twenty assists. In 2006-07 the rookie
would see
time in fifty-six games lighting the lamp six times and helping out on sixteen Musketeer goals.
Returning veteran Travis Oleksuk is shown here during his second season, he would finish in the top four Musketeer scorers with

44 points, notching fourteen goals and a team leading thirty assists.  He would also record a goal and a two assists in the play-offs.
In the right hand picture he shoots on Tri-City goaltender Aaron Rock in what is eventually an OT win for the Musketeers.

Following his final season (07-08) as a Musketeer, Travis would play four seasons for the University of Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs.
He would go on to play four more seasons in the American Hockey League; his rookie season for the Hartford Wolf Pack and his
last three for the Worcester Sharks. Rarely missing a game, in just four seasons he would log time in 270 AHL games,  recording
39 goals and 63 assists. He is currently playing hockey in Italy for the Bolzano-Bozen Foxes, members of the A Level Austrian
Hockey League.

Alex Tuckerman             Steve Quailer                         Mitch Bruijsten         Justin Brossman
Musketeers 2006-08             Musketeers 2007-08                            Musketeers 2007-09         Musketeers 2007-08

 Left: Musketeers Alex Tuckerman & Steve Quailer and Stampede players Tom Healy & Jeff Rohrkemper.  Right Mitch Bruijsten
and Justin Brossman fend off a Green Bay attacker and attempt to move the puck up ice.

Musketeers Face-Off For Charity
Boys & Girls Home and Family Service / February 7th, 2008 / Applebee’s Sioux City, IA
Alex Tuckerman        Spencer Heichman                                                    Joey Miller                       

Musketeers 2006-08            Musketeers 2005-08                                                   Musketeers 2007-08            
Team Captains Alex Tuckerman & Spencer Heichman and Joey Miller all get ready for a busy night. This season’s team
was loaded with so many popular players, that the Musketeers fans really turned out for this chance to interact with the players.
Alex would shine in the USHL All-Star-Future Prospects game; receiving the Ron Woody Award as the game’s Most Valuable
Player.  Joey would go on to win the USHL Curt Hammer Award. 

Left: Joey Miller assures his Applebee’s trainer that he is up to tonight’s challenge. Right: Three of the Applebee’s
wait- staff get ready for a busy night of serving food and training new guys!!!

USHL Executive of the Year
Musketeer Owner Jim Kronschnabel is selected the USHL’s Executive of the Year. Jim is the first Musketeer to receive
this USHL award that was started just last season. Jim owned the Musketeers for eight seasons and really brought back the
feeling of home-town ownership.

Dave Siciliano      Jim Kronschnabel                                      Steve Thompson           
Musketeers 2000-08        Musketeers 2002-10                                                 Musketeers 2007-09
Left: Dave and Jim were both avid supporters of the Face-Off Charity Dinner. Their continued support and the establishment

of the annual Boys & Girls Home Face-Off for Charity Dinner has become a Siouxland and Musketeer tradition; fully supported
by the Musketeers players, staff and ownership, this annual event remains one of the most anticipated hockey events of the
season. Right: Goaltender Steve Thompson takes a break from his serving duties for a quick-pic with one of the hundreds of
Musketeer fans that turn out every year for this great fundraiser.

Did You Know…the USHL’s Dave Tyler Executive of the Year Award was established the prior season honoring Dave’s
thirty-two years of leadership and dedication to
the USHL and Junior hockey throughout the United States. Dave was
President of the USHL from 1982-1994

Carmen Pease           Terri Dooley                         Lew Roberts       Kristen Anderson
Musketeers xxx-xx         Boys & Girls Home xxxx-xx                 Musketeers xxxx-xx          Musketeers 2008-13

Left: For many years Carmen Pease was the Musketeers front office right hand; lending her expertise and assistance in
all areas including sales, merchandise, players housing and many other office matters. In 2007 she would receive the
Musketeers highest non-player honor; the D’Artagnan Award. Terri Dooley is the Vice President of  Operations
at the Boys & Girls Home & Family Services and has been a driving force in the continual improvement
this annual event.

Right: Lew Roberts, best known for his booming voice as the Musketeers PA announcer. He held the vaulted position
for two seasons, but his voice became the voice that fans of the day  will never forget. Kristen Anderson was the face
of the Musketeers for five season’s joining the Musketeers in 2008 as the Director of Player Housing and Public
Relations she would also assume the duties of Office Manager and Executive Assistant.

Mike McCreary            Bob Batcheller
USHL 2006-10                    USHL 1992-2012
Left: Referee Mike McCreary and Linesman Bob Batcheller watch Right: defenseman Eric Springer moves up-ice in
Sioux City. After four season working in the USHL, Mike would advance to the pro level where he remains active
working the East Coast and American Hockey Leagues.

Did You Know…Mike’s dad legendary NHL Referee Bill McCreary. He worked the NHL for thirty plus seasons and in 2014
was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame

Stephane Da Costa
Musketeers 2007-09
 Born in France, Stephane arrives in Sioux City as the League’s first ever USHL player from that country. He
logged a prior season the NAHL playing for the Texas Tornado where his twenty-three goals was the second highest on the
team and
his forty total points the third highest.
Shown here during his rookie season Stephane DaCosta, he would play fifty-one games; recording a dozen goals and
twenty-five assists. During the
play-offs he would add an additional goal and a pair of assists to his first year USHL stats.
He would also be
selected to represent Team France in their first ever entry in the 2008 World Junior Hockey
Championships. During
the tournament he would record five goals and ten assists for Team France
Stephane celebrates one of his dozen goals he scored during this rookie season. Right: Stephane and teammates

Josh Mermis & goalie Adam Janeczk leave the ice together after a Musketeer victory.  He would go on next season to
lead the Musketeers in scoring, receive the Musketeers’ Most Valuable Player and Most Offensive Player awards
 and  USHL All-Star game selection and Second-team All-Star honors.

Did You Know…This would be the first of six total seasons (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2014) that Stephane would
play in the World Junior Tournament, representing France. 2014 was his most significant tournament, scoring two goals in
a huge upset over Team Canada, as well as another pair of goals in a victory over Denmark, marking the first time
France would qualify for the finals.

Jarrod Mermis                                                                   John Swavely
Musketeers 2007-09                                                                  Musketeers 2007-08
After playing a season in the Central Stares Hockey League, where the St. Louis Jr. Blues attacker averaged over a point
per game, Jarrod Mermis would join the Musketeer for a pair of seasons. He would see lots of time his rookie season,
playing in thirty-seven games and recording three goals and a pair of assists. Hi first official red-lighter came on
March 21st in a win over the Des Moines Buccaneers.

Jon Swavely had a brief stop as a Musketeer logging just the pre-season and six regular season games. A trade moved
him to the Alexandria Blizzard (NAHL) where in two seasons he would play 87 games and recorded twenty-one goals
and forty-six assists. After another break-out season in the Eastern Junior League (EJHL) where he would lead
the New Jersey Hitmen with seventy points, he would go on to play play four seasons at the University of
Maine (NCAA). Jon is currently playing in the East Coast League for the Reading Royals.

Reading is Cool
Players makes classroom visits to local Sioux City schools to promote the importance of reading and its relationship
to a good education. They also talk about the virtuous of teamwork & sportsmanship as well as what its like to
be a Musketeer. The Sioux City Musketeers Hockey Team has a strong desire to assist in promoting the
importance of reading and education. We like to be involved in the community!!! The future of Siouxland
rests on the young people of today and there needs to be a conscious effort to promote reading
specifically and education in general.

Ricky Doriott                    Matt Crandall                     Jon Swavely   
Musketeers 2007-08                    Musketeers  2006-08                  Musketeers 2007-08                       

Left: Ricky Doriott, Matt Crandall & Jon Swavely   Right: Ricky Doriott & Matt Crandall

Left: Matt Crandell and Jon Swavely  watch (Right:) Ricky Doriott read to the class.

USHL Curt Hammer Award
Musketeer Joey Miller received the USHL’s Curt Hammer Award. Presented annually, since the 1988-89 season, in honor
of the late Curt Hammer, it recognizes the USHL player who distinguishes himself both on and off the ice by demonstrating
outstanding performance skills, pride, and determination. He is the second Musketeer to receive this award (Sean Marsan-1990)

Joey Miller
Musketeers 2007-08
 Joey played a single season in Sioux City and two total in the USHL. He would split his rookie season between Sioux Falls
and Lincoln. Staring the season with the Stampede, he notched seven goals and ten assists.
 His first USHL goal was a game-

winner in a 3-1 Stampede victory over the Des Moines Buccaneers on November 4th. An early season trade moved him to
Lincoln where he would finish the season adding seven more goals and ten assists to his first year totals. He would record his
first multi-goal game on March 7th in a 6-4 win over the same Buccaneers. 
Joey’s second season in the USHL would be a full one, finding a home quickly with the Musketeers. He wasted no
time scoring
his first Musketeer goal in the home-opener against the Lincoln Stars and along the way recording three
multi-goal and a dozen
multi-point contests. 

He would tallying a team high twenty-three goals and twenty-six assists. The Team Captain would lead the way in
scoring with forty-nine regular season points as well as a team high post-season four goals in four games. He would
also be selected as the Musketeers Co-Offensive Player of the Year.

“Joey is an extremely hard worker both on and off the ice. He’s well respected and liked by his teammates and accepted
the duties that go with being a captain without any questions. He won our ‘7th Man Award,’ which goes to the player
who demonstrates full commitment to being a team player and leads by example on and off the ice,” said Sioux City
Head Coach Dave Siciliano. “He’s definitely one of the hardest working players that I have coached.”

*******************************************USHL Play-Offs*******************************************
Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers
Round One / Quarter-Finals

A fourth place finish in the western division would match up the Musketeers with the eventual Clark Cup Champions Omaha Lancers.
The best of  five series opens in Omaha.
Game one saw the Lancers score three times and stop 24 shots as the Musketeers fell 3-0. 

The Musketeers would return the favor in game two; five Musketeers, including Matt CrandellTravis OleksukJoey Miller,
Steve Quailer and two from Ben Kinne put six points on the scoreboard. Josh Robinson made 34 saves, winning 6-3 and evening
the series at one game apiece.

Games three and four would be close and both decided by just a single goal each time. Game three Goals from Spencer Heichman,
Mitch Bruijsten and two from Joey Miller would keep the game tied at the end of regulation but the Musketeers fall short when
Omaha scores just two minutes into overtime.

Game four is back to Sioux City and is a must win situation; the Musketeers build an early lead on goals from Joey Miller and
Stephane Da Costa, but the 2-0 lead only lasts through the second period and the Musketeers run out of gas – surrendering three
Lancer goals in the third period winning the series 3 games to one.

2008 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
Green Bay, WI

On January 9th, this season’s Classic is held Tuesday night at the Resch Center. The format remains the same with the two divisions
battling it out. CCM and Reebok sponsors the game with the West representing CCM and the East Reebok. Alex Tuckerman
scores a pair of goals, Spence Heichman would notch a goal and assist and Steve Quailer an assist in a exciting 6-5 Shoot out
victory for the West Division/Team CCM. Musketeer Alex Tuckerman is selected as the game’s Most Valuable Player and
receives the USHL Ron Woody Award.

   Josh Robinson           Steve Quailer            Matt Crandall         Alex Tuckerman      Spencer Heichman
Musketeers 2006-08         Musketeers 2007-08          Musketeers 2006-08        Musketeers 2006-08          Musketeers 2005-08


Alex Tuckerman
USHL All-Star & Prospects Game

Ron Woody Most Valuable Player Award

Alex Tuckerman played a pair of seasons as a Musketeers. Last season, the rookie logged fifty-two games during the

season; recording ten goals and sixteen assists he would finish among the among the Musketeers top ten scorers.
The following season the Team Captain would record eight red-lighters, twenty-six assists and eighty-seven penalty
minutes. Alex was selected to play on the USHL All-Star Team and received the game’s Most Valuable Player Award.
Alex would go on to play three seasons at Northeastern College before spending three season as a pro playing
in San Francisco (ECHL), Utah (ECHL) and Arizona (CHL).

2007 World Junior A Challenge Tournament
Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada / November 5th-11th, 2007
Bronze Medal Game: Team USA 9 – Russia 6
Seth Helgeson           Josh Robinson

This Junior A tournament was first started in 2006 and is hosted each year by different members of the Canadian Jr. A Hockey League.
In addition to the USA and Canada, teams from all over the world have been represented including Russia, Switzerland, Sweden,
Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Belarus


2006-07 Musketeer Award Winners
   Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year: Matt Crandall *  Offensive Player of the Year: Steve Quailer & Joe Miller

Musketeers Most Valuable Player: Steve Quailer *  Most Improved Player: Michael Keenan
Musketeers 7th Man Award:  *   Rookie of the Year: Steve Quailer
Booster Club Scholarship: Joe Miller
Joey Miller                       Steve Quailer                    Matt Crandall                     Michael Keenan

2008 NHL Draft
June 20th & 21st, 2008 / Ottawa, Canada
The seven round affair is hosted by the Scotiabank Center and the Ottawa
Senators. Twenty-eight USHLers are selected in this
season’s NHL draft, including another first rounder. Musketeer Steve Quailer is
selected in the third round by the Montreal
Canadians and brothers Drew and Justin Daniels are selected in the third
and seventh rounds by the San Jose Sharks.

League consists of twelve member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule. Fargo joins the league. Ohio leave the league.

Eastern Conference: Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Chicago Steel,  Des Moines Buccaneers, Green Bay Gamblers,
Indiana Ice, Waterloo Black Hawks
Western Conference: Fargo Force, Lincoln Stars, Omaha Lancers, Sioux Falls Stampede, Tri-City Storm,
Sioux City Musketeers

After a disappointing season, with a record of 24-30-6 the Musketeers missed the play-offs. Had their six overtime losses went the
other way, the Musketeers would have been in contention for that final play-off position.

Musketeers Front Office Staff
                      Jim Kronschnable             Rich Zaber            Tim Artz          Kristian Anderson        Kirk Moriarity                    
 President/Owner              Sales Manager               Office & Ticket       Player Housing, Education      Ticket Sales
Game Operations          & Public Relations
Operations Assistant
…Tyler Solma  

Musketeers Coaching Staff
Todd Knott            Cam Ellsworth         Ricky Comley     Craig Brandenburger    Billy Danderand
          Head Coach & GM                 Assistant Coach           Assistant Coach                Athletic Trainer         Equipment Manager        

This season’s coaching staff sees some new faces. Todd Knott joins the Musketeers this season as the Head Coach and
General Manager
having served three seasons on the Des Moines Buccaneers coaching staff.  Also joining him are Assistant
Coaches Cam Elsworth and
Rick Comley. A former Goaltender, Cam brings with him multiple seasons worth of college
and professional experience. Rick is also
a past Buccaneer Assistant Coach and Head of Scouting.  Athletic Tainer Craig
is back for a fifth season and
staple Equipment Manager Billy Danderand is also back for another season.

Head Coach & General Manager Todd Knott
Musketeers 2008-09

The Sioux City Musketeers name Todd Knott as new Head Coach and General Manager. Joining the Musketeers with
three previous
seasons in Des Moines (05-08); he was behind the bench for the Bucs 2006 Clark Cup Championship season
and took over the head
coaching duties two seasons later mid-way though the season.

Prior to his stint in Des Moines, the Red Lake Falls, Minn. native was the head coach and general manager of the Fargo-
Moorhead Jets
of the NAHL.  In his one season at the helm of the Jets (04-05), Todd guided the team to a 36-17-3 record
and the league’s West
Division title. That same season, the Jets came within one game of winning the Tier II National
Championship. He played in the USHL
with the Lincoln Stars in 1998-99 and played college hockey at
Bemidji State University.

Craig Brandenburger             Cam Ellsworth                  Craig Brandenburger            Todd Knott
Musketeers 2004-09                    Musketeers 2008-11                          Musketeers 2004-09              Musketeers 2008-09

Left: After five years with the Musketeers, this would be Craig’ s final season in Sioux City. Cam Ellsworth shown here during his
first season season with the Musketeers. Right: Craig and the Head Coach watch the action.

Cam Ellsworth was Assistant coach for three seasons, arriving in Sioux City in 2008 as part of the new coaching staff.  Prior to
that, Cam played  a pair of seasons in the North American League and four more seasons at Michigan Tech. There he would letter
four times, make the WCHA All Academic Team three times and graduate with Cum Laude Honors. He would see time in 117
regular season games setting a Michigan Tech record that still stands today.  He would go on to play three more seasons in the
ECHL before arriving in Sioux City. He is currently an Assistant coach at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell.

Trainer Craig Brandenburger took care of all the injuries and many of the other locker room duties during his five seasons
(04-09) with the Musketeers. After an additional season in Tri-City (USHL) he returned to his hometown to work privately.

Between the Pipes
Returning veteran Steve Thompson and rookie Adam Janecyk would start the season as the Musketeers backstops. Steve earned

the starting position, but both goalies found themselves in a regular rotation as the season wore on. Both goalies would record similar
goals against numbers with Steve scoring a little better with a 3.21 compared to Adam’s 3.56  The Musketeers would finish
the season with a below .500 record and miss the USHL play-offs.

Steve Thompson
Musketeers 2007-09
Steve’s Prior season with the Musketeers saw the rookie post a winning record with nine wins and eight losses. He would record

his first USHL shut-out stopping 35 shots in a 3-0 win at home against the Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets.
Steve Thompson retuning here as the seasoned veteran, he would assume the starter position. Playing in 42 games and
posting a 16-17-2 regular season record, he would again finish the seasons as one of the top twelve goalies in the league.
He would face 1040 shots on goals; the fourth highest in the league that season. Steve would go on to play four seasons
at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.

Adam Janecyk
Musketeers 2008-09

Adam Janecyk:
 Playing the other half of the Musketeers Goaltending corps (08-09) Adam played 32 games for the

Musketeers and closed his single season a a Musketeer with a 8-13-4 record. The following season he would play
in the East Coast Junior Hockey League splitting time between the Bay State Breakers and the Green Mountain
Glades. Adam would go on to play four season at the University of Michigan. After that he would take an assistant
coaching position at Nichols college before returning to the USHL as an
assistant coach for the Omaha Lancers.

High Scorers
Stephane Da Costa        Stephan Vigier         Mitch Bruijsten          Mike Keenan         Justin Daniels         

Musketeers 2007-09          Musketeers 2008-10         Musketeers 2007-09         Musketeers 2007-09      Musketeers 2008-09
Returning veterans would lead the scoring for the Musketeers this season. Stephane Da Costa would record both a
a team leading thirty-one goals, thirty-six assists for sixty-seven points. Stephan Vigier was a distant second with eleven
goals, thirty-three assists for forty-eight regular season points.  Mitch Bruijsten would tally sixteen goals and twenty-five
assists. Mike Keenan and Justin Daniels would split fifteen goals however the two play-makers combined for
sixty-one regular season helpers.

Did You Know…Stephane Da Costa would finish among the league’s top five scorers this season and Mike Keenan among
the league’s top five scoring defenseman. 

Heavy Hitters
 Mike Keenan        Donnie Hallmark        Seth Helgeson         Tommy Serratore         Alex Stuart   
Musketeers 2007-09       Musketeers 2006-09         Musketeers 2007-09          Musketeers 2007-09         Musketeers 2006-09
With a team loaded with returning players…the veterans would lead the way in penalty minutes this season. Mike Keenan
would set the
pace for penalty minutes and never look back with 129 penalty minutes.  Donnie Hallmark trailed behind
with ninty-three minutes. Seth Helgeson
would record sixty-four minutes, Tommy Serratore forty-two and Alex Stuart
would finish out the top five leaders with forty minutes.

  Chase Drake                                                                   Mike Keenan
Musketeers 2008-10                                                                             Musketeers 2007-09

Chase Drake:
Mike Keenan:

Jarrod Mermis
Musketeers 2007-09

After playing a season in the Central Stares Hockey League, where the St. Louis Jr. Blues attacker averaged over a
point per game, Jarrod would join the Musketeer for a pair of seasons. He would see lots of time his rookie
season  playing in thirty-seven games and recording three goals and a pair of assists.
 This season Jarrod Mermis would return to the Musketeer squad; playing in forty-three contests he would quadruple
his numbers;
scoring a dozen goals and adding nine assists. After a final season in the USHL playing for the Lincoln
Stars he
would go on to play four seasons at University of Denver.

Alex Stuart
 Musketeers 2006-09

Alex plays three seasons in Sioux City. Joining the team fresh out of the Minnesota high school league where he
played for Shattuck/St. Mary’s for two seasons. The rookie defenseman would seeing time in fifty-two USHL contests;
netting a pair of goals including his first in a 6-2 win over the Ohio Blue Jackets on December 8th, and adding fourteen
assists during his first season. The following season he would add four more games to his schedule; scoring
three goals and ten assists.
Shown here during the start of his third season as a Musketeer and making him on of the League’s most experienced
defenseman is Alex Stewart. Like last season, he would play in fifty-six games recording four goals and eleven assists.
Alex would
go on to play four seasons at Sacred Heart University where he saw time in 140 regular season games.

3-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-2
October 24th, 2008

Left: Lancers Ben Arnt, Louis LeBlanc and Pat Mullane line-up against Musketeers Donnie Hallmark, Stephan Vigier &
Jake Johnson. Red-lighters by Jerod Mermis and Tommy Olczyk would keep the game tied after two periods.

Left: Musketeers Danny Wurden and Stephane Da Costa line-up against Lancers Matt White & Jake Hauswirth
Right: Brothers Justin and Drew Daniels stake out the front of the Lancers net. Drew would grab the game winner in
the third and Justin would record
pair of assists in this 3-2 victory over the Lancers.

Donnie Hallmark
Musketeers 06-09
Donnie played four USHL seasons, most of them in Sioux City. However, his USHL path would start in Des Moines for the
season  where he won a Clark Cup Championship. He notched a pair of goals, his first coming in a season-opening
victory over the
Chicago Steel, and two more assists and lead the Bucs in Penalty minutes with 115. He would also record a
play-off goal and another
twenty-six minutes in the box.

The following season saw a trade move him to the league’s newest team, the Ohio Blue Jackets. He would put up similar
in Ohio getting a goal and four assists and a whopping eighty-seven penalty minutes before a mid-season trade
made him a
Musketeer. Playing in twenty-four Musketeer games in just thirty-three games. A mid-season trade would
move Donnie to Sioux
City, assuming the same role he would add increase his scoring adding three more goals and
five assists and an impressive eighty
more minutes in the box in just twenty-four games. His combined total of 167
regular season penalty minutes was by far
the best in the league.

Donnie’s third season, and first full one with the Musketeers, saw his game change dramatically; his scoring was up and his
penalty minute down. Finding the net eleven times and adding fourteen more helpers-he found himself among the top ten
Musketeer scorers. And while still one of the toughest guys in the league, his time in the box decreased to seventy-five minutes.

Left: Donnie Hallmark and Matt Ferris battle along the boards. The previous season, Matt Ferris would win the first
USHL Scholar-Athlete Award. This is awarded to the player best excelling off-ice academically as well as on-ice.
Right: Donnie Hallmark looks for the loose puck in his feet.

 The 2008-09 season, his fourth and final one, would be his best yet. Donnie would elevate his total game focusing on
his offensive play and still maximizing his time in the box.  He would bring lots of leadership and increased offence to
the table the season, netting eighteen goals and fourteen assists in addition to taking care of the necessary business in
the tough guy department.
He would finish among the top seven team scorers; his eighteen goals was the third best on the team and his 93 penalty
minutes second best. He was chosen as one of the Musketeer Captains this season. His gritty style of play made him
a feared competitor and a fan favorite.
Donnie Hallmark takes on Robert Shea in this game which saw the Musketeers lose to Green Bay. Friday the 13th,
with the traditional New Year’s Eve game, spelled disaster for the Musketeer in this 5-2 loss the the Gamblers.
Donnie would
finish his USHL career with 267 Musketeer penalty minutes and a whopping 496 USHL penalty minutes.

I’m Sure you Knew…Donnie joined the league with a Tough Guy reputation and lived up to it. He would lead the Bucs
his first season with 115 minutes. During his second USHL season Donnie played for two teams and lead both of them in
average penalty minutes per game. I bet You Didn’t Know…over his final two seasons, he would triple his scoring
numbers, netting a total of  twenty-nine goals and twenty-eight assists, all while continuing to maintain his implied
enforcement duties.

Tommy Olczyk
Musketeers 2007-11

Tommy-O played four USHL seasons for the Musketeers. Over those seasons he would eventually become one of
the most popular Musketeers ever. Tommy would record his fist two of five USHL assists in a 4-1 win over the Waterloo
BlackHawks and on March 10th, tally his first USHL goal against the Ohio Blue Jackets.
 Shown here during his second season is Tommy Olczyk scoring one of his five goals this season in this 4-3 win over
the Cedar Rapids RoughRiders.
Tommy would also add nine assists for a season total of  fourteen points. However, more
importantly, he is turning into one
of the leaders that will take the Musketeers into the next few seasons.

Tommy will become one of the most popular Musketeers during his time in Sioux City and will eventually remembered as one of
the great Musketeer players for his total commitment to the Musketeers organization and the Sioux City community. He will go on
to collect several  Musketeer and USHL awards & honors, culminating  with one of the USHL top honor the Curt Hammer Award

1st Annual Pink in the Rink
2-Sioux City vs. Chicago Steel-3 OT
October, 17th, 2008

This would be the first time for Pink in the Rink in Sioux City. This annual event  raises funds for the Susan G. Komen
Foundation. This event is designed to increase Breast Cancer awareness, promote education, raise funds and celebrate
those those who have been effected by Breast Cancer. With a portion of ticket sale, donations and jersey auction,
this year’s event would raise 38,000 dollars.
Musketeers Stephan Vigier and Jarrod Mermis both answer back to Chicago goals leaving the game tied after two
periods. Adam Janecyk stops all ten Steel shots as the Musketeers fire-back with fifteen attempts of their own.
However, but both goalies stay perfect in the third period sending the game to overtime. It doesn’t take long
to spoil the inaugural event when the Steel score just less than a minute & a half into the extra stanza.

Tim Kennedy

Musketeers 2003-05
Tim Kennedy joins the Musketeers for two USHL seasons. He is already on the radar of many college and pro scouts. During
his rookie season he adjusts too the Tier 1 level of play quickly. He sees a busy schedule for a rookie logging fifty-four games;
he scores nine goals & adds another nine assists. The following season he returns and is expected to  fill the role as one of
the Musketeers top scorers and that he does: scoring a team leading twenty-nine goals and adding another thirty-one
assists his sixty points is just one shy of leading scorer status. His 105 penalty minutes is third best among
the Heavy Hitters.
Tim plays three seasons at Michigan State University and another season in the American Hockley League; during that
season Tim gets his first call-up to the NHL and its from his home-town team the Buffalo Sabres. Tim would log his
first NHL game on December 27th, 2008 against in-state rivals the New York Islanders. He will return to the NHL
next season laying a full rookie season schedule. On October 28th he records his first NHL red-lighter when he
beats goaltender Martin Brodeur giving the Sabres a 2-0 lead in thefirst period and an eventual 4-1 victory.

Tim will go on to play six seasons in the NHL logging time in 162 contests; scoring fifteen goals and twenty-four assists.
He will also play several seasons in the Russian Hockey League (KHL), Swedish Elite League and the AHL.

Tommy Serratore
Musketeers 2007-09

Tommy puts in a pair of seasons in playing for the Musketeers. During his rookie season, he plays in forty-three
regular season games. His first of four goals this season would come on November 22nd, in a win over the
Des Moines Buccaneers. He would also add three more assists and his sixty-seven penalty minutes was
sixth best among the Musketeers.

 An early season injury, keeps returning veteran Tommy Serratore out of the line-up until January. He would eventually
record three goals and three assist this season, the latter all in his first game back after mentioned injury.  

Tommy would spend his final season playing for the Youngstown Phantoms where he scored seventeen goals and his
thirty-two points, fourth highest among the Youngstown scorers. He would also earn a spot on the USHL All-Star Team
and score a goal in the eastern division’s win victory.  He would go on to play four seasons for the Gophers and two
additional season in the AHL and ECHL.

                                  Tim Mayer                                                  Bob Batcheller                  Jake Hendrickson
                       USHL Referee 2006-09       
                                      USHL Referee 1991-2012              Musketeers 2008-09
Left: Chicago Andrew Miller, Omaha Ben Arnt and Referee Tim Mayer Right: Musketeer Jake Hendrickson and Linesman
Bob Batcheller wait for a good line change and the green light from Referee Todd Lacina.

Tim Mayer was three year veteran of the USHL, he worked the 2008 Clark Cup Finals and finished his USHL career in
with an Official All-Star/Prospects game selection and again as a Clark Cup Finals referee. Tim’s very first USHL
game was in
Sioux City on November 3rd, 2006. I was excited to be a part of that first game. He would go on to be a good
friend and terrific mentor. Thanks, Tim!!!

 Jake Hendrickson logged a single season as a Musketeer. He finished his first season with sixteen total points including four
goals and a dozen assists. He would grab his first Musketeer tally just three game sinto the season on October 11th against the
the Lincoln Stars and his first game-winner on January 14th  also against the Stars. Jake would
go on to play four seasons
for the Bulldogs in Duluth and an additional
season playing for the Wichita Thunder (CHL)

USHL ironman Zamboni Driver

Dino is the ironman of the USHL when it comes to Zamboni drivers. Having started early in the 90’s resurfacing the ice in the
old SC Auditorium, he is the longest tenured Zamboni driver in the league. He always is dressed to impress; wearing a tux every
time he hits the ice. Usually its traditional white or black, but tonight, its Pink in the Rink and he does not disappoint.

Chris Butler

Musketeers 2003-05
Chris logs a pair of seasons for the Musketeers. During his rookie season he played in fifty-three games; netting his first Musketeer
goal just three games into the season on October 4th win over the St. Louis Heartland Eagles. He would add two more goals and six
assists to his first year stats. Returning for his second season, Chris was part of an experienced defensive corps that would help lead
the Musketeers to a fifth and final Clark Cup championship game. He would up his scoring grabbing five goals and adding twenty-one
helpers during the regular season and add his first playoff goals in the opening series of the finals against the Lincoln stars and add six
assists during the post season.

During his last year as a Musketeer, Chris Butler is drafted by the Buffalo Sabres and in 2008 he makes his NHL debut on December 19th
as the Sabres take on the Los Angles Kings. Chris logs over twelve minutes of playing time, launches a pair of shots on goal and records
his first NHL point; when he and fellow USHLer Thomas Vanek help the Sabres go up by two goals; eventually shutting-out the Kings
five-zip. Along the way, he picks up a couple of assists, but on March 20th against the Philadelphia Flyers, he finally finds the back of
the net; grabbing his first NHL red-lighter when he beats Philadelphia Flyers goalie Martin Biron late in the third period.

Tommy Serratore                Tommy Olczyk                Head Coach & General Manager Todd Knott

Musketeers 2007-09                   Musketeers 2007-11                                              Musketeers 2008-09 

Tommy Serratore would play a pair of seasons in Sioux City. Seeing a busy rookie season; he would record four goals and three
assists during . Slated to return this year as a seasoned veteran, a pre-season injury would keep him out of the line-up
until January. He finished the year playing in twenty-six games recording three goals and three assists. He would spend his
final season playing for the Youngstown Phantoms where his scoring more that quadrupled and the three season veteran
and  top five team scorer would earn a slot in the USHL All-Star game.

 Tommy Olczyk played four USHL seasons for the Musketeers where he would eventually become one of the most popular
Musketeers during his time in Sioux City. He will surely be remembered as one of the great Musketeer players of all-time
for both
his commitment to the Musketeers organization and the Sioux City community. Tommy suited up for over 209
games as a
Musketeers and his last two seasons suited for 123 games straight.

Todd Knott Joined the Musketeers as Head Coach for this single season. He played for the Lincoln Stars before four
at Bemidji State University. Latter He would join the coaching staff of the Des Moines Buccaneers for four seasons;
lead the Bucs to their most recent Clark Cup Championship. After a season in Sioux City, is is currently in his
tenth season
coaching at the University of Minnesota at Mankato.

Matt Kinman                                                               Adam Schmidt
Musketeers 2008-09                                                                            Musketeers 2008-10

Matt Kinman joins the Musketeers after a pair of seasons in the Chicago Young Americans triple A program. He would see a
busy schedule for a rookie logging thirty-three games. Along the way the defenseman would record his first goal on January
in a huge win over the Tri-City Storm. He would split the next season between the Waterloo Black Hawks (USHL) and
Springfield Jr. Blues (NAHL). Matt would go on to play two more seasons at the University of Kentucky.

Rookie Adam Schmidt would log a pair of seasons in Sioux City. During this first season he would see time in forty-nine games,
notching five goals and nine assists including his first red-lighter on November 8th in a victory over the Green Bay Gamblers.
Returning the following season, his scoring numbers would double as he played a complete sixty game schedule. Adam could list
seven multi-point outing and a two-goal affair in a Halloween night in Sioux Falls. He would go on to play four season at College
of the Holy Cross, a season in the AHL, three in Sweden and is currently playing in the ECHL for the reading Royals.

3-Musketeers vs. Des Moines Buccaneers-2                                  4-Musketeers vs. Indiana Ice-8
February 27th, 2009                                                                                             February 6th, 2009

Left: Stephan Vigier and Stephane Da Costa score the Musketeers goals in this game that ends up knotted at two apiece.
Adam Janecyk stops thirty-two shots for the eventual shoot-out victory. Stephan Vigier, Tommy Olczyk, Adam Pawlick
and Donnie Hallmark all find the net in this seven-man shoot-out giving the Musketeers the victory. Right: Musketeers
Adam Pawlick, Justin Daniels, Mitch Bruijsten and Tommy Serratore register four goals and what is usually enough
to win-the Ice double up on them beating both Sioux City goaltenders eight times on a total of forty-three shots.

2-Sioux City vs. Omaha Lancers-5
December 31st, 2008

When the Lancers are in town, there is always plenty of after-whistle activity to keep the players amused, the officials busy
and the fans
excited!!! Stephane Vigier and Mitch Bruijsten would score the lone Musketeers goals in this traditional
New Year’s Eve loss.

 Jake Johnson
Musketeers 2007-09
Jake played two USHL seasons as a Musketeer. Joining the Musketeers late into the 2007-08 season he would

see time in the schedule’s remaining fourteen games. The rookie from Duluth, Minnesota would record his first of two
USHL goals that season on March 10th, against the Indiana Ice. He would also pick up four assists.   
During his second season here, Jake Johnson would exponentially increase his scoring notching eleven goals & thirteen
assists. The top-ten
Musketeer scorer would receive the Musketeers 7th Man Award. After a season in the BCHL, he
played four seasons for
the University of Northern Michigan. In 2014 he logged 27 games with the Knoxville Ice Bears,
scoring five goals and adding nine
assists on their way to the 2015 SPHL post-season Championship. He is currently
playing in the DHL for the Leipzig Icefighters.

Mitch Bruijsten
Musketeers 2007-09

Mitch Bruijsten played a pair of seasons as a Musketeer. During his 2007 rookie season, he recorded fourteen goals
and sixteen
assists for thirty points; placing the youngster in the top eight Musketeer scorers. He would also add a goal
and an assist in the
first round of the play-offs.
Mitch Bruijsten 
returned for a second Musketeer season. He would increase his scoring output notching sixteen red-lighters

and twenty-five assists. His forty-one regular season points was the third highest on the team. He would play four seasons in
Anchorage at the University of Alaska and is currently playing in the East Coast League for the Fort Wayne Komets.

Stephane Da Costa
Musketeers 2007-09

Stephane logged a pair of seasons as a Musketeer. He was the first player in the USHL to represent Paris,
France as a hometown. His rookie season he would post 37 (12/25) regular season points as well as a goal and

a pair of assists in the play-offs. Stephan take a break this season also to play in the U20 World Junior
for Team France; his five goals and ten points was a tournament best. 

This second season for Stephane Da Costa was indeed his break-out season, leading the Musketeers in scoring with
sixty-seven points, both of his his thirty-one goals
and thirty-six assists were team highs. He would again join the Team
France squad this season and like last, dominate the tournament scoring
notching four goals and a tournament leading
nine assists and thirteen points; leading Team France to their first ever bronze medal.

During this last season Stephane he was a multi-week USHL Player of the Week,  selected to play in the USHL All-Star
& Prospects Game 
and was named to the Second USHL All-Star Team.  Stephane would also receive a pair of Musketeer

honors including the Most Valuable Player and Offensive Player of the Year awards.

Did You Know…Stephane would make his NHL debut on April 2nd, 2011 against the Toronto Maple Leafs. The following
season, on October 8th, 2011 and would notch his first NHL goal also against the Leafs.

Adam Janecyk
3-Musketeers vs Lincoln Stars-4
March 28th, 2009

Starting goaltenders Adam Janecyk and Anthony Borelli provide the rarest of  hockey fights. Five minutes into the third
period both
goalies were assessed majors for fighting and game misconducts as well as additional penalties for leaving
the crease.

Justin Daniels                                                       Drew Daniels  
Musketeers 2008-09                                                            Musketeers 2008-09
Prior to joining the Musketeers this season, both New York natives are selected by the San Jose Sharks in the 2008
NHL draft.
Justin goes first in the third round and twin brother Drew follows four rounds later.
Twins Justin and Drew Daniels join the Musketeers for this single season. They both see significant time for rookies;
playing in fifty-six and fifty-three USHL contests. Justin records nine goals and twenty-eight assists; his thirty-seven
points is fifth best among Musketeer scorers. He has nine multi-point games and two game winners in Tri-City and
Sioux Falls. He is chosen to play in the USHL All-Star game representing the western division. Justin would go on
to play three seasons at Northeastern and three more seasons in the ECHL

Drew  puts up an identical nine goals and adds nineteen assists; finishing with twenty-eight points he is the ninth highest
scorer on the team. He would record eight multi-goal games including a two-goal game in Sioux Falls and a pair of three
point games in Des Moines and Sioux Falls. He would go on to play three seasons at Northeastern University before
wrapping up a five season career playing in the ECHL and AHL.

Stephan Vigier
Musketeers 2008-10

Stephan Vigier logged two very successful seasons in Sioux City. Shown here during his rookie season, he would
tally fifteen
goals including his first USHL goal on October 17th against the Chicago Steel and his first Hat Trick on
February 21st in a 8-2
beat-down over the Des Moines Buccaneers. He received the Musketeers Rookie of the Year
Next season he would lead all Musketeers in scoring with forty-nine total points points. He would also
receive the Musketeers
Most Valuable Player and Most Offensive Player awards as well as a spot on the
USHL All-Star &
Prospects team.

                    Stephan Vigier            Donnie Hallmark                              Stephane Da Costa      Mitch Bruijsten                      
Musketeers 2008-10              Musketeers 2006-09                                    Musketeers 2007-09        Musketeers 2007-09
Left: Stephan Vigier and Donnie Hallmark try to move the puck up ice against the Green Bay Gamblers. Right: Winger
Bruijsten waits for the result as centers Stephane Da Costa and Omaha Lancer Jake Hauswirth square-off.

Musketeers Face-Off For Charity
Boys & Girls Home and Family Service / February 26th, 2009 Applebee’s Sioux City, IA
Tommy Olczyk          Adam Janecyk                                                  Steve Thompson               
Left: Tommy Olczyk and Adam Janecyk and Right: Steve Thompson get a shot with their Applebee’s waitress handlers.
The Eleventh Annual Face Off for Charity  nets over $43,000 dollars for the Boys and Girls Home & Family Services.
The event featured a dinner served by the Musketeer players, T-shirt sales and a warm-up jersey auction. There was also
a silent silent auction held at the game the following evening which showcased game jerseys & sticks, autographed
photos & memorabilia, tickets, sports packages and a pair of NHL travel packages.

Left: Fans show-off their special Face-Off for Charity pucks available to only those in attendance. Right: Two of Applebee’s’
wait-staff take time for a quick picture between dinner sessions. The nights events were divided into two dinner sessions; early
and late and were followed by both silent and live auctions of various jerseys, trips, memorabilia and other gift items. Applebee’s
wait-staff also donated their time to the Boys & Girls organization further increasing the success of the fundraiser.

Jake Hendrickson                                                           Stephane Da Costa
Musketeers 2008-09                                                                      Musketeers 2007-09

Left: Jake Hendrickson gets a photo with his two wait-staff trainers for his early session meal service. Right: Stephane Da Costa
and Michael Aggurie talk shop during a much needed break. 2002 was the very first annual Face-Off for Charity event.

 Seth Helgeson
Musketeers 2007-09

Seth joins the Musketeers for a pair of seasons, the Faribault, Minnesota defenseman would see time in all but two games
the sixty-game grind.  The rookie would score three goals and eight assists; his first twine-tickler coming in a 5-1
victory over
the Indiana Ice on October 27th. He would also grab his first post-season point against the Omaha Lancers.
Seth Helgeson return this season ready to continue his success on the blue line. The two season veteran would record
four goals,
including a game winner against the Tri-City Storm, and and a dozen more assists.  He would also record sixty-four
minutes in
the box, placing him among the top three team penalty leaders. He was be selected as one of the Team Captains
 as well a
a spot in the USHL All-Star game playing for the western division’s Team Reebok.

 After two seasons, Seth’s 120 Musketeer games saw him put-up twenty-eight points and 107 penalty minutes. He
would head
north to the “U” where he played four seasons as a Gopher. Following graduation, he would find a home
in Albany, New
York playing five seasons in the AHL for the River Rats; three of those seasons also saw him log time
in the NHL playing
for the New Jersey Devils. He is currently playing for the Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

Did You know…Seth would record his first NHL point in his very first NHL game, November 11th, 2014. A 3-1 win over his
home state Minnesota Wild.

Stephan Vigier                                                               Donnie Hallmark
Musketeers 2008-10                                                                              Musketeers 2006-09
Left: Musketeer Stephan Vigier and Des Moines center H.T. Lenz take the draw from linesman Bob Batcheller in this
victory for the Musketeers. Right: linesman John Grandt and Scott Zingerman try to peel apart Musketeer Donnie
and Cedar Rapids’ Doug Leaverton. Donnie scored a goal & won this battle, but the Musketeers lost war 5-2.

Did You Know…long time USHL official Scott Zingerman worked his first USHL game when he was 14 years old; a
between the Musketeers and the Twin City Twins at the Sioux City Auditorium. Scott had some thirty-five years
of officiating in the USHL, three of those seasons he was also the USHL Referee-in-Chief  and over the years mentioned a
lot of young officials…one of them was me. Thanks, Scott!!!

Danny Wurden
Musketeers 2006-10
Danny was one of the rare USHL players; logging four seasons, let alone all with the same team. Joining the team late into
the 2006-07 season, he would play in the team’s remaining sixteen games notching a goals and an assists. His first red-lighter
on March 31st against the Sioux Falls Stampede. retuning the following season he would put the biscuit in the basket
again and add in eleven assists.
 Shown here in his third season as a Musketeer. Playing just two games shy of a full 60 game schedule and stepping up as one

of the Musketeers leading Defensemen, Danny was well on his way to being one of the team leaders. He would record a pair
of Ginos and ten helpers as he patrolled the blue line with his size & strength. Never shying away from a challenge, he did
play a conservative game, limiting his time in the box and maximizing his time on the ice.

Seasoned veteran Danny Wurden mixes it up on New Year’s Eve with Omaha Lancer Joe Tolles. Shown here during
his third
season as a Musketeer, he would record a pair of goals for twelve regular season points. Danny would save his
best for next season-his fourth;
more than doubling both this points and penalty minutes. Again, his leadership and
competiveness could be counted on every time he took
the ice. During his final season he would win the Musketeers
Booster Club Scholarship.

Linesman Judson Ritter spent three seasons working as a USHL official. He would work both the 2009 and 2010
USHL All-Star Games as well as 2009 & 2010 Clark Cup Finals. I worked my first USA National Tournament U16 Championship
game as a referee with Judson and another veteran official Scott Bokal on the lines. A nerve-racking experience made eventually
successful by two great partners!!! Thanks, Guys!!!  

Max Pacioretty

Musketeers 2006-07
Max would play a single season for the Musketeers. Finishing the season s the team’s second leading scorer, he would be name
to the
USHL All-Star & All-Rookie teams and selected as the Leagues Rookie of the Year.
Past Musketeer Max Pacioretty makes his NHL debut on January 2nd, 2009 playing for the Montreal Canadians. He wastes
no time getting in the book and records his first NHL goal at 16:30 of the first period; beating New Jersey goaltender Scott
Clemmenson. His would be the only red-lighter for the Habs as they lose to the Devils 4-1.

Max would play three seasons splitting time between the Canadians and the Hamilton Bulldogs (AHL); scoring forty-nine
NHL points and forty-seven AHL points. Staring the 2011 season, with the minors in the rear-view mirror, Max starts a six
season run as the Canadians leading scorer recording 362 total points; including 189 goals and 173 assists.

In 2012 he receives the NHL’s Bill Masterson Trophy, two seasons later he scores a League leading eleven game-winners
and the following season has the League’s highest Plus/Minus rating.  Starting the 2014 season, Max would be named as one
the the Canadians Alternate Captains and the next season named just the 29th Team Captain in Montreal history.
In 2018 Max signs a four year deal with the Las Vegas Golden Knights.

Craig Brandenburger
Musketeers 2004-09
USHL All-Star Game / Sioux Falls, SD / Feb 4th 2009

Trainer Craig Brandenburger: Took care of all the injuries and many of the other locker room duties during five
seasons with the Musketeers. He was selected as one of the 2009 All-Star Game Trainers. He is pictured here with
fellow All-Stars and Musketeers Stephane Da Costa, Seth Helgeson and Justin Daniels.  After an additional season
in Tri-City (USHL) he returned home to work privately. 

   Justin Daniels                                                     Stephane Da Costa
Musketeers 2008-09                                                                    Musketeers 2007-09
Left: Musketeer center Justin Daniels and Buccaneer Mike Fink square-up and get ready for the puck to hit the ice. This
one would be a nail biter; a 3-2 win for the Musketeers in a shoot-out that would take seven rounds to find a winner.
Right: Stephane Da Costa and Green Bay’s Michael Forney square-off in this Gamblers 3-2 victory.

Dan Ford                                                                            Adam Pawlick
Musketeers 2008-10                                                                                Musketeers 2008-09
Dan Ford
 would join the Musketeers last season. Fresh-off two prior seasons playing playing in the Eastern Junior Hockey

League he would bring enough junior experience to quickly  adjust to the new pace. The rookie defenseman would see time
in fifty-three games that season; recording seven Musketeer helpers and thirty-two penalty minutes.

Adam Pawlick played a single season (08-09) for the Musketeers. He would play nearly a full schedule and record 20 goals and
13 assists. These 33 points placed him among the top sic Musketeer scorers. He would go on to play four years for the Clarkston
University Golden Knights. He is currently playing for the Pensacola Ice Flyers in the Southern Professional League (SPHL).

Also pictured here is three year veteran USHL official Mike McCreary. He currently an NHL prospect and is working the East
Coast (ECHL) and the American (AHL) hockey leagues.

Did You know…Mikes Dad is legendary NHL and Hall of Fame referee Bill McCreary. His career would span some 1737 games,
297 play-off games including 44 Stanley Cup Finals. Both of which are records that may stand the test of time.

Tommy Olczyk
Musketeers 2007-11
February 13th,2009 /  Musketers-2 Green Bay-3

Tommy Olczyk has go with Green Bay’s Nick Jensen during this 3-2 loss to the Gamblers

Mike Keenan
Musketeers 2007-09
Mike would play a pair of seasons for the Musketeers. During his rookie season, he notched four points in forty-seven

games including his first goal on March 15th in a 5-1 loss to the Waterloo Black Hawks. Mike was a top two
Musketeer Heavy Hitter recording 93 minutes in the box and the Musketeers Most Improved Player.

8-Musketeers vs. Des Moines Buccaneers-2
February 21st, 2009

Mike Keenan and Des Moines Buccaneer H. T. Lenz drop the mitts. In addition to this fisticuffs, Mike also scored a goal and
added three assists in this 8-2 victory over the Bucs.  In a rare, road honor, he received the game’s 1st Star Award.

The 2008 season  was huge for the returning veteran, Mike would record six goals, and his thirty-three assists was second
highest among team scorers. He would lead the team in penalties this season recording 129 minutes. Leadership and dedication
to the team would make him a natural to lead the team as Captain; he also received the Musketeers Defensive Player Award
 and the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship.

 JM McNulty                                                         Paul Koskovich
USHL Official 2007-09                                                            USHL Official 2006-14

USHL Referee JM McNulty logged a pair of seasons as a USHL linesman & referee. During his second USHL season
he would also join the ECHL referee crew where he still works today. He has remained a NHL prospect and has participated
in several NHL rookie prospect tournaments. He is currently working in the East Coast and American Hockey leagues.
In addition to being a great official, JM was also a terrific mentor and working with him was always a treat!!!

Did you know…JM  was the runner-up in the 2001 California State Yoyo Championships held in San Francisco.

USHL Linesman Paul Koskovich logged eight season working for the USHL and as a member of the newly formed
Officials Development Program. Played six season as SYHA/two seasons for the high school team before finishing
his two
remaining season in high school officiating. Pauly worked some eight seasons in the USHL, NAHL and SPHL.

Steve Thompson
Musketeers 2007-09
Steve Thompson
 would play two seasons between the pipes in Sioux City. During his rookie season he would take
on the back-up
duties and play student to veteran goaltender Josh Robinson. He would still see time in 25 USHL contests,
post a winning record of
10-8-1 and finish the season with a nice .908 save percentage. The following season he would
assume the starter position and work the
season to a 16-17-2 record and also bettering his save percentage to .900. He
would finish out his hockey career at the University of

Reading is Cool Jerseys Night
1-Musketeers vs. Lincoln Stars-2
November 15th, 2008
Adam Pawlick                                                             Tommy Olczyk

Musketeers 2008-09                                                                        Musketeers 2007-11
Adam Pawlick and Tommy Olczyk sport the specially designed Reading is Cool game jerseys. Worn for a single
night; they are
auctioned after the game with the proceeds going to the Musketeers Reading Is Cool Foundation.
The Musketeers start out in the first period cool on a goal from Drew Daniels taking a lead as the first period
ends. However,
Lincoln puts fifteen second period shots on goal and two of them foil Adam Janecyk.  Both
goalies stay perfect during the third
but the Musketeers can’t get the equalizer and fall to the Stars 2-1.

Chase Drake
Musketeers 2008-10

2008 World Junior A Challenge Tournament
Challenge Tournament Champions

Camrose, Alberta, Canada / November 1st-9th, 2008
Gold Medal Game: Team USA 7 – Canada/West 1
Seth Helgeson
Musketeers 2007-09

This Junior A tournament was first started in 2006 and is hosted each year by different members of the Canadian
Jr. A Hockey League. 
In addition to the USA and Canada, teams from all over the world have been represented including
Russia, Switzerland, Sweden,
Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Belarus.

2009 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
 Sioux Falls, SD

Held on February 4th in the Sioux Falls Arena.  The game is traditional format with players divided by the two divisions and playing
for either Team CCM-East and Team Reebok-West. Guest Coaches include Minnesota Wild Scouts Brian Hunter and Ernie Vargas.
It will be Team CCM who prevails in this game, scoring four goals and beating the rival all-stars 4-1.
     Seth Helgeson             Justin Daniels         Stephane Da Costa

The Musketeers place three players on the west division’s Team Reebok; Seth Helgeson, Justin Daniels and Stephane Da Coast.

Seth Helgeson
Musketeers 2007-09
Seth joins the squad last season and sees a very busy schedule for a rookie. Playing in fifty-eight games he records
three goals including his first on October 27th against the Indiana Ice. He would aslo add eight assists during the regular
season and one additional helper during the post-season first round.

Seth Helgeson was one of three Musketeer players selected this season to play in the USHL All-Star & Prospects game.
Held in Sioux Falls on February 4th, 2009, it pitted Teams CCM-East against Team Reebok-West. In a low scoring
affair the east beats the west 4-1.

2008-09 Musketeer Award Winners
Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year:
 Michael Keenan  *  Offensive Player of the Year: Stephane Da Costa

Musketeers Most Valuable Player: Stephane Da Costa * Most Improved Player: Austin Mattson & Adam Schmidt
Musketeers 7th Man Award: Jake Johnson  *  Rookie of the Year: Stephan Vigier
Booster Club Scholarship: Michael Keenan  * D’Artagnan Award: Angie Turpen

                                  Stephane Da Costa      Jim Kronschnabel                      Todd Knott          Stephane Da Costa                               
Musketeers 2007-09             Musketeers 2002-10                         Musketeers 2008-09          Musketeers 2007-09

Stephane Da Costa collected a pair of Musketeers team honors this evening; Most Valuable Player and the Offensive
of the Year. Playing in Sioux City for two seasons, he saw time in 99 regular season games lighting the lamp
forty-three times and
racking-up 107 points, giving him a point per game scoring average. Pictured here are Jim
Kronschnabel  presenting the
Offensive Player Award and Head Coach Todd Knott presenting the Most Valuable
Player Award award.

     Mike Keenan                                                   Jim Kronschnabel           Angie Turpen
Musketeers 2007-09                                                          Musketeers 2002-10            USHL 2003-Present
Mike Keenan receives the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship Award. Last season, even as a rookie, he logged 47 games
and finished second in penalties with 93 minutes. This season, the team Captain upped his game, recording six goals and a team
second highest 33 assists. He was the only Musketeer to play a complete sixty-game schedule and lead the Musketeers with
129 penalty minutes. Committed to play at Dartmouth College, Mike put in four seasons there, playing in 108 collegiate games,
recording nine goals for 34 points. He would go on on to play three seasons in the AHL and two more in the ECHL.

Team owner Jim Kronschnabel presents USHL Off-Ice Official Angie Turpen with the Musketeers highest non-player
honor; the D’Artagnan Award. This is presented annually to the those providing exceptional service to team & community.
Both a volunteer assistant to the Musketeer organization and a USHL off-ice official, Angie puts tons of quality time in for
the Musketeers, the USHL and the Siouxland area. She joined the Off-Ice Officials staff in 2003 and in 2015 became
the Head of the Sioux City Off-Ice Officials Organization, further improving the work and duties of off-ice officials
who keep stats, run the clock, work the box and help in countless other game-day League operations.

2009 NHL Draft
June 16th-27th / Montreal, Quebec
This year’s NHL Draft is held at the Belle Center, in Montreal. The USHL has twenty-nine players drafted; two go
in the first round and Musketeer Seth Helgeson is picked the following day, in the fourth round by the New Jersey Devils.

Seth Helgeson
Musketeers 2007-09


2008-09 Billet Families
Seth Helgeson                                                           Matt Kinman
Musketeers 2007-09                                                                     Musketeers 2008-09


Adam Janecyk                                                              Chase Drake    
Musketeers 2008-09                                                                       Musketeers 2008-10

 Jerrod Mermis        Steve Thompson                                                   Austin Mattson               
Musketeers 2007-09        Musketeers 2007-09                                                            Musketeers 2008-09              

Justin Daniels       Drew Daniels                                 Mike Keenan       Stephane Vigier
Musketeers 2008-09     Musketeers 2008-09                              Musketeers 2007-09      Musketeers 2008-10


Tommy Olczyk                                                        Tom Serratore
Musketeers 2007-11                                                               Musketeers 2007-09


Dan Ford                                                             Jake Hendrickson
       Musketeers 2008-10                                                                  Musketeers 2008-09        


Donnie Hallmark                                                   Adam Schmidt
  Musketeers 2006-09                                                               Musketeers 2008-10


Danny Werden                                                             Adam Pawlick
Musketeers 2006-10                                                                 Musketeers 2008-09


Mitch Bruijsten
Musketeers 2007-09  

League consists of fourteen member teams playing a sixty game regular season schedule. Team USA and Youngstown join the league.

Eastern Conference: Cedar Rapids Rough Riders, Chicago Steel,  Green Bay Gamblers, Indiana Ice, Team USA,
Waterloo Black Hawks, Youngstown Phantoms
Western Conference: Des Moines Buccaneers, Fargo Force, Lincoln Stars, Omaha Lancers, Sioux Falls Stampede,
Tri-City Storm, Sioux City Musketeers

Another disappointing season for the Musketeers missing the play-off for a second season in a row. They would make a run for
the final play-off spot but fall just a single point short just behind the Tri-City Storm. Again, over-time losses were a factor and
saw the Musketeers leave nine over-time points on the table by the time the season ended. They would finish the season
with a 27-24-9 record.

Musketeers Front Office Staff
 President…Jim Kronschnabel              Sales Manager…Rich Zaber             Office & Ticket Operations…Tim Artz    
Player Housing / Education & Public Relations
…Kristen Anderson               Ticket Sales…Kirk Moriarity 
Operations Assistant
…Tyler Solma  

 Musketeers Coaching Staff
Head Coach General Manager…Luke Strand    Assistant Coach…Cam Ellsworth    Assistant Coach…Rick Comley Jr.
 Trainer…Steve Geary             Equipment Manager…Bill Danderand           Skates: Dan Cownie (Not Pictured)

Luke Strand joins the Musketeers this season as the new Head Coach and General Manger. He is a seasoned player and coach.
The former USHL’er played a pair of season for the North Iowa Huskies befor playing both college hockey for the University
of Wisconsin and professional hockey for the Madison Monsters. Cam Ellswoth retuns for his second season continuing his
work with special teams and goaltending. After a pair of seasons in des Moines,  Rick Comly Jr. joins the team this season
taking on  player personel and scouting duties. New to the team is Athletic Trainer Steve Geary – not new to the team is
Equipment Manager Billy Banderand.

Between the Pipes
Rookies Matt Skoff  & Willie Yanakeff would start the 2009-10 season as the Musketeer goaltending due. Matt  would
secure the starting position and carry much of the scheduled starts. He would play fifty games and earn twenty-one wins and
nine ties. Another rookie, back-up Willie Yanakeff  provided solid skills and relief in net. He would see time in a dozen games;
posting a five & four record before a trade moved him to Waterloo. Another rookie Jake Hildebrand would arrive to finish
out the regular season playing in four games and recording  a win, a loss and a tie. The duo would finish the season with
a 27-24-9 record, a single point short of clinching the final play-off spot in the western division.

Matt Skoff
Musketeers 2009-12
Matt would join the Musketeers after a pair of season’s experience playing for the Pittsburg Hornets triple A U18 teams.
He would go on to play three seasons; setting countless Musketeer and USHL goaltending records.
Shown here during his rookie season, Matt would see plenty of game time. Setting a Musketeer record playing in fifty
games in a season and recording a League leading 2852 minutes of playing time. The starting goaltender would go
twenty-one and nineteen with nine additional over-time/shoot-out losses. He would record two shut-outs; his first coming
on January 16th against the Indiana Ice.

Matt would end his maiden season among the League’s top goaltenders; his 2.59 goals against average is sixth best in the
league and his .903 save percentage seventh best among  all qualified goaltenders. From Musketeer Rookie of the Year
to Musketeers Most Valuable Player, his three seasons as a Musketeer would prove most successful. He would go
on to play for Penn State in the newly formed Big-10 Hockey League.

Willie Yanakeff
Musketeers 2009-10
Before joining the Musketeers, the Michigan native spent three seasons playing in the Honeybaked and Victory Honda
triple A programs. He would also log a season playing for both the USA National U17 and U18 teams.
Willie Yanakeff  logged over a half of the season in Sioux City before a trade to the Waterloo Blackhawks and a chance at the
available starting position. While a Musketeer, he would garner time in twelve games, finish with a five-four record and a 3.23
goals against. He would go on to play four seasons at Michigan State and one more season in the CHL for the Allen Americans.

Jake Hildebrand
Musketeers 2009-11
Jake Hildebrand 
logged a pair of seasons with the Musketeers. Joining the team late in the season, he still recorded
four starts during his rookie season finishing with a win, loss and a tie. His second season saw him working a steady
rotation with veteran goaltender Matt Skoff. Jake played 21 games for the Musketeers that season and finished with a
8-9-1 record and a 2.69 GAA. The following season his reliable numbers and continued solid play resulted in a trade
Cedar Rapids (USHL) where he took over the starting goalie duties for the Roughriders.

Head Coach Luke Strand         Assistant Coach Rick Comley Jr.     Assistant Coach Cam Ellsworth
Musketeers 2009-11                         Musketeers 2008-10                            Musketeers 2008-11  

Luke Strand took over the Head Coaching duties in 2009 for two seasons. Unfortunately, the Musketeers fell a single
point short for a return to the USHL play-off that season. The following season the Musketeer would win 12 of their last
16 games to reserve their spot in post-seasons play. Luke would go on to coach several seasons in the Big-10 and AHL
before re-joining the Musketeers in 2018 as head coach.  

 After two seasons as assistant coach in Des Moines (USHL) Rick Comley Jr. joined the Musketeers in 2008 where he
for two seasons. For several seasons he would take on the duties of Assistant General Manager & Head Scout
for the
Omaha Lancers; eventually being named as the Director of Scouting for the United States Hockey League. Rick is
currently the
Director of  Player Personnel for the USA National Development Team.

Cam Ellsworth filled the Assistant Coach position for three seasons.  After four seasons at Michigan Tech; he lettered
four times,
made the WCHA All Academic Team three times, set a record for games played (117) and graduated Cum
in 2005. He played three seasons in the ECHL before arriving in Sioux City. Cam would serve as an Assistant Coach 

at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell (NCAA) for seven seasons before being named the current Head Coach at
the University of Norwich (NCAA)

Did You Know…During the 2006-07 season, Cam helped lead the Stockton Thunder (ECHL) to their first ever Play-off appearance.

High Scorers
Stephan Vigier          Adam Schmidt         Danny Wurden            Matt Paape               Ryan Rashid
Musketeers 2008-10         Musketeers 2008-10        Musketeers 2006-10          Musketeers 2009-11         Musketeers 2009-10

The Musketeers certainly could have used a few more point this season as they lost the final play-off spot by a single game
and suffered nine overtime losses. Returning veteran and high scorer Stephan Vigier would lead the way this season with
a team leading twenty-nine goals and twenty assists. Adam Schmidt would score a dozen goals and provide a team high
twenty-seven helpers. Four season veteran Danny Wurden would grab six red-lighters and twenty assists. Rookies Matt
would record twenty-three points; eleven of them goals and Ryan Rashid rounds out the top five scorers list

recording eleven goals and assists.

Heavy Hitters
Danny Wurden          Stephan Vigier               Ryan Kesti            Andrew Sinelli         Ryan Carpenter       

Musketeers 2006-10          Musketeers 2008-10            Musketeers 2009-10         Musketeers 2009-10        Musketeers 2009-11
Fourth Year veteran Danny Wurden would spend his final season on both lists, in addition to a top three scorers he
would record
a team high of seventy-seven penalty minutes. Leading scorer Stephan Vigier also logged some time
in the box with sixty-two minutes. Rookies
Ryan Kesti was right behind with sixty-one as was Andrew Sinelli with
sixty and Ryan Carpenter closed out the season with forty-five
minutes as well as being a top five scorer with
twenty-two points.

Tommy Olczyk
Musketeers 2007-11
Tommy eventually played four USHL seasons in Sioux City and along the way would become one of the most popular
Musketeers during his time in town and will surely remembered as one of the great Musketeer players. Joining the
Musketeers as a sixteen year old rookie, he would see time in thirty games recording four goals and five assists. His first
red-lighter coming on February 7th against the Ohio Jr. Blue Jackets.  Building on that experience, the next season he
would play in fifty-five games where he grabbed five goals and nine assists.

Shown here during his third season as a Musketeer, Tommy he was always a team leader and by the time his third and fourth
seasons rolled around he was a natural team leader; carrying the Captain and Alternate Captain mantel his final two seasons. This
season he played a complete schedule notching six goals and a dozen assists including a pair of multi-point games against
Lincoln and Youngstown.

Tommy would go on to one final season  playing for the Musketeers. Posting his highest scoring numbers yet; ten goals for
nineteen regular season points and a pair of post-season goals and assists. he would play another complete season; playing in
123 straight games. He would go on to receive the Musketeers 7th man award and the USHL’s Curt Hammer Award.

 Danny Wurden
Musketeers 2006-10
Danny Wurden played in Sioux City for four seasons. As a first year played he saw only 16 games but did manage to
record his first USHL goal as a Musketeer in a 5-2 loss against the Sioux Falls Stampede March 31st, 2007. He would get his first
point in the season finale; an 8-3  win over the Des Moines Buccaneers. His remaining three seasons saw him rarely miss
a game and tally some fifty regular season points.


Danny was one of the rare Musketeers logging four USHL seasons, let alone with the same team. Shown here in his third season he
was well on his way to being one of the Musketeers team leaders. We was playing a full schedule and stepping up as one of the
Musketeers leading defensemen.
He never looked-away from a challenge and was always there for team mates however, he also played a very smart game and
minimized his time spent in the box. He would record a pair of goals and ten helpers this season as he patrolled the blue line with

Danny would save his best for last; recording a career & team leading 77 penalty minutes. He would double his traditional scoring
numbers netting six goals and twenty assists. Including a season ending five game streak scoring two goals and seven assists. Danny
would receive the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship Award.

Musketeers vs. Lincoln Stars
2009-10 Season Home Opener / October 3rd, 2009

Left: Linesman Bob Batcheller and Boone Bruggman talk about someone’s very sore hand Right: Lincoln Stars Trainer
Cory Courtney looks over Boone’s injured hand while linesman Paul Koskovich catches the cameraman snapping this picture.

Left: Referee Boone Bruggman and Linesman Bob Batcheller Right: Ryan Carpenter waits for any rebound from
Lincoln Stars defenseman Nate Baumbick and goaltender Jared Coreau might give-up.

3-Musketeers vs. Chicago Steel-2
January 15th, 2010

 Left: Linesmen Sean Walsh & Bob Batcheller meet with Referee Robbie Mayer prior to the opening face-off
Right: Officials take a break as the preparations are made for the shoot-out. Musketeers Billy Latta & Danny Wurden’s
goals would give the Musketeers a 3-2 win.

Musketeer locker room Tour by Tommy Olczyk

Four Season Musketeer veteran Tommy Olczyk give tour of the newly re-modeled Musketeer locker room facility

Musketeers vs. Lincoln Stars
Left: Stephan Vigier and Lincoln defenseman Garrett Clement chase down an unclaimed puck. Right: Musketeer Stephan Vigier
and Dominick Shine battle for a face-off  win. After a pair of seasons in Sioux City, Stephane Vigier would go on to play four season
at Northern Michigan University earning the Alternate Captain honors both his junior and senior seasons. His sixteen goals and
thirty-three points were best among the Wildcat’s scorers. He would also log three seasons playing
in the ECHL and is currently playing in Norway.

       Joe Kalisz     Clinton Bourbonais   Richard Zehnal                                 Danny Wurden                                   
Musketeers 09-10       Musketeers 09-10        Musketeers 09-11                                          Musketeers 2006-10

Joe Kalisz played only five games as a Musketeer, but did record a pair of assists. He would return to St. Louis and the North
American League where he would log three seasons with the Bandits. During his final season, he would lead the Bandits in scoring
with ninety-one points including team leading forty goals and fifty-one assists; twenty-two points ahead of the team’s second leading
scorer. He would play four seasons at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and is currently playing in the SPHL

Clinton Bourbonais notched a pair of goals in five games played as a Musketeer. The prior season his twenty goals and thirty-three
assists would help lead his St. Louis Bandits (NAHL) to a League Championship. He would add three helpers during the play-offs
and four red-lighters including the Championship Game double-overtime game winning goal. He would go on to play four seasons
at the University of Yale.

Richard Zehnal  logged a pair of seasons as a Musketeer. During his rookie season, he played in fifty-five games where he recorded
six goals and seven assists for thirteen points. The following season he put up similar numbers scoring seven goals and eleven assists,
he also added two play-off points, a goal and an assist. An off season trade would move him to Youngstown for his final USHL
season where he was selected to play in the All-Star Game. He is currently playing for the Western Michigan Wildcats (NCAA).

Danny Wurden played in Sioux City for four seasons. As a first year player he saw just sixteen games, but the following
three seasons he rarely missed a game and recorded some 50 regular season points. In 2010 he would receive the Musketeers
Booster Club Scholarship Award
. Danny would go on to play for the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Cory Elkins
Musketeers 2004-05

Cory Elkins makes his National Hockey League debut during the 2009-10 NHL season. On December 15th, he take the ice playing for
Los Angeles.  He gets three shots on goals and helps the Kings defeat the Edmonton Oilers3-2. Two nights later he scores the Kings
only goal, slipping one past Calgary net minder Miikka Kiprusoff making it a 2-1 game with nine minutes remaining in the third.

Musketeers vs. Green Bay Gamblers
October 30th, 2009
Adam Schmidt
         Tyler Brickler                                                    Chase Drake             Matt Skoff
Musketeers 2008-10        Musketeers 2009-10                                        Musketeers 2008-10        Musketeers 2009-12


Adam Schmidt would play two seasons (08-10) as a Musketeer. During this second season here, he would log 39 (12/27) points
and finish second in Musketeer scoring. He would go on to play four seasons at Holy Cross University and is currently playing in the
Swedish Professional League.  Tyler Brickler played an abbreviated season for the Musketeers suiting for just five games. However,
he did post three assists before leaving for the British Colombia Hockey League (BCHL) for two seasons. He played a season at the
University of Massachusetts-Lowell and is currently playing in SUNY League for the Geneseo Knights.

 After his rookie USHL season in Green Bay, Chase Drake joined the Musketeer for two more seasons .He provided
stalwart play on the blue line and work ethic made him an important part of the teams defensive corps. He would go on to play four
season at the University of Wisconsin (NCAA) for the Badgers.
 Matt Skoff logged three seasons for the Musketeers where he
played 142 regular season games. He would receive several USHL Goalie of the Week honors as well as the Musketeers Rookie
of the Year
 in 2010 and the Most Valuable Player Awards in 2012. Matt is Currently playing at Penn State University.

 Right: Referee Geoff Miller hopes to keep the peace during this scrum around the Musketeer goal.

Ryan Kesti
Musketeers 2009-10
Ryan Kesti would spend the first of two USHL seasons playing in Sioux Falls. Joining the Stampede for the 2008-09 season.
Fresh out of the Minnesota High School League, the rookie would see considerable time in forty-four contests; notching his
first USHL goal in a 4-2 loss to the Indiana Ice and add four more assists for a five point season.


 The following season as a Musketeer he would finish with eight points; scoring a pair of goals, including  a game winning goal against
Team USA on October 23rd.  He played nearly a complete season missing only one game and was one minor short of leading the
team in penalty minutes. He would receive the Musketeers 7th Man Award. After four seasons playing at Northern Michigan
University he is currently playing for the Pensacola Ice Flyers (SPHL)

4-Musketeers vs. Sioux Falls Stampede-3 SO
November 17th, 2009

Left: With the 5-man shoot-out tied at a goal a piece, Tommy Olczyk readies himself for a shot on Sioux Falls goaltender Lino
Chimienti.  Right:  Referee Brett Sheva looks for the puck, but Tommy already sees that it has crossed the line and that’s the
shoot-out game winner.

Dan Dekeyser             Kevin Gravel              Dan Ford                Matt Skoff              Tommy Olczyk          

Musketeers 2009-10        Musketeers 2009-10        Musketeers 2009-10         Musketeers 2009-12           Musketeers 2007-11

Dan Dekeyser would post just a handful of points this season, but played well enough to secure a ride at Western Michigan
University the following year. After three seasons and 105 points, Dan would join his hometown team where he is currently playing
for the the Detroit Red Wings (NHL)

Kevin Gravel recorded three goals and six points this season. He would be drafted in the 2010 NHL draft by the Los Angles Kings.
After playing four season at St. Cloud State he would play three more in the AHL before making the move to the NHL where he is in his
third season playing for the Los Angles Kings.

Dan Ford Logged a pair of seasons  as a Musketeer. His rookie season saw him play in 53 games, record seven assists
and 32 penalty minutes.  The following season he would play nearly a full schedule, tripling his scoring with seven goals and fifteen
assists and receiving the Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year Award. He would go on to play four years at Harvard
University and currently plays for the Indy Fuel in the ECHL.

Stephan Vigier
Musketeers 2008-10
 After time in the Manitoba Junior Hockey League where he was one of the leagues top scorers, Stephane Vigier would spend a pair
of seasons in Sioux City. 
During last rookie season, he would tally fifteen goals including his first USHL goal and his first Hat Trick as
well as thirty-thee assists. He received the Musketeers Rookie of the Year Award.

Starting this second season right where he left off; Musketeer leading scorer would continue to light the lamp, notching
both a team leading twenty-nine goals and forty-nine regular season points. He would see five multi-goal games including
his best outing a pair of goals & assists for a four point win over the Waterloo Black Hawks and the Game’s First Star
Award. The Team Captain and leading scorer would be voted the Musketeers Most Valuable Player and the
Offensive Player of the Year. He would also earn a selection to play in the USHL All-Star game.

Pictured here during his second of two seasons, Stephan Vigier and Green Bay’s Brian O’Rourke drop the mitts
and hope to gain some momentum for their team as the scoreless first period winds down in this Sioux City-Green
Bay match-up. The Musketeers leading scorer wasn’t afraid to mix-it-up on occasion and definitely knew where the
corners were; recording sixty-two penalty minutes, second highest on the team. He would go on to play four seasons at
Northern Michigan University, three seasons in the AHL/ECHL and for more in the Norwegian Elite League.

Did You Know…Stephane Vigier was selected the Manitoba Junior Hockey League’s Rookie of the Year. Scoring
thirty-seven goals and forty-nine assists, he averaged almost a point & a half every game. He was selected to play in the
MJHL All-Star game and was picked as one of the League’s All-Stars to man the Team Canada-West squad. His first
seasons in the MJHL as a sixteen year-old, he played just four games, but scored a pair of goals & seven assists, giving
him an average of 1.75 points per game.

 Matt Paape                                                                 Richard Zehnal
Musketeers 2009-11                                                                               
Musketeers 2009-11    
Matt Paape 
played a pair of seasons in Sioux City. Pictured here during his rookie season, he would record eleven
goals and a dozen assists; his 23 points was fourth highest among Musketeer scorers. Three games into the season, Matt
would grab his first USHL goal on October 10th, but save his best work for a season finale  beat-down of the Lincoln
Stars where he tallied four points with a pair of goals and assists. The following season he suited for all sixty games, scoring
ten goals and nine assists; nineteen points that helped the Musketeer return to post season play. Matt saw time in all three
of the play-off games. He would receive the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship Award.

Arriving from the Czech Republic, fifteen year old Richard Zehnal would join the Musketeers. Even as a youngster he
played in fifty-five games notching six goals and seven assists. His first coming on November 7th, in a win over the Sioux
Falls Stampede. The following season the returning veteran would again see nearly a full schedule missing just five games
and recording seven goals and eleven assists. He would also add his first post-season points scoring a goals and and
assist. With still a pair of junior season eligibility he would play one more season

Jose Delgadillo                                                               Clinton Bourbonais
Musketeers 2009-12                                                                                   
Musketeers 2009-10    

Jose would play for the Musketeers for three seasons. Shown here during his rookie season. He would play a forty game schedule
schedule and record a pair of assists. The following season he would see nearly a full schedule and became a reliable defensive forward.
That following season he found the net for his first USHL goal on February 5th against the Green Bay Gamblers and added four assists.
His final season he played thirty games here scoring a pair of goals and six assists before a trade with the Ice (USHL) moved him
to Indiana. He would go on to play four seasons at Bowling Green State University.

Clinton Bourbonais notched a pair of goals in five games played as a Musketeer. The prior season his twenty goals and thirty-three
assists would help lead his St. Louis Bandits (NAHL) to a League Championship. He would add three helpers during the play-offs
and four red-lighters including the Championship Game double-overtime game winning goal. He would go on to play four seasons
at the University of Yale.

Chase Drake
Musketeers 2008-10
Chase Drake joins the Musketeers last season with some junior hockey experience having played ten games for the Green Bay
Gamblers that prior season. As a Musketeer he would see time in forty-five games where he would record a pair of assists.

Returning for a second season with the Musketeers the defenseman would grab his first goal on October 24th against the Omaha
Lancers. Chase would go on to play four seasons at the University of Wisconsin where he was the Team Captain during his senior
season. He is currently playing in the Great Lake Hockey League for the Mosinee Papermakers.

Jim Craig Visits Sioux City
USA 1980 Olympic Team Gold Medal Winners / October 2009
Cam Ellsworth   Luke Strand  Jim Craig  Rick Comley
During the start of the 2009-10 season, the Musketeers had a special guest; Olympic gold medal winner Jim Craig met with the team
and the Musketeer staff. He would speak to the team as well as participate in a pair of practice sessions.

Tim Artz          Jim Craig         Rich Zaber                 Jim Kronschnabel        Jim Craig
Game Night operations manager Tim Artz and General Manager Rich Zaber along with Musketeer Owner Jim Kronschnabel
all get a chance to chat with the legendary 1980 Lake Placid Gold Medal inner Jim Craig. 

Willie Yanakeff
Musketeers 2009-10
4-Musketeers vs. Sioux Falls Stampede-3 / November 17, 2018

Willie Yanakeff turns aside 28 Sioux Falls shots on goal and then four more in the shoot-out, for a Musketeer victory.
 He would spend just just a half of season in Sioux City before a trade to the Waterloo Blackhawks presented an opportunity
for the available starting position. While a Musketeer, he would garner time in 12 games, finish with a 5-4 record and a 3.23 goals
against. He would go on to play four seasons at Michigan State and is currently playing in the CHL for the Allen Americans.

1-Musketeers vs. Sioux Falls Stampede-3
October 10th, 2009 

Matt Paape looks to move the puck as he gets some pressure from Sioux Falls Stampede Defenseman Allen Conor. Matt would
record his first USHL red-lighter here in this 3-1 loss to the Stampede on October 10th, 2009.

Dan Dekeyser                                                           Andrew Sinelli

Musketeers 2009-10                                                                      Musketeers 2009-10
Danny Dekeyser played a single season for the Musketeers. Seeing time in forty-one games, he recorded his first USHL red-
lighter in a win over Team USA on October 16th, 2009./ He would also add ten more helpers giving him eleven regular season
points. He would go on to play four seasons at Western Michigan University where he was Team Captain during his senior
season. He would eventually make his way to the NHL where he is currently playing for the Detroit Red Wings.

Also a rookie this season, Andrew Sinelli would play a single season in Sioux City. Playing in fifty games, he would record six goals,
eleven assists and sixty penalty minutes; placing his third on the Heavy Hitter list this season. His first goal as a Musketeer would
come on November 14th in a 4-3 shoot-win; selected as the game’s First Star Andrew would also collect an assist that night making
this one of his four multi-point games.  He would split his final USHL season between Youngstown and Dubuque before playing
four more seasons for the University of Michigan.

Max Gaede                                                               Mitch Zion
Musketeers 2009-11                                                                     Musketeers 2009-10
Max Gaede was also a rookie this season but did also split time between his Minnesota high school team and the Minneapolis
Southeast Divisional team. He did find time to check out the speed and pace of the USHL when he recorded some playing time in
eleven USHL games. He would grab his fist red-lighter in the last game of the season on April 3rd as the Musketeers bombed the
Lincoln Stars 10-3. He would return the following season playing in fifty-four games; recording ten goals and eighteen assists.

Canadian import player Mitch Zion was a Musketeer for just a single season; having spent the prior season playing in Canada,
he joins the squad with some junior hockey experience. Recording seven goals, including his first one; a game winning goal on
October 17th against the Omaha Lancers. He would go on to play a pair of college seasons at Clarkson University and
Carleton University. Mitch would then play three seasons in the ECHL for the Brampton Beast and is currently playing
pro hockey in France.

Dan Ford

Musketeers 2008-10
Dan Ford would join the Musketeers last season. Fresh -off two prior seasons playing playing in the Eastern Junior Hockey League
he would bring enough junior experience to quickly  adjust to the new pace. The rookie defenseman would see time in fifty-three
games that season; recording seven Musketeer helpers and thirty-two penalty minutes.
Dan would return this season with experience ready to lend a hand to the Musketeers defensive corps. Missing just a single game
during the sixty game schedule, he would record his first of six USHL goals on October 17th, in a 2-1 win over Team USA and add
fifteen more assists that season. The Alternate Captain would earn the Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year Award. He would
go on to play four seasons at Harvard University and three more in the ECHL. During the 2007-08 season he let a ECHL record
when he recorded the most assists by a defenseman that season with thirty-four helpers.

Matt Skoff
Musketeers 2009-12

Left: Matt Skoff keeps a mindful eye on the open man in the slot. Right: Matt readies himself to stop this Sioux Falls shoot-out attempt.

Musketeer equipment Note:
 Matt wore two sets of pads this season. Starting out the season with the Reebok set of pads, blocker and
glove pictured on the left. Around December he would switch to the new Brian’s style of equipment.

Musketeers vs. Indiana Ice                                              Musketeers vs. Team USA
1-Musketeers vs. Indiana Ice-0 / January 16th, 2010                              0-Musketeers vs. Team USA-6 / February 28th, 2010

Left: Matt makes saves against Indiana Bryon Paulazzo and earns his first shut-out of the season with a 1-0 victory over the Ice.
: Team USA Matthew Nieto is stopped by Matt on this shot, but it was a rough night for the Musketeers as they fall 6-0.

Ryan Carpenter
Musketeers 2009-11

This season, rookie Ryan Carpenter he sees time in all but two regular season games; notching ten goals and a dozen assists

he places among the top six Musketeer scorers with twenty-two points. Ryan would grab his first red-lighter on October 23rd,
a game tieing goal that sets the table for an overtime win against Team USA. He is selected as the Musketeers Most
Improved Player
 and expected to return the following season as one of the veteran team leaders.

The following season he more than doubled his offence, recording 45 regular season points scoring 13 goals and 32
assists. In addition to three play-off points, a pair of play-off goals and an assist in as many games. He would be chosen the
Musketeers Most Valuable Player.  After three season playing at Bowling Green State, he would join the pros playing
for the San Jose Barracuda (ECHL) and the San Jose Sharks (NHL)

Did You Know…Ryan would make his NHL debut on December 12th, 2015 in a game that saw the Sharks lose to
the visiting Minnesota Wild 2-0. He would record his first goals the following season on November 30th, in a 4-1 win
over the LA Kings.

Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers
 2-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-3 / February 27th, 2010

Left: Matt makes another save in a great photo that really shows off the famous Horizon Restaurant goalie creases in Sioux City.
Matt makes a shoot-out save against Troy Power but the Musketeer would fall short with a 3-2 lose to the Lancers.

Danny Wurden       Adam Schmidt       Tommy Olczyk         Stephane Vigier
Musketeers 2006-10      Musketeers 2008-10     Musketeers 2007-11           Musketeers 2008-10

There’s a lot of USHL experience pictured here; 609 regular season games and 264 Musketeer points including 98 red-lighters and
166 helpers. Danny and Tommy would both play a rare four seasons in the USHL, let alone all for the same team. Adam and Stephane
were both two year veteran players spending both seasons with the Musketeers.

Matt Skoff                 Jake Hildebrand                                        Ryan Carpenter             
Musketeers 2009-12                Musketeers 2009-10                                                 Musketeers 2009-11

Rookie goaltenders Matt Skoff and Jake Hildebrand watch from the bench as the Musketeers team awards are given out.
Matt would carry the bulk of the games this season and would go on to a three season career with the Musketeers starting with
the Rookie of the Year award and finishing as the Musketeers Most Valuable Player. Along the way he would collect three USHL
Goalie of the Week Awards as well as set almost a dozen different USHL career goaltending records.

Jake would also go on to collect similar Goalie of the Week awards and significantly increase his playing time during his second season.
Ryan Carpenter‘s goal halfway  through the third period is not nearly enough to beat the Stampede tonight, as the Musketeers fall 5-1.

4-Musketeers vs. Youngstown Phantoms-2
Reading Is Cool
November 21st, 2009

Left: The Musketeers pose with the Reading is Cool jersey designer winner. A final field of five jerseys was selected by a local
committee and the jerseys voted on by Musketeer fans. Right: Billy Latta shoots and scores on goaltender Matthew Mahalak. He
would collect a goal and a pair of assists. Stephan Vigier would record a goal and assist on this Billy Latta goal.

3-Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers-5
New Years Eve-Skate with the Players

December 31st, 2009
Mitch Zion                 Billy Latta                           Mitch Zion                 Billy Latta
Musketeers 2009-10           Musketeers 2009-10                  Musketeers 2009-10           Musketeers 2009-10
Musketeers Mitch Zion and Billy Latta participate in the annual Musketeers “Skate with the Players”  event. Held
just a few times during the season the New Years Eve skate is by far the most popular. Hundreds of fans get the rare
chance to interact on the ice, get autographs, photos and chat with their favorite players.  

Stephane Vigier      Adam Schmidt      Danny Dekeyser      Chase Drake       Danny Wurden
Musketeers 2008-10      Musketeers 2008-10     Musketeers 2009-10     Musketeers 2008-10   Musketeers 2006-10

Musketeers Stephane Vigier,  Adam Schmidt, Danny Dekeyser, Chase Drake and Danny Wurden all take time for
a group shot with a pair of Musketeer faithful.

                       Head Coach & General Manager Luke Strand                                        Tommy Olczyk
Musketeers 2009-11 / 2017-Present                                                                   Musketeers 2007-11
Even Head Coach Luke Strand gets in the the action here; signing autographs for young fans and also talking shop with some
of the older fans. Eventual four-season veteran and Fan Favorite Tommy Olczyk poses for a shot with several supporters.

Darik Angeli      Danny Dekeyser      Adam Schmidt       Andrew Sinelli
Musketeers 2009-10     Musketeers 2009-10      Musketeers 2008-10      Musketeers 2009-10

Musketeers Darik Angeli, Danny Dekeyser, Adam Schmidt and Andrew Sinelli grab a shot with a very young Musketeer fan.
She has no idea while all all four of these players would go on to play college and professional hockey in the ECHL and AHL;
Danny Dekeyser would go on to play a prolonged NHL career starting in 2013 when he joined the Detroit Red Wings squad
and is currently in his seventh season.

              Jeff Silengo                                              Danny Wurden                Chase Drake
Musketeers 2009-10                                                   Musketeers 2006-10               Musketeers 2008-10

Jeff Silengo logged a single season with the Musketeers. He would record 16 points scoring seven goals and nine assists.
He would record his fist two USHL goals, one of them a game winner, on December 12th in a 3-1 win over the Green Bay
Gamblers. He would go on to play four season for the University of New Hampshire Wildcats and a pair of seasons in the
East Coast League for the Adirondack Thunder, Florida Everblades and the Gwinnett Gladiators.

Danny Wurden played two in Sioux City. As a first year player he saw jus sixteen games, but the following three seasons,
he rarely missed a game and recorded some fifty regular season points over the course of 169 regular season games. Chase
 brought ten games USHL experience with him prior to his last season’s rookie outing with the Musketeers. 
Although not

a huge point-getter, his stalwart play on the blue line and work ethic made him an important part of the teams defensive corps.

Adam Schmidt
Musketeers 2008-10
Last season, rookie Adam Schmidt would see time in forty-nine games, notching five goals and nine assists; his fourteen points
was second highest among first year Musketeer scorers. His first  red-lighter on November 8th in a victory over the Green Bay
Gamblers. Adam would record a pair of multi-point games; his best being a goal and and assist against the Tri-City Storm.
Returning the following season, Adam’s scoring numbers would double; playing a complete sixty game schedule he would notch a
dozen goals and twenty-seven assists. His thirty-nine points was second best among Musketeer scorers. Adam could list seven
multi-point outings and a two-goal affair on Halloween night in Sioux Falls. He would go on to play four season at College
of the Holy Cross, a season in the AHL, three in Sweden and is currently playing in the ECHL for the reading Royals.

1-Musketeers vs. Cedar Rapids Roughriders-0
Tyson Event Center / March 19th, 2010
Nick Sorkin                                                                                      Matt Skoff
Musketeers 2009-10                                                                                             Musketeers 2009-12

Left: Nick Sorkin’s goal near the end of the first period puts the Musketeers on top of the RoughRiders as the period closes. Nick scores
this eventual game-winner on passes from Richard Zehnal and Ryan Kesti. Right: Goaltender Matt Skoff turns aside all twenty-eight
Cedar Rapids attempted shots on goal making the single goals enough to win this game. Matt ‘s shut-out earns him the Game’s First Star
award and Nick Sorkin’s lone goal earns his a Second Star of the night.

Adam Schmidt                                                                  Nick Sorkin
Musketeers 2008-10                                                                        Musketeers 09-10
Musketeers vs. Des Moines-2 / March 5th, 2010 /                       2-Musketeers vs. Tri-City-1 / March 23rd, 2010

Left: Adam Schmidt scores early in the third and starts four goal third period that would see the Musketeers beat the Bucs 5-2.
Right: Nick Sorkin shadows a Tri-City Storm player as they both move up ice during a rare Tuesday night tilt at the Tyson.

Returning veteran Adam Schmidt played two seasons in Sioux City. Last season the rookie would five goals and nine assists. This season
he would double his offensive output with a dozen goals and twenty-seven helpers; second highest among Musketeer scorers. After four
seasons playing for the Holy Cross College Saints (ACHA) he would log a season in the East Coast League playing for the Worcester Ice
Sharks. Adam is currently playing in the Swedish Professional League.

Nick Sorkin logged a single season as a Musketeer. After a mid-season trade from Waterloo (USHL) to Sioux City, he still saw
a full USHL season playing fifty-three games; twenty-two of them for the Musketeers. He would go on to play four seasons at
the University of New Hampshire (NCAA) and them two more for the Hamilton Bulldogs in the AHL. After a brief stop in the
Swedish Professional League he is back to the ECHL playing for the Worcester Railers.

Matt Skoff
Musketeers 2009-12
Musketeers vs. Youngstown Phantoms                                     Musketeers vs. Omaha Lancers
March 20th, 2010 / Musketeers 3-Phantoms 2 SO                                February 27th, 2010 / Musketeers 2-Omaha 3 SO

Left: Troy Holstrom tries to stuff this one under Matt’s pad, but comes up empty. He would stop three Youngstown shooters for
a Musketeer victory Right: Matt makes a shoot-out save on Lancer Troy Power (Troy would score both Lancer regulation play
goals) however, the Musketeers would fall a pair of goals short in this shoot-out.

2010 USHL All-Star & Prospects Game
Tuesday January 26th, 2012 in Indianapolis, IN
Kevin Gravel   *   Stephan Vigier

2009-10 Musketeer Award Winners
Defensive Player of the Year: Dan Ford  *  Most Valuable Player and Offensive Player of the Year: Stephan Vigier
7th Man Award:  Tommy Olczyk   Rookie of the Year
Matt Skoff
Dan Ford                      Stephan Vigier               Tommy Olczyk                  Matt Skoff

Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship Winner: Danny Wurden   *   Co-Most Improved Players: Ryan Kesti and Ryan Carpenter
Danny Wurden                  Ryan Kesti                  Ryan Carpenter

2009-10 Musketeer Award Winners
Dan Ford                                  Stephan Vigier                         Tommy Olczyk                             Matt Skoff
Dan Ford: Musketeers Defensive Player of the Year *  Stephan Vigier: Musketeers Most Valuable Player and
Offensive Player of the Year  *  Tommy Olczyk: Musketeers 7th Man Award * Matt Skoff: Rookie of the Year

           Danny Wurden                                                        Ryan Kesti  Ryan Carpenter

       Danny Wurden would receive the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship Award while Ryan Kesti & Ryan Carpenter
are selected as the Musketeer’s Co-Most Improved Players. Danny would go on to play at the University of Wisconsin-
Stevens Point, Ryan would play at Northern Michigan University and Ryan at Bowling Green State University.     

Danny Werden
Musketeers 2006-10

Danny Wurden gets a shot with his older brother and his dad after receiving the Musketeers Booster Club scholarship award. Danny
played four seasons here in Sioux City recording ten goals and forty-two total assists during his time as a Musketeer. His 185 games
played is second highest among all Junior A Musketeer players and fifth highest among all-time Musketeer players.

2009 World Junior A Challenge Tournament
Challenge Tournament Repeat Champions
Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada / November 1st-8th, 2009
Gold Medal Game: Team USA 2 – Canada/West 1

Notes: Musketeers: Kevin Gravel, Willie Yanakeff & Nick Sorkin take home top honors again with a win over Team Canada/West.

This Junior A tournament was first started in 2006 and is hosted each year by different members of the Canadian
Jr. A Hockey League. In addition to the USA and Canada, teams from all over the world have been represented including Russia,
Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Belarus.

2010 NHL Draft / Staples Center / Los Angles, CA
Kevin Gravel
Musketeers 2009-10

Kevin Gravel would play a single season for the Musketeers.  Arriving for the 2009-10 season with a prior season of Junior
experience playing in the North American League. The rookie would play in fifty-three games and record three goals
and three assists. His first goal coming in a 6-5 loss to the Fargo Force on December 5th.

Selected by the Los Angeles Kings in that summer’s NHL Draft, he would go on to play four season at St. Cloud State
University; also logging six games and scoring a goal with the USA U20 team during his college sophomore season.

Kevin would play a pair of seasons in the AHL for the Manchester Monarchs and split his third & fourth season in the pros with
the Ontario Reign and the Los Angles Kings; making his NHL debut on February 11th, 2016 in a Kings vs. New York Islanders
match-up. The following season he would record his first NHL red-lighter in a February 23rd, 2017 tilt between the Kings and
the Boston Bruins. He is currently in this third season splitting time between the Reign and the Kings.



This is the end of the fourth 10 seasons (2000-01 / 2009-10) of Musketeer History in Pictures


Duplicate materil below. Delete eventually

Player Name

David Deterding
Musketeers 2001-04

Left: Last game honorees wait on the Musketeer bench for their introductions. Center: Jim Kronschnabel and Joe Pinard
Right: Jim and Ryan Geris

   Jim Kronschnabel: Jim purchased the Musketeers just prior to the start of the 2002 season. Fresh off a Clark Cup Championship
and a legendary USHL coach in place, the Musketeers would continue their successes, including a run at the Cup just two years
later. Originally from Minnesota, Jim epitomized the feeling of “hometown ownership” and there wasn’t a fan around that didn’t see
Jim as just an owner, but a local fan who loved to see the Musketeers win.

Last game in The Audi
December 13, 2003

Left: Past Musketeer Walt Johnson drops the final opening face-off  in the Sioux City Auditorium. Originally from Omaha, Walt played
three seasons in Sioux City. During that time he would receive Rookie of the Year Award and a Leading Scorer Award. He would collect
some 286 total points in just 176 games making him the second all-time Musketeer leading scorer. Walt joined the Musketeer Hall of Fame
in 1991.He would eventually lead the Sioux City Metros High School Team to a pair of Back to back State Championships

Right: The final game at the Ol‘ Audi, December 13th, 2003, Musketeers Troy Brummett & Jimmy Spratt. Officials Keith Kaval,
Bob Batcheller and Johnathan Morrison look on at the beginning ceremony.

The Musketeers wear special jersey that night. They wore an alternate logo, un-traditional striping and was the first ever yellow jersey.
They have special “Closing the Audi” patches on both shoulders and are auctioned off after the game.

Todd Van Rooyan, Bob Batcheller & Walt Johnson                                  Jim Kronschnabel, Dave & Carol Siciliano

Left: Musketeer Business Operation Manager Todd Van Rooyan ( Metros Class of ’87), USHL Linesman Bob Batcheller (Metros
Class of ’83) and City of Sioux City Facilities Manager Walt Johnson (Musketeers 76-79 / Musketeer HOF ’91)
Right: Team Owner Jim Kronschnabel, Head Coach and General Manager Dave Siciliano and Head of Player Education &
Housing Carol Siciliano.

Jim purchased the team in 2002 and would own it for eight seasons. Under his guidance he would usher in a new era of Musketeer
style & grace while still capturing Musketeer tradition. In 2003 Jim transitioned from the Auditorium to the new Tyson Event Center,
a move that brought junior hockey in Sioux City to the next level.  In 2006 he secured Sioux City’s first USHL All-Star Game and
turned it into a two day celebration that USHL players have come to expect no matter where the location. In 2007 he took over for
a very tired-out Buc Bowl pre-season tournament. Renamed the USHL Fall Classic it boasts four days of non-stop USHL hockey
on two sheets of ice. Scouts from every NHL team attend along with hundreds of other professional and college scouts and coaches.

 would coach in Sioux City for 8 seasons, joining the Musketeers in 2000.He would finish his coaching career with the most wins

by a Musketeer coach with 272. Prior to that Dave coached 7 seasons in Thunder Bay (USHL) where he is also the winningest coach.
During his time in the USHL he won 4 Clark Cups (league championship), 3 Anderson Cups (regular season championship) and sits in
second place among USHL coaches for career wins with 810.

The boards of Walt’s House come down for the last time…
December 13th, 2003

Left: Walt cleans the ice for the final time in what many consider His Building. For three seasons he was a USHL stand-out player
setting League and Team records for scoring, points and games played including Rookie of the Year, Most Valuable Player, defenseman
of the Year. Walt remains the second highest scoring Musketeer player with 286 total points. After that, the building remained his, literally,
as he took over the General Manager operation of the building and it’s events for over 25 years. Along the way Walt would coach his way to
numerous youth hockey championships, as well as back to back Iowa High School Hockey League Championships in 1998 and 1999 

Right: Auditorium Crewmembers disassemble boards and glass in preparation for ice removal. Crew leader Ron “Cowboy” Thompson
(red shirt) and rink technician Jimmy Williams (blue shirt) oversee the removal of the glass and boards for the last time.

Tyson Event Center / Gateway Arena
Four nights later, on December 17th, the Musketeers would open their new NHL style facility the Tyson Event Center. The Gateway Arena is
named after the famous computer company, founded by  Sioux City natives Ted Waite and Mike Hammond. A sell-out crowd of 4500
people watch Musketeers goalie Jimmy Spratt record a shut-out and future NHL’er Tim Kennedy score the Tyson Event Center’s
first goal in a 3-0 win over long-time rivals the Waterloo BlackHawks.

Tyson Event Center / Gateway Arena Opening Night
December 17th, 2003
Musketeer Brian Bales and Blackhawk Joe Pavelski face-off on opening night at the new Tyson Event Center. The Musketeers
would open their new home with a 3-0 win. Goaltender Jimmy Spratt worked the shut-out and Tim Kennedy would score the
first ever goal in the new building.

Brian Bales logged three seasons (02-05) as a Musketeer. During his final season (05-04) as Alternate Captain, he would share
the leading scorer honors as leading Musketeer scorer with 61 (20/41) points and lead the Musketeers in assists that year. Brian
would be selected the Musketeers Most Offensive Player of the Year and receive the Musketeers Booster Club Scholarship.

Joe Pavelski  played a pair of seasons (02-04) in Waterloo where he lead the team in scoring his rookie year with 69 (36/33)
points and finished in second place his final season with 52 (31/31) regular season points. After a a pair of seasons at the University
of Wisconsin, the NHL came calling. Joe joined the Sharks in 2006 and is currently in his 10th season in San Jose.

Did You know… Joe Pavelski was a member of the 2016 NHL western division champions San Jose Sharks appearing in their first
ever Stanley Cup finals, unfortunately their bid for the team’s first championship would fall short to the Pittsburgh Penguins in six games.

 Musketeers Brad O’Shell and Tim Kennedy Right: The Musketeers salute the fans in the Tyson Event Center’s opening night win.


First Goal Tyson Event Center / First Shut-Out Tyson Event Center
Musketeer Tim Kennedy would score the first ever goal in the newly opened Tyson Event Center/ Gateway Arena; a shot that snuck
by Waterloo goaltender Aaron Johnson at 11:35 of the first period. Goaltender Jimmy Spratt would record the building’s first
shut-out victory stopping twenty-six Waterloo attempts.

Dennis McCauley
Musketeers 2003-05
There were a lot of “Firsts” during this opening night match-up. The first tilt in the Tyson came just after the start of the second
period when Dennis McCauley and Jake Schwan dropped the mitts. While the BlackHawks forward from New York would get the
quick upper hand, Dennis’ strength and size would eventually prevail.

Linesmen Aaron Mills and Bob Batcheller get both players separated and on their way to the box, both earning coincidental five
minute majors.

Jimmy Spratt
Musketeers 2002-05
Goalie Jimmy Spratt recorded a building opening Tyson Event Center shut-out victory; a 3-0 win over the Waterloo BlackHawks.

He would turn away 26 Waterloo shots on goal and defend against six Blackhawk power play opportunities as he recorded the
the first ever Musketeer win, as well as first ever shut-out during this historic opening of this brand new building.

   Adam Krug                                                           Dennis McCauley
Musketeers 2003-04                                                                      Musketeers 2003-05
Adam Krug  would bring two season’s worth of Junior experience to the Musketeers this year; having played in the North
American League for Springfield and Capitol Center. He would miss just a single tilt during the fifty-eight game season and
along the way light the lamp eighteen times and add twenty-four helpers. Adam would have nine multi-point games; including
two, three point games and a personal best in Cedar Rapids when he grabbed both a pair of goals and assists in this win
over the ‘Riders.
Adam would then play a pair of seasons at Wayne State University where he was a top ten and then leading scorer; and then
two more at Adrian College where the two-time team Captain was a top two leading scorer both seasons. He would spend
five seasons as a professional; splitting time between ECHL, CHL and SPHL.

Dennis McCauley would log a busy first season; playing in fifty-six games this season the rookie would record a dozen goals
and nine assists. He would record his first Musketeer tally on October 25th is a win over the Chicago Steel. He would also collect
a team high 168 penalty minutes; second best among all league felons.
Next season would see the Team Captain finish fifth among all Musketeer scorers with seventeen goals and twenty-one assists
including eleven multi-point games. The two-time Musketeer Heavy Hitter would again lead the way in penalties recording 230
minutes in the box; fourth highest among all USHL players.

Tim Kennedy
Musketeers 2003-05
The Buffalo, NY native Tim Kennedy arrives in Sioux City with a predetermined anticipation that he would become one
of the league’s premier
players. The rookie quickly adjusted to the new level of play scoring his first goal in the season
opener on September 26th, against
the Tri-City Storm. He would record both nine goals and assists; including a two goal
affair against the Cedar rapids RoughRiders.
His eighteen total points placed him among the top ten Musketeer scorers and
second among the team’s rookie scorers.
He would be selected as the Musketeers Rookie of the Year.

Returning the following season, Tim hits the ice running; recording a team leading twenty-nine goals and thirty one assists. His
sixty points and six game winning goals are both one shy of leading the team. He would record fifteen multi-point games and a
pair of Hat Tricks, both against the Sioux Falls Stampede. He would also record six goals and eleven assists during the post-
season leading all other Musketeers. Tim is selected to the USHL All-Star game and chosen both  Musketeers awards for Most
Valuable Player and Most Offensive Player.

Tim made his NHL debut on December 27th, 2008 & scored his first NHL goal October 28th, 2009. After seven NHL
seasons playing in Buffalo, Florida and Phoenix, he is currently playing in Russia in the KHL

Johann Kroll
Musketeers 2002-04
Johann’s prior season with the Musketeers netted him lots of playing time; suiting up for thirty-six games he would record a
pair of goals including his first in a win over the Lincoln Stars on October 12th. He would also add four assists. The
Musketeer wouldn’t survive the first round of the post-season, but Johann would tally his first play-off goal in
game one against the River City Lancers.
Returning here for another season, the experienced Musketeer forward is ready to increase his playing-time and his scoring
numbers. Seeing time in fifty-five games this season he will record six goals and twenty-four assists. Johann would have
three multi-point games, including a three point outing against the Sioux Falls Stampede and collect three game winning
goals, two against Chicago and the other against Sioux Falls. He would go on to play four seasons at The Ohio State
University and then five additional seasons splitting time between the ECHL and AHL

Did You Know…That’s past Musketeer player Tyler Johnson wearing the stripes in the above picture. He played for the Musketeers
during the 1998-99 season and than an additional season playing for the Helens Gold Rush in the infamous Frontier Hockey League.
He would join the USA Hockey Officiating staff in 2000 and is currently working in the ECHL and AHL.  

  Louis Liotti                                                                       Justin Johnson
Musketeers 2003-05                                                                         Musketeers 2003-05
Long Island native Louis Liotti would have a busy rookie season; playing a fifty-eight game schedule, missing just a pair of
regular season match-ups. He would notch both his fist USHL goal and first game-winning goal, in a win over the Danville
Wings October 18th. Louis would also add twelve assists and record 36 penalty minutes during the regular season and a
goal and four assists before the Musketeers are eliminated in the second round. His next season would be an exciting
one as the Team Captain would help lead the Musketeers on another serious run at a Clark Cup Championship.

Justin Johnson would play his first of two USHL seasons in Sioux City. This season the rookie records three goals and seven
assists; his first Musketeer tally coming on November 1st in a shoot-out win over the Tri-City Storm. Returning next season the
veteran starts the year with a goal and an assists but an early-season trade moves him to Green Bay.

250 USHL Wins (bob) 89-90
Bob Ferguson
becomes the winningest coach in Musketeer franchise history, eventually ending his nine season
in Sioux City with 256 victories. He would go on to add another 261 wins coaching the Des Moines Buccaneers
for another eight seasons. His 517 wins is among the top five winningest coaches.